2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Hands-On Workshop, Sensemaking, Engineering


Rooms and times subject to change.
42 results
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N-gineer your GSS

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A401

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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"PV=NRT" is nearly 200 years old! However, the ideal gas law has remained a relevant tool that's helped us progress from Sterling Engines to Solar Panel Cars. How? Engineering. Come be a student in an engineering project based physics/ physical science class.

Teachers will have hands-on opportunity to experience engineered based lesson (mini unit). Teachers will come away with an example scope and sequence, example projects with directions, materials guidelines, and rubrics.

Briana Clarke (Park Day School: Oakland, CA)

Engineering to Empower Students & their Communities Through Understanding Heat Islands

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Cottonwood A

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Studying the Heat Island Effect covers multiple standards and content areas, and is an excellent grounding phenomenon to discuss equity and justice in the classroom. Come to this hands-on workshop to run through this experience and learn about a framework to develop empowering engineering projects.

Attendees will leave with a framework for developing engineering projects that integrate social justice, and will also walk through one of our developed projects on the Heat Island Effect.

Emily Berman (Global STEM Challenges Program)

Mrs. Brown needs you! A Fun K-2 STEM Activity using the storybook Mrs. Brown Went to Town

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A302

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
1st grade STEM activity - Patterns in the Sky.pptx
LP Mrs. Brown Went to Town.docx
LP Who Sank the Boat_.docx
NSTA - Mrs. Brown.pptx

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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In this interactive workshop, you will use the NGSS K-2 Engineering Design Standards to integrate STEM into the storybook Mrs. Brown Went to Town and see how you can get your students excited about reading and science through engineering.

Want to get your students excited about a story? Then have them be a part of the story and use their knowledge of materials and engineering to help Mrs. Brown! In this interactive session you will get to design and test your engineering project based on the storybook Mrs. Brown Went to Town.

Kevin Hill (Wicomico County Public Schools: Salisbury, MD), Anna Ball (Wicomico County Public Schools: Salisbury, MD)

Dumpster Dive with STEM

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A403

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Connect the human impact of trash pollution to engineering design. Get your students thinking critically and creatively as they collaborate in real-world problem solving.

Connecting the human impact of single-use plastics and its effect on aquatic ecosystems.

Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA), Jessica Kohout (Educational Consultant: Ellicott City, MD)

Investigating Light & Shadow With PK-2 Students

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C210

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Engage in teacher play with us and ponder how light sources and open-ended materials entice children to grow executive function skills as they construct systems that produce unique images.  

Participants will engage in teacher play as they handle light sources and open-ended materials and receive a handout to help them get started in preparing an environment for independent STEM experiences that can be offered daily in their PK-2 classroom.

Beth Dykstra VanMeeteren (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

CurrentGeneration.org : Engineering to Make a Brighter World

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A302

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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The workshop would begin with a short description of Hailey and Marie who want to be doctors, but live in light poverty and cannot study after the sun sets. They need clean sources of lights. Our students are searching for meaning in their learning. School must be meant for something more than grades on a test. They need to solve real problems that matter. Once the stage is set, attendees will spend the majority of time practicing how to solder and assemble 3D printed lights that will be sent to partner students living in Haiti. The instructions, list of materials and digital files circuit board files are freely available to that attendees can repeat and expand these efforts with their students from Grade 5 to grade 12. The purpose of learning if to build capacity to do good in the world. Students all over NSTA might find meaning in their learning and contribute to UNSDG’s #4 of Quality Education & #7 of Clean Energy while simultaneously learning electrical engineering and activism.

Attendees will learn how to solder through hole resistors and LEDs onto circuit boards for a solar powered light that will be sent to students in Haiti living in light poverty. Attendees will be able to teach their students that they can make a difference in the world with engineering.

Ian Fogarty (Riverview High School: Riverview, NB)

Wind Energy STEM Unit

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A301

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Design a multi day STEM project that incorporates wind energy. Participants would learn how to do a unit that incorporates a virtual lab as well as physically building wind turbine blades to generate energy.

Attendees will walk away with a multi-day (3+week) ready to use engineering design process unit on wind energy.

Heidi Webster (Teacher: Michigantown, IN), Allison Clegg (7th Grade Science Teacher)

Local Phenomenon-Based Projects

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A408

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Learn how to better integrate local phenomena into classroom learning through the use of long-term projects and the eCYBERMISSION STEM competition.

Attendees will learn strategies to use student-chosen local phenomena as the basis for long-term projects and participation in a national STEM competition, eCYBERMISSION.

Carey Dieleman (National Science Teaching Association: No City, No State), Kathryn Lasky (NSTA/Army Educational Outreach Program)

Getting Students Excited About STEM with a Competition…and How to Do It Without Losing Time!

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A408

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Participate in an activity created by expert teachers that will help you better understand how to get your students involved in STEM competitions, including the eCYBERMISSION competition.

Attendees will learn how to juggle student participation in STEM competitions with the rest of their teaching load and integrate the eCYBERMISSION STEM competition into their classroom.

Carey Dieleman (National Science Teaching Association: No City, No State), Kathryn Lasky (NSTA/Army Educational Outreach Program)

Developing Student Environmental Voice through STEM Activities

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Learn how to integrate the engineering design process and environmental education to engage students in this unit designed for upper elementary students! Participants will complete the Ocean Cleanup Challenge from the perspective of a student and learn about the Trashion Fashion Challenge.

In this session, participants will learn how to increase student awareness of ocean and land pollution through hands-on STEM challenges. They will also learn how to connect relevant, real world topics that matter to promote student voice.

Meghan Marrero (Mercy University, Dobbs Ferry Campus: No City, No State), Johanna Vasquez (Trinity Elementary School: New Rochelle, NY), Terri Agravat (Trinity Elementary School: New Rochelle, NY)

Rocketry + Avionics: Taking Data to New Heights

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C211

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Project Landing Page

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Inspired by recent space launches? Wondering how to capture the excitement with your students? Join us to learn how we use rocketry and avionics to teach data analysis and system engineering. This course allows exploration of Newton’s 2nd Law through guided modules that develop knowledge and skills.

Educators will explore the phenomena of rocketry through a hands-on activity focused on hardware and flight. They will then formulate how predictive and actual data tell the whole story of the rocket's flight. The session culminates with the supports to make rocketry accessible in their classroom.

Heather Arnett (STEM Coordinator: Champaign, IL)

Ignite Your Students’ Interest in STEM with SPARX (3-5)

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A305

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Learn about the new NASA Next Gen STEM activity Sparking Participation with Real-world Experiences (SPARX), launching in school year 23-24. Explore this exciting opportunity and experience hands-on lessons from the SPARX portfolio - Priority Packing for the Moon.

Participants will leave this session with an understanding of what resources will be necessary on a mission to the Moon, a knowledge of NASA SPARX, and an activity to ignite students' interest in STEM through space exploration resources.

Elizabeth Sebastian (Education Coordinator), Martha Lopez (Education Coordinator: Houston, TX)

Teachers Can Bridge the Gap Between Real World Research and Classroom Curriculum

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Grand Ballroom A

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Educators will present lessons they created based on their nanotechnology research. With overlap in high school curricula, nanotechnology fits into biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics.

Present the educational materials and the activities developed by some of the RET NNCI educators of GT, UNL, NU, and UofM and the classroom implementation information.

Steve Wignall (University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Lincoln, NE)

Thermoplastics vs Thermosets (Playing with Polymers)

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C213

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Thermoplastics & Thermosets NSTA 2023 Atlanta.ppt

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Overview of thermoset vs thermoplastic polymers and hands-on activities to be done in the classroom, including predictive design, calculations, and environmental impact discussion.

Ways to categorize, work with, and recycle polymers with design and engineering challenges.

Scott Spohler (Global Impact STEM Academy: Springfield, OH), Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH)

“I Can Show What I Know”: Benefits of Engineering with English Learners

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Explore how engineering benefits English learners as you engage in lessons designed to foster engineering, science, and language learning for elementary students.

Engineering activities can offer multimodal experiences for English learners that encourage their participation and contributions to the engineering classroom community and engage them in purposeful uses of language.

Christine Cunningham (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Waste Not, Want Not: Explore Making Transportation More Sustainable & Develop Scientfic Skills with the Bioenergy Research and Education BRIDGE Program

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C210

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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BRIDGES is a new initiative through the U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technologies Office, Idaho National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory to bridge the awareness and learning gaps for rural and urban communities as well as students from underrepresented groups. In this session, we will introduce our four new educational case studies in bioenergy that place students in collaborative and decision-making roles. Through the cases, students learn how bioenergy is important in our lives and is also being used to solve real environmental and economic challenges. Students will also discover career options for both non-technical and technical skills that can be used in the government, national laboratories, as well as private industry. Scientific practice skills such as developing and using models and obtaining, analyzing and interpreting data are featured in the cases.

