2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Keynote Address, Technology and Media, General Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
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Teacher Voices Keynote Panel: Humanizing Science Education: Places, People, and Community - Encouraging Students to Feel Their Place and Identity In and Out of the Classroom

Thursday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom

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Join us for our inaugural Teacher Voices Keynote Panel, moderated by Dr. Stephen Pruitt, President of the Southeast Regional Education Board (SREB). Panel members—three inspiring, passionate educators from various parts of the country—will share engaging and inclusive strategies for humanizing science education, drawing on their own teaching experiences to fuel the discussion.

Whitney Aragaki, Autumn Rivera (Glenwood Springs Middle School: Glenwood Springs, CO), William Stockton (Arlee High School: Missoula, MT)

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