Integration of the critical aspects of the three dimensions in NGSS is
meant to drive and equip teachers to promote real science in students’ daily
lives. These pillars of the three-dimensional learning delineated in each
standard of the NGSS provide effective strategies that address important focus
areas that positively impact Urban Science Education. How can we ensure that
quality science education is being promoted in all school settings, especially
urban ones? An asset-based pedagogical approach focuses on the strengths,
interests, and connections to students’ prior knowledge in a culturally
responsive way. Science educators constantly seek resources and strategies to
promote successful science education. Challenges that are faced in urban
educational settings such as overcrowding, limited resources, and equity in the
distribution of the resources have negatively impacted science education
directly. In many cases, urban science teachers constantly engage in the
mitigation of these
Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA)