2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Leadership and Advocacy, General Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
79 results
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Opening Reception

Wednesday, October 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Grand Ballroom Lobby

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Join us at the Kansas City Convention Center for an opening reception to mark the start of NSTA Kansas City23! We’ll keep it casual—enjoy beverages and small bites while networking with old and new friends. The event is complimentary and open to all registered conference attendees.

ESPRESS-O Yourself @ NSTA’s Morning Coffee Chats

Thursday, October 26 • 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2200 Lobby

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Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an informal get-together with your peers. Each day of the conference will feature a morning coffee chat with opportunities to share ideas and experiences, expand your network, and connect with colleagues and friends from around the country.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Creating a Successful Science Learning Environment for Multilingual Learners

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Learn how multimodal instruction and embedded language scaffolds, such as language frames, vocabulary routines, and writing supports create a learning environment that help Multilingual Learners – and all learners – successfully access science instruction.

Effective Intervention Strategies: Let’s Hook Students into Learning

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Let’s explore several intervention strategies to help struggling students in STEM. Let's move beyond differentiation & scaffolding. Come learn proven intervention techniques to help students. Let’s modify our traditional outreach to connect with students so that they gain greater understanding.

Margo Dye (Accelerate Learning Inc.: Houston, TX)

Energize Claims and Evidence through Smithsonian Science for the Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Experience how science lessons can be structured using teacher instructional slides, where students work in groups, with specific roles, to develop claims [about how motion energy moves and changes] based on evidence observed through hands-on experiences. Leave with classroom resources.

Hoover Herrera (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Recharge yourself! From Striving to Thriving - How to Manage Your Stress

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA How To Manage Stress October 2023

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In today’s fast-paced world, chronic stress is common, but your mind and body can pay a high price. Learn to recognize overwhelming stress—and what you can do about it. Most importantly, learn how to use the power of your senses to relieve stress on the spot and stay calm, productive, and focused—no matter what life throws at you.

Tips on how to manage stress.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Azra Chughtai (NSTA: McLean, VA)

BIOZONE’s Latest Biology Titles - Learn How These Superb Interactive Texts Deliver Flexible and Engaging Science Programs

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: BIOZONE Corporation

BIOZONE's innovative, interactive worktext approach is a departure from traditional textbook learning; providing flexible, engaging, student-centered resources. Teacher Toolkit helps teachers plan, deliver, and assess. Attendees receive a FREE print copy and a 1-year ebook license.

The Power of Literacy Integration: Enhancing Opportunities for Science Learning and ELA Gains in Elementary Grades

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Elementary students deserve science! Experience a research-based approach to teaching science that leverages the mutually supportive aspects of phenomena-based science instruction and literacy. Explore how this approach can help you increase instructional time for science while making ELA gains.

Strategies to Support English Learners (ELs) in the Science Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning


Leslie Spaeny (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Inspire Meaningful Engagement with Hands-On Learning in the Middle School Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 A

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Science Education

Spark your students’ curiosity and prepare them for high school–and the world beyond. Learn how to introduce concepts to your students using the Go Direct Temperature Probe to measure the temperature of the palm of their hand, discover the reflectivity of various colors with the Go Direct Light and Color, measure sliding friction with the Go Direct Force & Acceleration Sensor, and determine the power of their grip with the Go Direct Gas Pressure.

David Carter (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR)

You Have the Power! Bringing Phenomena to Life With NGSS-Designed Instructional Materials

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

High-quality instructional materials are essential for equitable access to science, but materials are only the start of the instructional journey! Examine the importance of YOUR role as a teacher in leveraging NGSS-designed curriculum to inspire your students to figure out phenomena.

Brave Enough to Fail: Three Strategies for Building Student Resilience Around Data Analysis

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 B

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Stile Education

Join our session to learn strategies for teaching data analysis and modeling in line with the NGSS. Empower your students to analyze real-world data, create accurate models, and apply their knowledge with easy-to-implement techniques. Participate in and win CHARTY PARTY while enhancing your toolkit!