Attendees will be introduced to four newly developed case study curricular resources that feature cutting edge science in sustainable aviation fuel, waste to energy, plastics upcycling, and biofuel feedstocks. After working one of the case studies, they will leave prepared to use it in the classroom

Jennifer Jackson (Precollege and Early Workforce Development Manager: , ID), Kelly Sturner (Argonne National Labaratory: Lemont, IL)

Egg Drop Challenge 2023

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Grand Ballroom B

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Participants will design and test a vessel that will land an egg dropped from a substantial height without breaking the egg. Participants will use a variety of materials to provide the softest landing possible. Participants will employ technology to assist them in designing their vessels and shape their final methods.

Design and test an egg vessel with real time data. Analyze live data to better design a successful egg drop vessel. Experience the engineering design process.

Brad Posnanski (Comsewogue High School: Port Jefferson Station, NY)

STEM Learning and Identity Through Informal Science Workshops

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A405

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Inclusive Community Science Workshops in schools, libraries, and communities fosters STEM learning, creativity, innovation, and identity through play, making, and positive social interactions.

Learn about instructional innovations, resources, and ideas for enhancing STEM learning and teaching.

Jerry Valadez (Fresno State and SAM Academy CSW)

Support for Engineering Practices in the OpenSciEd High School Course Sequence

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom D

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Support for Engineering Practices in the OpenSciEd High School Course Sequence.pdf

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Experience how HS OpenSciEd bio, chem, and physics support students in developing engineering practices and ideas in the context of complex problems. Examples from units investigating the Texas power outages, polar ice melt, and wildlife populations in Serengeti National Park will be highlighted.

Teachers will experience the different scaffolds and instructional supports for engineering thinking included in the HS OpenSciEd materials. Participants will see how they could use similar supports and materials in their own contexts and learn how high school OpenSciEd units will extend this work.

Dan Voss (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL), Kate Henson (University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO)

Argumentation and Radio Waves

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Grand Ballroom B

STRAND: No Strand

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During this session, you will experience a lesson that combines physics with engineering and argumentation. This hands-on lesson will allow your students to interact with the abstract concept of radio frequencies, resulting in a deeper understanding.

After this session, teachers will know how to integrate two highly sought-after skills, engineering, and argumentation, into a physics lesson. In addition, teachers will know how to turn the abstract concept of the EM spectrum into something more concrete and understandable.

Anna-Margaret Bruton (Project Director: Broader Impacts: Charlottesville, VA), Valarie Bogan (High School Co-Op)

Musical Makers: Garbage Band

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A407

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Garbage Band: Google Drive Documents

STRAND: No Strand

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After being inspired by the Recycled Orchestra of Cateura, participants will design their own musical instruments using “trash.” We will then learn how to add conductive materials to our instruments creating our own Garbage Band complete with music videos.

While constructing their own musical instruments from recycled materials participants will explore conductivity as they use a variety of materials to create circuits adding to their Garbage Band experience. They will then learn how to make music videos via a green screen and iMovie.

Rachel Eades (Midland Trail High School: Charleston, WV), Tiffany Pace (Cross Lanes Elementary School: Charleston, WV)

Design, make and test your own electric racing car

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B303

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Create an electric car and race it against other participants’ cars. These cars are made using cardboard strips, paper fasteners, wooden skewers, tape and plastic wheels, in addition to motors and AA batteries, whose total cost is about $1.50.

A car consists of a base, wheels, a battery, a motor and a drive system. Only one drive wheel is needed to propel the car, and the simplest drive system has this wheel attached directly to the motor.

Jazlyn Mena (Castle Bridge School: New York, NY), Jody Hilton (P.S. 44 Marcus Garvey Magnet School of Engineering and Design and The City College of New York), Lacey Samsoe (Teacher: Brooklyn, NY)

Teaching about balanced and unbalanced forces using engineering and Humpty Dumpty

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A411

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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In this session, participants will work on hands-on activities and test a prototype to learn about forces using the engineering design model and translanguaging for elementary grades.

Participants will learn how to teach about forces for elementary grade level using an engineering activity and translanguaging (English/Spanish).

Brianna Ricker (Student: No City, No State), Max Vazquez Dominguez (University of North Georgia: Dahlonega, GA)

Teaching about genetics using engineering, video games, and translanguaging

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A405

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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In this session, participants will work on hands-on activities and test a prototype to learn about genetics using the engineering design model and translanguaging for middle grades.

Participants will learn how to teach about genetics for middle grade level using an engineering activity and translanguaging (English/Spanish).

Maggie Lewis (Student: Dawsonville, GA), Lorraine Ramirez Villarin (University of North Georgia: Dahlonega, GA), Victoria Hunter (Student), Max Vazquez Dominguez (University of North Georgia: Dahlonega, GA)

Integrating STEM through Literature

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B202

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
_Those Darn Squirrels EDP.docx.pdf
The Most Magnificent Thing.docx.pdf

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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After reviewing the steps of the Engineering Design Process, educators will engage in a read-aloud story by Ashley Spires called The Most Magnificent Thing. Connections will be made between the story and the Engineering Design Process. From there, educators will put on their ‘student hats’ as they view a read-aloud of a story called Those Darn Squirrels! by Adam Rubin. With this story, educators will think like their students as they engage in an Engineering Design Process using elements from the book. For example, they will identify the problem in the story (How can Mr. Fookwire keep the squirrels away from his bird feeder?), and learn about the constraints involved. They will then brainstorm, diagram, and build their model as a team. They will also present their model and use feedback to make improvements. After experiencing the EDP, resources will be shared with teachers to assist them in designing an EDP using literature across many grade levels.

Plan for upcoming STEM integrated lessons by exploring resources and brainstorming ideas with colleagues

Brenna Chambers (Arizona Science Center: Phoenix, AZ), Judith Lozoya (Professional Development Facilitator: Phoenix, AZ), Jennifer Petersen (Professional Development Facilitator: Phoenix, AZ)

Get Those Hands Dirty: PBL to Jumpstart Your Students' Love for Science

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A314

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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This workshop is designed to encourage teachers to jumpstart a love for learning science by using multiple project-based learning ideas, hands-on activities, and STEM challenges. Ignite your students' creativity! Challenge your students' problem-solving abilities! Let them get their hands dirty!

Participants will experience first hand a couple of hands-on activities and be given a guide filled with multiple project ideas and instructions on how to implement them in their class. They will learn how to engage their students and alter their perception and love for learning science!

Kandis Howard (Science Teacher: Mansfield, AR)

STEM Lessons from the International Space Station: Engineering Design Process

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C210

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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This session introduces participants to NASA resources including a closer look at STEMonstrations which are STEM demonstrations filmed in the microgravity environment aboard the International Space Station and taught by astronauts. Each of these videos includes a corresponding Classroom Connection lesson plan which is ready for educators to immediately implement in their classrooms. This session focuses on the Engineering Design Process STEMonstration where participants will watch the Engineering Design Process STEMonstration video and participate in the corresponding Classroom Connection activity. Other engineering design activities will be introduced and discussed as extensions to this introductory lesson.

Educators will become familiar with STEMonstrations and be able to integrate these videos and corresponding Classroom Connections into their classrooms. Participants will leave this session with hands-on, ready-to-go STEM lesson plans including student activities and worksheets.

Michele Hooks (Education Project Manager), Lynn Dotson (NASA Office of STEM Engagement-GoH: Kennedy Space Center, FL)

STEM | Cross-Curricular Data Collection and Analysis

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A311

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Attendees will learn how to collect and analyze data using sensors and technology for use across multiple Science and Engineering courses in both Biology & Engineering and Physics & Engineering cross-curricular STEM settings.

Attendees will learn how to use sensors and available technology that allow students to collect and analyze data across multiple Science and Engineering courses in both cross-curricular Biology & Engineering and Physics & Engineering STEM settings.

Matthew Bennett (Mill Creek High School: Hoschton, GA), Mary Morris (Mill Creek High School: Hoschton, GA), Jonathan Harper (Mill Creek High School: Hoschton, GA)

Saving Skee-Ball: Applying Engineering & Science with a Fun Storyline

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B407

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Saving Skee Ball QR code __ NSTA23 presenter materials.pdf
Link provides access to presentation slides and copy of facilitator's guide.

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Come have a BALL and put your own SPIN on how the game of Skee-ball is built and played so you and your students can save Skee-ball, too! This session provides an engaging, hands-on activity that explores physics and engineering through a “cardboard arcade” activity coupled with a fun storyline.

Participants will identify relevant physics concepts related to building and playing a cardboard Skee-ball game through this FUN engineering project that is easily-adaptable for students across grade levels and settings.

Christine Moskalik (NSTA)

Rise to the Challenge: STEM Challenges for Your Students

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A305

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2021 MA STEM Challenge - Hurricane Heroes Curriculum Packet (10.13.21 Version).pdf
Extreme Zoo Makeover Curriculum Packet (Web Version).pdf
STEM Challenge Curriculum Packet - (Revised).pdf

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

Show Details

Join the Wade Institute and their partners to explore STEM Challenges developed for MA STEM Week. Participate in inquiry-based investigations using the engineering design process. Receive the curriculum packets. Challenges include: Extreme Zoo Makeover, Survivor Island and Storm City USA.

Participants will experience using the Engineering Design Process and inquiry investigations to develop engineering challenges for their students and receive curriculum packets for 3 Challenges developed for Massachusetts' STEM week.

Rachel Stronach (Lloyd Center for the Environment: Dartmouth, MA), Kathryn Atkins (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA), Sandra Ryack-Bell (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA)

Exploer Earth: Monitoring Microplastic Pollution from Space

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C213

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
25a_Additional Resources_Explore Earth Microplastic Pollution.pdf
25a_Explore Earth_Microplastic Pollution.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Cue Card #1.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Cue Card #2.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Cue Card #3.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Cue Card #4.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Cue Card #5.pdf
Engineer a Satellite One-Pager.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Student Worksheet #1.pdf
Engineer a Satellite Student Worksheet #2.pdf

STRAND: No Strand

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Projections are that by 2050, there may be more plastic in our oceans than fish, leading to calls for a worldwide treaty restricting plastics. In this session, participants will explore new remote-sensing capabilities for monitoring microplastics from space and relevant STE[A]M+G educator resources.

To offer participants resources and strategies for developing a STE[A]M+G Earth science unit that integrates problem-based learning (PBL), hands-on NASA student design challenges and cross-curricular material.

Anne Weiss (Educator Professional Development Specialist)

Engineering in Pre-K and K: Making Mechanisms and Structures

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A408

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Learn to make cardboard mechanisms and structures, create a mechanism that looks like a letter, and mount it to make a structure. Students in pre-K classrooms in Brooklyn, NY have learned to identify mechanisms and structures by engaging in these activities.

Mechanisms and structures are all around us! Mechanisms have independent moving parts, while structures do not. Increasing the number of fasteners can turn a mechanism into a structure while removing fasteners can turn it back into a mechanism.

Jazlyn Mena (Castle Bridge School: New York, NY), Jody Hilton (P.S. 44 Marcus Garvey Magnet School of Engineering and Design and The City College of New York), Lacey Samsoe (Teacher: Brooklyn, NY)

STEM Essentials for Middle School

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B316

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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This workshop will provide you with various resources that you can take back to your classroom to provide your middle schoolers with engaging STEM activities that address the Engineering Design Process. Walk away with many hands-on project ideas, coding and gaming activities and online 3D design.

Attendees will learn how to incorporate the Engineering Design Process into every STEM lesson they create. Materials and worksheets provided.

Jacie Veno (Plymouth Public Schools: Plymouth, MA)

Cell phones and politics: who decides if you get 5G?

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A309

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Radio frequency lesson folder
This link includes the lesson plan and materials for my original radio frequency card sort activity

STRAND: No Strand

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This session will introduce participants to a lesson that incorporates elements of physics and government. The interdisciplinary lesson requires students to grapple with the delicate balance of providing access to everyone and physics which dictates the frequencies available for a given user.

After this session, participants will have a ready-to-implement lesson that incorporates government and science. This lesson addresses the fact that the EM spectrum is a limited resource that has to be managed in order for everyone to benefit.

Jamie Avalos (O.D. Wyatt High School: Fort Worth, TX), Valarie Bogan (High School Co-Op)

Fostering Creativity in Engineering Design

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A305

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Inspired by the "Odyssey of the Mind" national competition, engage in competitive hands-on engineering projects (5-10 minutes each) designed to encourage student creativity in the design process. Attendees will be split into groups of five individuals and given unique engineering problems to solve.

