2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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11 results
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CSSS: Conversations about systemic supports for teaching sustainability and climate change topics.

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 F

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Teaching climate change in diverse contexts can be challenging; however, working with colleagues, community members, and leaders in business, government and non-profits can ensure that such teaching persists and expands as needed. This session will be a discussion format to share examples and name challenges and opportunities in building systemic supports for teaching climate change at a variety of scales within educational systems. Facilitators are experienced implementors in this field and bring a variety of perspectives to the conversation. We will also explore tools that have been used to foster deeper collaborations, help facilitate leadership support, and expand teacher capacity to engage in sustainability and climate change learning.

1. Explore examples of needed systemic supports for sustainability and climate change learning 2. Examine tools for working on building supports in your own contexts 3. Share learning with other participants around challenges and opportunities for building systemic supports

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Tana Luther (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA)

Exploring Local Phenomena through a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Lens

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 D

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Centering learning around local phenomena can foster sustainable futures when learning is framed in larger global systems thinking and principles. The SDGs provide a framework of 17 central goals that help to foster thriving and sustainable communities. The SDGs are used across many different nations to raise awareness, engage people in action around critical needs for fostering thriving communities, and innovate solutions for our shared futures. This session will explore the SDG framework and its connections to potential local phenomena that connect to learning standards. Participants will be supported to consider examples of how this framework can be used for teaching students about sustainability, climate solutions, and green economy transitions that are critical to our shared future. We will draw on resources and experiences from partner organizations across the nation and the world.

After learning about the SDGs, participants will explore the interrelationships between the SDG Framework and local phenomena for use in their own teaching.

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Brian Mandell (Smithsonian Science Education Center: Washington, DC), John Olson (Metropolitan State University: Saint Paul, MN)

How to Use NOAA Data: A Guide for Educators

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Julie Lee

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NOAA Data Presentation

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) collects hundreds of terabytes of data daily from satellites, buoys, weather stations, animal tags, and more. Though that may sound intimidating, much of this data is readily available to teachers and can be used in the classroom to teach about our natural world. Using scientific data in the classroom can be a great way for teachers to motivate students and for students to learn inquiry-based methods using real-world data. This presentation will highlight many of NOAA’s standards-supported resources, how to access them, and strategies for using them in the classroom. NOAA data spans Earth, life, and physical sciences, and comes in a variety of formats ranging from raw unprocessed real-time measurements and satellite images to processed visualizations, graphs, charts, and animations. Many resources are ready-to-go so you can bring data into your classroom tomorrow!

What types of data are available from NOAA and how to find and use NOAA data in your classroom.

Kayla Smith (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Silver Spring, MD)

CSSS: Teaching Climate Through a Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Lens

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 F

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Teaching climate change in diverse contexts often means we need to meet communities where they are at and teach through concerns that are central to their lives. The SDGs provide a framework of 17 central goals that help to foster thriving and sustainable communities. The SDGs are a global framework that is used across many different nations to raise awareness and engage people in action around critical needs for fostering thriving communities. This session will explore the SDG framework and its connections to climate literacy principles. Participants will be supported to consider examples of how this framework can be used for teaching students about sustainability, climate solutions, and green economy transitions that are critical to our shared future. We will draw on resources and experiences from partner organizations across the nation and the world. "

1. Be able to describe the SDGs Framework 2. Explore the interrelationships between the SDG Framework and climate literacy principles 3. Consider connection points with the SDG Framework to your own teaching

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Brian Mandell (Smithsonian Science Education Center: Washington, DC), Molly Talbot (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA)

Using Midwest-Centered Phenomena to Anchor Storylines About Climate Science

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2210

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides on ideas for teaching about climate science using Midwest-centered storylines.

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Creative ideas will be explored for developing and using climate science storylines based on Midwestern climate phenomena, past and present. For example, the timing of the settling of Midwestern states was a direct result of global and regional climate changes that included the Little Ice Age (creating a demand for animal furs for coats and hats) and the giant 1815 eruption of the Indonesian volcano Tambora (which caused the famines of the “year without a summer” and drove large numbers of easterners westward into the Midwest. Examining regional Midwest geology (such as glacial deposits and bedrock limestone layers) can also foster student sensemaking of the cycles of climate change that can occur on longer time scales. Analyzing the evidence of past climate changes and its impacts on humans and other life will help students carry out the processes of sensemaking to better understand the current trends in climate change (obtained from NASA satellites) and their implications for humans.

Climate-related storylines anchored by Midwest regional phenomena provide powerful frameworks for students to develop sensemaking of performance expectations concerning weather and climate. Instructors will leave with multiple ideas for incorporating the latest climate science into their classroom.

Michael Wysession (Washington University in St. Louis: Saint Louis, MO)

Teaching About Climate Tipping Points: The Latest Climate Science from the IPCC

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides on the latest scientific results from the IPCC and ideas on teaching about climate science in high school.

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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An important and exciting focus of climate science addresses tipping points, which are non-linear reinforcing feedbacks within the climate system. Current climate research has identified at least a dozen different important climate tipping points that could possibly be triggered in the near future, with significant implications for human society; these include changes to glaciers, permafrost, ocean circulation, surface albedo, ocean acidity, and the biomass storage of carbon. This presentation will address what these tipping points are, why they are potentially dangerous, and how best to teach about them. The topic of climate tipping points aligns with several of the NGSS Earth and space science performance expectations and also strongly aligns with the NGSS CCC on the Stability and Change of systems. Ideas will be presented for phenomena and storylines addressing climate tipping points, which can be used in a chemistry, Earth science, environmental science, or physical science course.