Hailey Vogel (Head of Teaching and Learning: Los Angeles, CA)

Exploring OpenSciEd from Carolina

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Come experience a model lesson from OpenSciEd for Middle School and see how the new Carolina Certified Edition makes these high-quality instructional materials even better! Leave with classroom resources.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Using Neuroscience Research in the STEM Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2214

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Brain based hacks to learning.pptx

STRAND: Research to Practice

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As teachers, it is important for us to understand how the brain works when students are learning. Brain science research has not been easy to transfer to the classroom setting. We are beginning to bridge the gap with real-world, classroom research. By joining this session, you will uncover some of the newest neuroscience/learning research and ways to use the information in your classroom. Retrieval practice, interleaving, spaced practice, and elaborate encoding are a few of the topics we will learn about. In addition, you will leave with plenty of short 5-minute tools you can use right away in your classroom, as well as a deeper understanding of the pros and cons of neuroscience research and classroom settings.

Not all research is equal, especially when it comes to classroom teaching. This session will help you understand the research, it's strengths and limitations, and provide you with usable tools to start using right away.

Kirsten Landry (Kent Denver School: Englewood, CO)

Fueling Success for Students - Win up to $20K for your students and school

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2202

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Sponsoring Company: NSTA - Shell Science Teaching Awards and Competitions

In this hands on workshop you will begin your application for one of three programs sponsored by Shell USA, Inc. You will learn key components to creating a strong application, and strengthen your chances to win for your students, school. Prizes and gift cards will be given in a drawing.

Adrine Williams (Jackson State University: Jackson, MS), Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Let’s Engage Students through Phenomena-based Science Instruction

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Looking for ways to increase student ideas in the development of investigative phenomena? We will work in collaborative teams to develop a driving question board. Let’s discuss the types of phenomena and how they can be used effectively in the STEM classroom. Bring relevancy to students’ lives!

Laurie Thompson (Accelerate Learning, Inc.: Houston, TX)

Let’s Investigate Like Scientists and Engineers

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A


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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Discover new ways to help students think & work like scientists and engineers. We will model instruction and resources that support 3-dimensional teaching and learning including teacher instructional slides, student friendly materials, simulations, and student investigation sheets.

Hoover Herrera (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Showcase: What’s New at STEMscopes?

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

If you're using STEMscopes (or wanna-be), this session is for you. Come see the most popular digital curriculum during this session. Discover assessment packages, streaming videos with activities, coding with app building, hands-on engineering projects, STEM teacher certification, and much more.

Angela Campana (Accelerate Learning, Inc.: Houston, TX)

STEM Bins with Brooke Brown: Engineering Through Play

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: hand2mind

Discover how to effectively use STEM Bins® as a foundational, developmentally appropriate form of engineering for elementary students. Learn simple ways to implement STEM Bins® for early finishers, enrichment, morning work, centers, makerspaces, and literacy and math extensions.

Brooke Brown (Roosevelt Elementary School: Norman, OK)

uHandy Mobile Microscope

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Aidmics Biotechnology

This workshop supports teachers to implement inquiry-based science learning and helps students to develop meaningful scientifically literate views of the world by using the uHandy Microscope that acts as your second pair of eyes, which ignites your curiosity and your genuine passion for science!

Jolanda Hsu (Aidmics Biotechnology: Taipei City, Taipei City)

ESPRESS-O Yourself @ NSTA’s Morning Coffee Chats

Friday, October 27 • 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2200 Lobby

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Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an informal get-together with your peers. Each day of the conference will feature a morning coffee chat, providing you an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, expand your network, and connect with colleagues and friends from around the country.

Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: The Essentials

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 F

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Look across the Essential Elements of Leadership, Resources, and Coherence, to identify enabling conditions for curriculum-based professional learning to ensure that ALL teachers are prepared to leverage high-quality materials as they provide meaningful learning experiences for ALL students.

