2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Poster, Leadership and Advocacy, Assessment


Rooms and times subject to change.
2 results
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How do cultural factors impact acceptance of evolutionary theories among university biology majors?

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Research has shown that student acceptance of evolutionary theories are impacted by cultural factors as well as knowledge of biology and the nature of science. The information technology age is an important change in our culture as Americans in the last 2 decades. The poster will present a comparison of influences on acceptance of evolution in 2000 and 2023. Culturally competent educators must understand and respect multiple cultural ways of knowing in their instruction and assessment.

Research has shown that student acceptance of evolutionary theories is impacted by cultural factors, as well as knowledge of biology and the nature of science. Culturally competent educators must understand and respect multiple cultural ways of knowing in their instruction and assessment.

Taylor Alicea (Parkview High School: Springfield, MO), Julie Mayne (Evangel University: Springfield, MO)

Motivating Elementary Teachers To Infuse STEM

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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This study aimed to understand how a STEM course and immersive environment improved pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy and motivation to implement STEM. Self-efficacy and motivation were measured using the proposed tool before and after they attended a semester-long course centered around engineering design activities, research, and pedagogy over three years. Additionally, post-graduation data was collected as pre-service teachers entered the first three years of their teaching careers. Findings suggest that a course focusing on combined research, pedagogy, and modeling in an immersive environment improves motivation and self-efficacy, and carries over into a career. However, motivation and efficacy diminish as post-graduation time increases. Implications from this study could improve professional development design and practice. Lastly, this research can inform EPPs, practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, and policymakers about how to motivate classroom teachers.

A STEM course focused on research, pedagogy, and modeling in an immersive environment improved STEM efficacy and beliefs of pre-service elementary teachers that carried over into careers. However, motivation and efficacy diminished as post-graduation time increased.

Shannon Dadd (Troy University: Troy, AL)

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