(1) Creativity is essential for engineering design (2) Learn how to engage students in expanding their creative minds

Stephen Krajeski (Bridgewater State University: Bridgewater, MA)

EDP: Grow Engineers When Your Day Falls Apart

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B314

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
EDP_ challenge sheet.pdf
EDP_ Grow Engineers When Your Day Falls Apart links and supplies.pdf

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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We will compare the scientific method with the engineering design process, highlighting the idea that the scientific method is more linear and the engineering design process is more cyclical. After overviewing the SEPs, we will use a typical classroom challenge that includes criteria and constraints to lead participants through the engineering design process, taking on the role of the students. Once the challenge is completed, we will look at how many of the SEPs were used during our engineering design process challenge. This will help emphasize the importance of students completing the entire EDP process as a way to develop students' critical thinking skills and scientific behaviors. Stem Tool #32 (stemteachingtools.org) says, "Engaging with a range of practices in different configurations helps students understand that there is not just one way to conduct science and that scientists draw upon varied practices in their research."

Although a teacher may not be working toward a content standard, focusing on science and engineering practices alone is an integral part of science education.

Ashley Tilley (AMSTI-UM: Pelham, AL), Holly Adams (University of Montevallo: Montevallo, AL)

Socially engaged engineering: Who benefits? Who is harmed?

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Explore a socially engaged approach to engineering as you interact with lessons designed to help students consider how engineering connects to their lives and impacts stakeholders’ communities and cultures.

Socially engaged engineering situates engineering in its larger societal context and helps students recognize how a range of stakeholders benefit or are harmed by engineering solutions. Through such work, students develop empathy and perspective-taking as well as more robust solutions.

Christine Cunningham (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Beyond the Books: Creating Engaging STEAM Activities

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B304

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Beyond the Books Slide Presentation

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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A team of Primary and Lower School educators will share strategies for effective implementation of STEAM through the Design Thinking Process with students in grades Pre-K - 6. Attendees will have the opportunity to experience hands-on activities and gain experience with various technologies.

Attendees will learn how to effectively implement various STEAM strategies with elementary students through hands-on activities, technologies, and literature.

Tammy Felton (Woodward Academy: Decatur, GA), Amy Walker (Media Specialist: College Park, GA), Summaya Knight (Woodward Academy: College Park, GA), Natalie Rachel (Woodward Academy: College Park, GA)

Offshore Wind and Whales STEM

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A316

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

Show Details

How does the installation of offshore wind turbines impact marine life? This hands-on session will allow participants to design and test a model that would reduce noise pollution from drilling into the sea floor.

Engineers and marine biologists work together to ensure that protected species are not negatively impacted during the installation of offshore wind turbines. Participants will investigate the precautionary measure of using bubble curtains to absorb sound waves.

Cori Nelson (Winfield School District 34: Winfield, IL)

Blow the Roof Off!

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B204

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Strong winds generated by hurricanes and tornadoes can lift the roof off a house. Use a model for the engineering design process that integrates the NGSS three dimensions to design a better roof.

The NGSS student performance expectation addressed in this workshop is: 3-EES3-1 Make a claim about the merit of a design solution that reduces the impacts of a weather-related hazard.

Karen Ostlund (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Enhancing engineering with computational thinking

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A405

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Explore how computational thinking can enhance students’ engineering designs and science sensemaking. You’ll engage with two middle school modules that develop computational thinking practices and skills as they bolster engineering understandings and solutions related to thermal energy transfer.

Computational tools are increasingly used by scientists and engineers. Hands-on engineering design challenges provide an authentic and motivating context for students to practice and apply computational thinking.

Mary Dzaugis (Mathworks: Natick, MA), Christine Cunningham (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Ready, Set, Launch Students into Engineering Design!

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B301

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Looking for a way to bring meaning to data collection and analysis? Join members of the Air Camp USA Team to see how to engage students in this hands-on approach to help your students think like scientists and engineers. Make predictions, test variables, and design your perfect straw rocket!

Participants will learn hands-on strategies to help students develop measurement, data collection, and analysis skills they can apply in engineering design lessons. You will learn methods to differentiate this in any K-12 setting and leave with resources for your classroom.

Shannon Coblentz (Director of Operations: Dayton, OH), Christina Davis (Air Camp USA, Inc.: Dayton, OH)

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