Gain concrete ideas about how you, as a leader, can plan for effective curriculum-based professional learning.

Nancy Hopkins-Evans (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

BIOZONE launches BIOZONE World - a stunning new science content delivery platform.

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: BIOZONE Corporation

Discover BIOZONE WORLD - a new platform bringing all our digital resources together for easy access and delivery. Incorporating BIOZONE’s eBooks with our rich collection of presentation slides, 3D models & curated videos, it provides powerful options for delivering your high school science programs.

Richard Allan (BIOZONE International Ltd.: Hamilton, New Zealand)

Transforming Science Through Project-Based Learning, Integration, and Collaboration (Grades 2-5)

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning


Leslie Spaeny (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Building Depth Through Storylines: Why Can’t We Walk Through Walls?

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company


Christopher Moore (University of Nebraska Omaha: Omaha, NE)

Power Up With Gamification

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2214

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Countless studies have found that teachers are struggling to support students in maintaining focus, finding self-worth, and being intrinsically creative learners. Gamification provides the building blocks for engagement, community, healthy competition, and self motivation, and works with any grade level and any subject. With gamification, students can use their creativity in learning choices and earn incentives based around curricular and extracurricular themes. Student examples from a sixth grade science classroom include reviewing challenges that emphasize content and game elements. Participants in this session will gain the initial building blocks to create their own game for their classrooms that is manageable and can be enhanced over time. Activities will include defining gamification and creating their own game theme. During the session, the participant will participate in a game challenge by using a choice board to explore and expand the strategies and methods of gamification.

Participants will begin the journey of gamifying their classroom right away. They will also leave with resources to use to continue their gamification journey.

Michelle Simmons (Klahowya Secondary School: Silverdale, WA)

The NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions maps out learning progressions based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The 62 maps in the Atlas organize all of the elements from standards on a particular topic (e.g., modeling, patterns, or definitions of energy) on a single page. The elements from grades K–2 are at the bottom of the page, and those from grades 9–12 are at the top. Arrows connect elements to indicate how ideas in a particular topic build on each other and how elements in different topics connect to one another. Studying the maps in the Atlas and the additional resources in the appendixes can provide educators with new insights about the standards. This session will provide an overview of how to read a map, the other features of the Atlas, and how educators can use this powerful navigational tool to develop and implement curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Participants will learn how to read the maps and use other tools in the Atlas to understand and interpret standards, and plan instructional sequences as part of their work in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Ted Willard (Discovery Education: Silver Spring, MD)

Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER): Are You CERtain Your Students Understand the Data?

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

CER gets students to explain phenomena in a scientific way. Let’s use investigations to demonstrate how to use data collection to drive data-based conclusions. Guide students in how to think deeper, write scientifically, & incorporate vocabulary that strengthens their understanding of a phenomenon.

Margo Dye (Accelerate Learning Inc.: Houston, TX)

Zombie Apocalypse!

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 B

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

Bring a friend with you to attend, "Zombie Apocalypse!" Just make sure you can run faster! Zombies provide an excellent way to get students interested in understanding how diseases move through a population. Great for middle and high school students.

Solving Real-World Problems Using STEM Cases

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: ExploreLearning

This interactive session will explore a digital interface that develops models to capture students' thinking when designing and testing solutions to real-world problems. We will immerse ourselves in solving a puzzling STEM Case to develop a model and use it to optimize a solution.

Patricia Low (ExploreLearning: Charlottesville, VA)

Sparking Curiosity: Hands-On Experiments For Elementary Students

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 A

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Science Education

Inspire your students’ curiosity about the world around them through hands-on activities using the Go Direct® Temperature Probe, Go Direct® Magnetic Field Sensor, and Go Direct® Motion Detector. See how age-appropriate, sensor-based experiments teach students about data collection and analysis—practices that promote scientific inquiry, build STEM literacy, and boost test scores.

