2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:6 - 8, STEM Share-a-Thon, Life Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
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The ASSET Program (Advancing Secondary Science Education through Tetrahymena)

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Children are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. ASSET activities nurture that innate curiosity by engaging students in an interactive, hands-on exploration of the world of biology using safe, easily manipulated live Tetrahymena. Each module introduces students to a core biological concept using an interactive approach that involves scientific observation, manipulation of experimental materials, and evaluation of results. Each module is a stand-alone unit that comes with information relating the content to core concepts and, and is supported by an equipment lending library that can provide teachers at under-resourced schools with the materials needed to carry out the modules. Comprehensive teacher guides and detailed student handouts are provided for each module to facilitate classroom implementation.

Participants will be introduced to ASSET and will conduct modified lab activities to see how ASSET can be used in the classroom to address topics like microscope use, cell parts and processes (phagocytosis & osmolarity), and the effects of smoking, vaping, and alcohol on living cells.

Courtney Hausner (Oakville Senior High: St. Louis, MO), Anne Deken (John Burroughs School: St. Louis, MO), Alexandra Forgerson (Instructional Specialist: University City, MO)

Fly Into Science and Engineering Practices with Birds

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Birds provide an accessible context for student science investigations and creative engineering design projects. From building a bird feeder from recyclables, to building nest boxes for specific species, to thinking critically about bird adaptations, using citizen-science projects to inspire authentic questions and original scientific studies… we aim to help creative students engage in STEM! During this workshop, I will provide free resources to help teachers develop students’ science and engineering practices—while also supporting a connection to the local environment. During this time, teachers will: • Work to create a bird feeder and chat about the factors that make a successful design • Design a well-adapated bird that can survive in a challenging habitat

Susan Licher (Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Ithaca, NY)

Identifying Schoolyard Opportunities For Authentic Science Investigations

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Schoolyard Resources Folder

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In this interactive presentation, the presenter will share a schoolyard science template and guide attendees through how to customize the template for their local community. The presenter will share examples and resources to support each component of the schoolyard science template including (a) the use of satellite imagery and schoolyard assessments to identify existing schoolyard resources, (b) connecting 3-D learning standards to place-based schoolyard science opportunities, and (c) opportunities for stewardship and civic engagement. The presenter will share several strategies to engage students with the SEPs in the schoolyard as they observe, measure, monitor, and experiment with their local environment. The schoolyard science template was developed as part of Advancing Science’s NOAA-funded grant to develop an environmental literacy plan in collaboration with Adams County, PA school districts.

The ability to customize a schoolyard science planning template for their local community. Connect local schoolyard resources with the DCIs and SEPs to help students make sense of their local environment while learning science content.

Valerie Stone (Gettysburg College: Gettysburg, PA)

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