The subject of climate system tipping points is societally timely and important, and is an engaging topic for addressing NGSS several performance expectations in Earth and space science, and helping students understand the NGSS crosscutting concept of Stability and Change.

Michael Wysession (Washington University in St. Louis: Saint Louis, MO)

Climate Optimists: Fighting "climate fatigue" through teaching advocacy skills and nurturing hope within our students

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 B

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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In this session, participants will consider the ramifications of climate fatigue on generations who are and will continue to be responsible for climate-affecting decisions as scientists and citizens as well as the means to apply social-emotional learning (SEL) to equip educators and students with hope. Participants will explore the benefits (for educators and students) of integrating SEL concepts and benchmarks with the NGSS throughout educator and student learning experiences. We will identify connections between and opportunities for educator- and student-led discussions, advocacy opportunities, and giving educators and students ownership and agency in their learning through utilizing their backgrounds, interests, abilities, and voice. Participants will have access to strategies and tools that support the integration of SEL within climate science instruction and overviews of instructional units that lend themselves to building climate optimism.

Participants will leave with a set of strategies and tools to implement with regard to their own relationships with climate science, as well as those they can use with other educators and their students to shift toward hope and advocacy.

Erin Lark (Kognity: Stockholm, 0)

Power-Up Your Teaching: Exploring the energy grid supply and demand

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2210


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Through an interactive presentation, participants will engage with the learning concepts presented a "Sagging Circuits" lesson. Participants will build an electric grid using materials provided by The Energy Coalition’s program: Energy is Everything. The lesson will connect to real-world scenarios by portraying a town’s electric grid and monitoring the supply and demand. The lesson incorporates a story describing the various energy-use activities occurring to monitor the town’s energy consumption and manage the city’s electricity supply. Participants will be instructed to build a series of circuits to depict the energy load on the electrical grid and record their data on a handout and graph their daily load profiles on graph paper. Additionally, the lesson will inspire a discussion of the impact of renewable energy resources on the power grid.

This hands-on, standards-aligned workshop will show the influence of engineering, technology, and science on society and the natural world. Participants will leave the workshop with concepts and strategies to implement a similar lesson with their students.

Hanna Buechi (Sr. Project Coordinator: Irvine, CA), Jasmine Pineda (Project Manager: Irvine, CA)

Climate kNOWledge: Bringing Climate Science and Climate Justice Conversations to the Classroom

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Climate kNOWledge engages all 6th grade students from the Howard County Public School system (MD) in learning about and understanding climate science and climate justice through a 45-day science unit. The goal of Climate kNOWledge is to bring current climate science into the classroom while helping students understand the disproportionate impacts climate change has on communities worldwide. Students participate in two field experiences; a schoolyard data collection where hands on protocols help them understand specific climate phenomena like the urban heat island effect, and an offsite field trip to learn about climate change solutions. The unit culminates in student-led action projects that are grounded in evidence-based reasoning and address a local climate change impact. This session will provide an overview of the new Climate kNOWledge unit and will discuss strategies for leading meaningful and educational conversations around climate justice topics with young audiences.

Participants will learn strategies for leading conversations about climate justice with students. We will showcase activities, case studies, and other tools that lead to successful learning environments where students feel empowered by knowledge to seek positive changes in their own communities.

Bess Caplan (Howard County Conservancy: Woodstock, MD)

Helping Students Understand Changing Climates and Their Potential Socioeconomic Impacts

Saturday, October 28 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Changing global and local climates have perceptible impacts on communities, so teachers need to be able to develop lessons based on reliable date and research-based reports that their students can access and analyze to inform future decision-making. In this session, I will share some examples of use.

Available climate data exists to be used in developing lesson plans to guide student decision-making.

Michael Passow (Dwight Morrow HS (retd): Englewood, NJ)

Leveraging the Humanities to Increase Global Stewardship and Agency in the Earth Science Classroom

Saturday, October 28 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Featured Works and Bibliography - Humanities and Climate Change


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The session will suggest ways in which to reach out of the science classroom and into the heart to connect climate science to the human factor of the climate crisis. Specific pieces of writing (fiction and essay), art, photography, poetry, music, and multimedia will be shared with audience members. These will be provided as examples of the science-humanities connection and how to leverage the emotions present in the work to underscore the severity of the climate crisis. The presentation will suggest entry points in the NGSS Standards to integrate the interdisciplinary approach. The session will also highlight artwork from diverse cultures, some of which will feel the impact of Climate Change earlier than industrialized nations (i.e. Marshallese or other Pacific Islanders). Resources and lists of potential works linked to Climate Change will be provided so attendees may select the works that would best connect to their unique student populations.

Teachers can use writing, art, photography, poetry, and other forms of expressions from our global culture to supplement a student's scientific understanding of the potential and current effects of Climate Change. If you humanize the problem, advocacy follows.

Peter Knutson (Department of Defense Education Activit;y: No City, No State)

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