David Carter (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR)

CRISPR comes to the clinic: The Revolution in Human Genetics

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
CRISPR Slides - part 1
Slides from my presentation
CRISPR slides - Part 2
Slides from my presentation
CRISPR Case Studies as described in my presentation at NSTA-KC-2023

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

Techniques such as CRISPR, mitochondrial transfer, and mRNA therapeutics have opened new possibilities for genetic manipulation, bringing with them new opportunities to energize the biology curriculum.

Kenneth Miller (Brown University: Providence, RI)

Using NSTA in Lieu of a Textbook w/Preservice Teachers: Instructors’ Stories

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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University/college instructors at several institutions in the US and Canada are using NSTA resources in lieu of a textbook when teaching preservice teachers. Participants will meet some of these instructors and learn how they integrate NSTA resources in their courses and the benefits of the program. Preservice teachers using NSTA create a library of resources, grow their network of professional colleagues, and enhance their content and pedagogical knowledge of science. Instructors receive a class landing page to manage their course and a private forum for asynchronous discussions. They also gain access to an administrator's dashboard to monitor and assess their students' engagement within the NSTA website. All instructors receive a free NSTA membership. Students can become members of the Association through graduation and add to the website's library all of NSTA’s Interactive E-Books+ Professional, professional learning units, and other fee-based resources to use in class and beyond.

University/college instructors are using NSTA resources in lieu of a textbook when teaching preservice teacher courses. Participants will meet some of these instructors and learn how they integrate NSTA resources in their courses and the benefits of the program.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Moving Beyond Lecture - Proven Pedagogy for the 21st Century College Science Classrooms

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2101

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Lecture and PowerPoint are so 20th Century. Move beyond the traditional lecture approach to your introductory college science classes. Put research into practice as you experience these engaging, relevant, and real approaches to teaching non-majors. Your colleagues will share how they use embedded lab and investigation, real time data,, placed-based pedagogy, and other methods to make learning an active process. Question and Answer time is built into this session as is time to share your successful approaches.

Make your college science classes more engaging, relevant, and real for your non-majors.

Rhea Miles (East Carolina University: Greenville, NC), Matthew Blank (Baylor College of Medicine: Houston, TX), Richard Jones (University of Hawaii-West Oahu: Kaploei, HI)

Vision, Change, and Interactions in General Education Life Science (IGELS) Courses

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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For many students, an undergraduate general education life science (GELS) course may be the only one where they are exposed to scientific reasoning at the collegiate level. In order to contribute to a scientifically literate and informed society, the Interactions in General Education Life Sciences (IGELS) project aims to engage students in reasoning skills around topics that are highly relevant to students. We describe the goals and activities of IGELS and provide preliminary results of our survey of GELS instructors that assesses their current knowledge and implementation of the “Vision and Change” (AAAS, 2009) framework in their courses. These data will inform our future activities to provide faculty development and develop curricular models that support reasoning and relevancy in GELS courses while implementing principles of “Vision and Change.”

Attendees will be able to describe the mission of IGELS and envision how future projects can assist educators in increasing reasoning skills in learners in ways that are relevant to their lives.

Heather Rissler (North Iowa Area Community College)

A New Take on STEAM – Using the Krebs Cycle of Creativity to Investigate the Intersections of Art, Science, Engineering, and Design

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle


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This poster presentation will use the Krebs Cycle of Creativity as created by Dr. Neri Oxman as a framework for a new approach to interdisciplinary sciences. I will explore the intersectionality of art, science, engineering, and design. This will include how the synergy between these disciplines creates opportunities to study how art and design affect our behavior, how design and engineering impact utility, how engineering and science creates knowledge, and how science and art portrays information. I will use examples from my own classes to highlight how the Krebs Cycle of Creativity can provide a new lens to view interdisciplinary teaching in the science discipline. This will include examples of projects, teaching materials, and student samples. Visitors will leave with a tangible understanding of how their school can move away from the siloed STEAM approach and move towards a more holistic approach that connects the many different disciplines of science.

