2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Presentation, Technology and Media


Rooms and times subject to change.
16 results
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Narrowing the Gap through Communication

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C209

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Narrowing the Gap Through Communication (NSTA 2023).pdf

STRAND: Technology and Media

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You just graded a quiz or test and you need to analyze and share that information with stakeholders. Come learn how you can use mail merge to narrow the gap by providing personalized feedback with students.

Participants will learn the features available with mail merge and obtain a template excel file for data analysis to be used for a mail merge in their own classrooms.

Tiffany Shoham Jones (Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology: Conyers, GA)

NASA TechRise Student Challenge

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C210

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Learn how the NASA TechRise Student Challenge helps students build and fly their own experiment ideas in suborbital vehicles (balloons and rockets), as well as how it helps inspire students across the nation to engage in STEM, research, and technology projects.

TechRise's unique approach to STEM enables students and educators of all experience levels to learn tangible engineering skills including coding and working with electronics. The challenge aims to engage student teams across the U.S. in the technology experiment design and flight test process.

Deanne Bell (Future Engineers: Burbank, CA), Lucas Moxey (NASA Outreach: Edwards, CA)

Beyond Spreadsheets: Getting the Most Out of Data Science Tools

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B409

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Want your students to use more data in the classroom, but fed up with hacking a path through the spreadsheet jungle? Packed with classroom examples, tips, and easy-to-use tools, this show-and-tell panel will give you a roadmap to the best data analysis software available for science education today.

Attendees will understand the landscape of existing data analysis tools for science classrooms, along with their key characteristics, ideal use cases, and tips to get the most out of each tool.

Harshil Parikh (Tuva Labs Inc.: New York, NY), Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA), Aaron Reedy (DataClassroom: Charlottesville, VA), Zarek Drozda (Data Science 4 Everyone: No City, No State)

Deep Dive with Dummies – Exploring equity in crash-testing research to teach about the Nature of Science

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C206

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Go behind-the-scenes of a vehicle crash-test facility to learn about the latest research regarding equity issues and crash testing.

Is crash testing biased against women? Exploring the reality of this question offers students and teachers an opportunity for real-world studies of nature of science topics such as correlation vs. causation as well as statistical data analysis techniques and other engineering practices concepts.

Griff Jones (University of Florida), Pini Kalnite (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Highway Loss Data Institute: Arlington, VA), Linda Jones (University of Florida: Gainesville, FL)

Using Research Datasets from a National Lab to Bring Data Science Into STEM Classes

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Department of Energy national labs provide opportunities for students to interact with STEM professionals and learn STEM skills through research-based curricula. Berkeley Lab has developed a data science curriculum in which students apply data analysis and coding skills on datasets from researchers.

Attendees will learn how to integrate data science and coding into their STEM classes through an open source, research-based curriculum developed at Berkeley Lab.

Faith Dukes (Director, K-12 STEM Education Programs: Berkeley, CA), Alisa Bettale (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: Berkeley, CA)

Technology & You: How to Get There Faster

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B212

STRAND: Technology and Media

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What is the purpose of technology? In this session we want to help you improve the time, effectiveness, and proficiency of curriculum planning, lesson delivery, and student engagement.

With these applications, tools, and helpful examples, we will show you how to speed up the process of curriculum planning, lesson delivery, and student engagement.

Felicia Poole (Wilkinson County School District: Irwinton, GA), Chivas Spivey (Educational Consultant: MACON, GA)

Using “Science As a Human Endeavor” to Foster Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Secondary Science Classrooms

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A312

STRAND: Technology and Media

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A free online resource titled “Science as a Human Endeavor” provides an avenue to address diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn practical ways to use this resource in your 7th–12th grade classroom to highlight diversity in STEM and to invite all students to participate in science.

Participants will learn how to highlight diversity and foster inclusion in their classes by leveraging NGSS’s Connections to Nature of Science concept “Science is a Human Endeavor.” Participants will be introduced to a free online resource and receive guidance and examples for use in their teaching.

Ben Koo (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Civic Online Reasoning in Science

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom C

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Tired of your students clicking on the first link of a search? Help them make smart research decisions using Stanford History Education Group's Civic Online Learning curriculum. Examples are all embedded in science content and include search techniques and social media.

Science teachers can take the front seat in teaching students best practices in online searches with mini-lessons embedded in science content.

Adrianne Toomey (Neuqua Valley High School: Naperville, IL)

There’s No Place Like (Your LMS) Homepage

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A408

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Does your course homepage encourage the type of learning experience you wish to provide learners? Our mission was to create an intuitive and student-centered homepage. We will show you the evolution of our own homepage and invite you to consider how you can achieve similar outcomes on your homepage.