Visitors will leave with a new lens to view interdisciplinary science teaching including examples of projects, teaching materials, student samples, and a tangible understanding of how their school can move away from the siloed STEAM approach and towards a more holistic take on teaching science.

Adam Vorel (6th Grade Science Teacher: Webster Groves, MO)

Explore NSTA’s Online Professional Learning Opportunities

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Poster - Online Opportunities

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Join us to explore the variety of online professional development opportunities for educators. We will be highlighting all the opportunities to gain NSTA certificates that could be used as continuing education certificates, including many that are free!

Learn about the variety of professional learning opportunities that NSTA has to offer.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NSTA District Professional Learning: Find Out What NSTA Can Do For You to Support Science Teaching and Learning!

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Poster - NSTA District Professional Learning

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) encourages students to engage in science and engineering practices to develop deeper understanding of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts. As a partner in the development of the NGSS, NSTA has been at the forefront of the shift toward improving the quality of science instruction for all students. Let us support your school or district efforts to implement three-dimensional standards and transform classroom instruction.

Learn how to bring NSTA professional learning services to your school, district, or organization (face-to-face, virtual, and hybrid).

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

S.O.S. [Science Olympiad Success] => Start Up-Survival-Standards

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
S.O.S. (Science Olympiad Success)
Links to our presentation, helpful documents & National Links

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Coaching Science Olympiad 30+ years and my science teaching cousin still a rookie, we offer tips and tricks on team startup or management. Join us to hear how I took a tiny Nebraska school to win B and C Divisions at Regionals my first year at Arcadia. Having been a veteran coach at four public schools, this amazing educational science event molded careers for my students, cousin, and four children. My cousin started a team in western Nebraska which added travel challenges across our state. We will share ideas on how to manage 2 teams of 30+ students to compete in 24+ events that coaches rarely get to see. Nebraska coaches often make tests for 2 events in 4 time slots to judge. Balancing team preparation and meeting NGSS/state science standards is a challenge while teaching a full day with 3-7 preps. The NE Director asked me to mentor more S.O. coaches so here we are. Teachers will be enlightened with a poster, slide show, paper examples and 3-D visuals to help coaches find success.

Attendees will gain ideas to start their own Science Olympiad Team/s. How to select students for various events to earn team points in each, make user-friendly maps with schedules, reminders and information students can follow, and build unity by wearing team designed school shirts .

Marie Wadas (Arcadia Public School: Arcadia, NE)

Unpacking the Crosscutting Concepts with a New NSTA Quick-Reference Guide to the Three Dimensions

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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The NGSS and other standards based on the Framework of K-12 Education are quite complicated and often tricky to interpret. What teachers need is an easy-to-use reference guide to the standards, and since its release in 2014, the NSTA Quick-Reference Guide has become a perennial best-seller and an essential tool for many educators across the country. This session will be hosted by Ted Willard, the editor of the Quick-Reference Guide and formerly the in-house standards expert at NSTA. Ted will review the features listed above and how educators can use the Quick-Reference Guide to unpack the standards in their work developing curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Specifically, we will spend time exploring the crosscutting concepts in the standards using the tools and other resources in the Quick-Reference Guide.

Participants will learn how to unpack the three dimensions using the tools and resources in the Quick-Reference Guide and will gain insights into the meaning of the crosscutting concepts.

Ted Willard (Discovery Education: Silver Spring, MD)

Developing and Using Instructional Models in Math and Science (K-5)

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Models such as diagrams, drawings, physical replicas, mathematical representations, analogies, and computer simulations are helpful tools for representing ideas and developing explanations related to phenomena. This training will introduce educators to the ways in which models can be used to deepen student understanding of scientific concepts. Participants will also identify connections to the use of models in their instruction while examining their state standards and/or frameworks.

Laurie Thompson (Accelerate Learning, Inc.: Houston, TX)

Re-remembering and re-affirming why we became teachers in the first place

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides on the importance of teaching science and how that provide for a satisfying and meaningful career.

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

Join Professor Michael Wysession in an inspirational session to reconnect you with the reasons you chose teaching as your profession. Through the lens of a modernized ancient concept (the Japanese “Ikigai”), participants will reflect on their teaching careers and rediscover the rewards (personal, societal, financial) of the teaching profession.

Michael Wysession (Washington University in St. Louis: Saint Louis, MO)

NextGen TIME: A Toolkit for Materials Evaluation

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 F

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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We know two things: 1) the purchase of new instructional materials represents a significant district investment and 2) effective classroom use of high-quality instructional materials improves student learning. NextGen TIME can help districts ensure investment in the best possible instructional materials and provide guidance on preparing teachers for effective use. NextGen TIME is a suite of tools and processes to support districts in evaluating, selecting, and implementing instructional materials designed for the NGSS. NextGen TIME is also designed as a professional learning experience for teachers to deepen their understanding of NGSS as they analyze instructional materials. It addresses the needs of states, districts, and schools for a deep understanding of the NGSS to make selection decisions for instructional materials, plan for implementation of those materials, and provide teacher professional learning that enables effective implementation of NGSS‐aligned teaching and learning.

Learn how NextGen TIME supports the evaluation of current instructional materials to strengthen their design for NGSS and how NextGen TIME tools and processes can serve as critical components of curriculum-based professional learning. You’ll walk away with free access to NextGen TIME resources.

Susan Gomez Zwiep (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Jody Bintz (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Jenine Cotton-Proby (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

Recharge Yourself! From Striving to Thriving: Part 2 Stress Management

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2209

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA Stress Management Part II October 2023

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Tips on how to relieve pressure and regain control.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Azra Chughtai (NSTA: McLean, VA)

KATS: Kansas Association of Teachers of Science supports YOU!

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2211

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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The Kansas Association of Teachers of Science (KATS) is the District 11 chapter of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA). The purpose of the KATS shall be the advancement, stimulation, extension, improvement, and coordination of science teaching in all fields of science at all educational levels. This session will explain the purpose of KATS to science teachers in Kansas, explain leadership opportunities that KATS provides its members, and share the amazing professional development opportunities and network events that will bridge Kansas science teachers together. Teachers will be introduced to members of the board of directors of KATS who desire to create a support system to science teachers.

Kansas teachers will learn about the Kansas Association of Teachers of Science, the professional development opportunities they provide, and the system of networking they create to bridge science teachers together in the state of Kansas.

Betsy Lawrence (Summit Trail Middle School: Olathe, KS)

University and College Instructors: Use NSTA with Preservice Teachers

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 G

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Preservice teachers using NSTA in lieu of a textbook create a library of resources, grow their network of professional colleagues, and enhance their content and pedagogical knowledge of science by actively engaging with NSTA digital resources, virtual programs, and community members within the NSTA website. Instructors receive a class landing page to manage their course and to easily access the digital resources, a private forum for asynchronous discussions, and an administrator's dashboard to monitor their students' engagement within the website. All instructors using NSTA in lieu of a textbook receive a free NSTA membership, and their students can become members of the Association through graduation. Students gain the ability to add NSTA’s Interactive E-Books+ Professional, professional learning units, and other fee-based resources to their library.