Participants will consider our example of a universal and intuitive LMS homepage with insights into how to implement these features into their own educational settings.

Erin Siverd (Virtual Learning Specialist: , PA)

Responding to 21st Century Science Needs: Building an Infrastructure that Gives All Students Access to Computer Science Learning

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Grand Ballroom A

STRAND: Technology and Media

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At its September 2022 International Global Computer Science Conference (CSEdCon), CODE.Org recognized Maryland and the Maryland Center for Computing Education as the nation leaders building an infrastructure that offers high quality computer science courses in every high school in the state. Presenters in this session will share the critical elements of their work to create this nationally recognized computer science infrastructure. This presentation will focus on adaptable strategies and outcome data for building and sustaining an equity-centered computer science teaching and learning infrastructure. Specifically, presenters will share the types of local and state-level financial commitments, intellectual CS content knowledge, constituent buy-in, and personnel/individual commitments are needed. Finally, attendees will learn some specific strategies for recruiting teachers and students from historically under-represented groups into computer science education and careers.

Attendees will learn the K-12, higher education and business resources needed to create an equity-centered computer science teaching and learning infrastructure, including financial investments; intellectual/content; personnel/individuals; advocate engagement

Dianne O'Grady-Cunniff (Director: Adelphi, MD), Dewayne Morgan (University System of Maryland: Adelphi, MD)

Powerful, FREE tools for Data Analysis and Systems Thinking

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B409

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Come discover how free, NSF-funded tools from The Concord Consortium can engage your students in data analysis and systems thinking, with a special emphasis on Science Practices. Bring a device to this interactive session and get free resources!

Participants will gain knowledge and experience in using free, research-based technology resources for data exploration and for diagramming and analysis of complex systems.

Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA)

First Steps to Integrate Computing into your Science Curriculum using the Raspberry Pi 400 Platform

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Four Corners Science and Computing Club

STRAND: Technology and Media

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The Four Corners Science & Computing Club presents workshop based curricula for schools serving primarily Native American students. Raspberry Pi 400 computers and environmental data sensors are used to introduce students to Scientific Computing. Access to online curricula and resources provided.

Attendees will learn how to integrate low-cost, easy to build, data collection software and hardware into a STEM curriculum in order to engage students in scientific computing through hands-on problem-based education. Access to online curriculum and links to resources provided.

Jeff Meilander (PhD student: FLAGSTAFF, AZ)

Promoting Scientific Literacy and Data Fluency with Interactive Simulations (PhET/CODAP)

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Cottonwood A

STRAND: Technology and Media

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One of the core practices of science is the use of measurements with corresponding uncertainties to make claims about an experiment. Join PhET and Concord Consortium as they showcase their work creating the next generation of interactive simulations with a focus on data fluency and measurement.

Attendees will get a full demonstration of the upcoming open-source simulations from PhET and CODAP, including all links and digital materials. Presenters will also discuss several ideas for mini-activities to teach students about experimental uncertainty and measurement.

Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA), Matthew Blackman (PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO)

Student Centered Computing: A Framework Beyond Computing

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B207

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Student-Centered Computing (SCC), is a new CS curriculum for middle and high school students. This full-year curriculum, introduces students to computer science skills and concepts as they investigate and advocate for solutions to a problem of their own choosing.

The SCC curriculum provides students with an engaging introductory computer science experience that encourages all students to continue in CS. Key elements include a collaborative, PBL approach and culturally authentic practices that support students’ voice, choice, and sense of belonging.

Douglas Edwards (Senior Research Associate: Atlanta, GA)

Powerful, FREE simulations for three-dimensional NGSS teaching

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B409

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Come discover how free, NSF-funded simulations and curricula from The Concord Consortium can add all three dimensions of the NGSS to your physics, physical science and chemistry teaching, with a special emphasis on the Science Practices. Bring a device and take away free resources!

Strategies in the use of simulations for 3D NGSS-aligned teaching

Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA)

Intro to Health Equity with the CDC Museum

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

STRAND: Technology and Media

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When it comes to health, sometimes your zip code matters more than your genetic code. Join the CDC Museum in unpacking our Introduction to Health Equity STEM Lesson. We’ll use data tools to identify place-based causes of health disparities, with a focus on the health effects of climate change.

Where you live, work, and play affects your health. Examining the factors that adversely affect health outcomes for different populations is essential to eliminating health disparities and to ensuring better health for all.

Emma Domby (Museum Visitor Experience Manager/Educator: Atlanta, GA), Trudi Ellerman (Education Director: Atlanta, GA)

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