Preservice teachers using NSTA as a Textbook (or as instructional materials supplement) create a library of resources, grow their network of professional colleagues, and enhance their content and pedagogical knowledge of science.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Embracing Empathy: Applying Human-Centered Design Principles to Support the Implementation of NGSS

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 B

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Learn to design moments people will remember and experiences that can have immediate impacts by adopting a human-centered mindset. Human-centered design thinking lets you better understand people's needs, motivations, and concerns to create highly-effective learning experiences for teachers and students. Implementing NGSS and three-dimensional teaching and learning requires ongoing support and high-quality professional learning opportunities for all stakeholders in science education. This session will explore how strategies and methods found in human-centered design can be leveraged to create professional learning to address the complexities teachers face in shifting practices to meet the vision of A K-12 Framework and the three-dimensional pedagogy of the NGSS. These strategies will enable designers to create inclusive spaces and environments to enhance professional development. Likewise, these strategies can be used by teachers to facilitate the student sensemaking process.

Participants will experience practical human-centered design processes, methods, and tools used to deeply understand the people they are looking to serve and to continuously innovate solutions. Participants will leave this session equipped with strategies to design impactful learning experiences.

Abby Tolley (Learning Analyst), Brian Beierle (Relevant Classroom, a Division of Vivayic, Inc.: No City, No State)

Stoichiometry: Tools and Tips for Improving Student Understanding

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO

Help students develop a better understanding of mole ratios, stoichiometry, and limiting reactants through this hands-on activity using household chemicals and a Wireless Pressure Sensor.

Taking the Next Steps with Science Vocabulary - Strategies and Interventions

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Looking for an engaging and innovative way to get your students to understand the meaning of a word? Experience ways to zoom in and zoom out of science content using a variety of differentiated strategies. Take these ideas straight back to your classroom for immediate use, or for interventions.

Margo Dye (Accelerate Learning Inc.: Houston, TX)

Lord of the Probes!

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 B

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

The King of all sensors in most science departments is the temperature probe. Probes make it easier for students to quickly and reliably collect data so they can spend more time making sense of it. Come to this hands-on session and interact with, "The Lord of the Probes!"

COVID-19, Monkeypox, and other New and Emerging Infectious Diseases

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company


Joseph Levine (Science Writer and Producer: Concord, MA)

Making Moves to Match a Graph

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 B

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

Graphs are great ways to illustrate patterns/trends in data, but many students do not understand how to use them. By using a motion detector and calculator, students are challenged to "Match a Graph" by changing their position and speed. Come give it a try!

Exploring OpenSciEd from Carolina

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Come experience a model lesson from OpenSciEd for Middle School and see how the new Carolina Certified Edition makes these high-quality instructional materials even better! Leave with classroom resources.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Showcase: What’s New at STEMscopes?

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

If you're using STEMscopes (or want to be), this session is for you. Come see the most popular digital curriculum during this session. Discover assessment packages, streaming videos with activities, coding with app building, hands-on engineering projects, STEM teacher certification, and much more.

Questions Are the Answer: How to Scaffold Students’ Thinking Without Telling Them the Answers

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

Questions are an important aspect of effective science teaching. This session will arm you with questioning strategies including SHARE (Wilcox et al., 2021) that use students’ responses to drive the conversation forward, in addition to convergent/divergent questions.

Jesse Wilcox (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Sunrise Yoga

Saturday, October 28 • 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - 12th Street Meeting Room, Lobby Level

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Calling all yoga enthusiasts! Regardless of whether you’re a newbie or veteran, join yoga teacher, Azra Chughtai, RYT, for a warm-up with breathwork; hatha yoga (gentle stretching exercises to wake up the body); and, of course, meditation for relaxation and de-stressing. Beginner friendly!

Recharge: Energizing and Stress Relief

ESPRESS-O Yourself @ NSTA’s Morning Coffee Chats

Saturday, October 28 • 6:40 AM - 7:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2200 Lobby

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Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and join us for an informal get-together with your peers. Each day of the conference will feature a morning coffee chat, providing you an opportunity to share ideas and experiences, expand your network, and connect with colleagues and friends from around the country.

Building Teacher Capacity & Leadership Using Collaborative Spaces

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 B

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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How do we build teacher capacity and leadership skills using collaborative opportunities and content-focused coaching in an urban, high needs district? In New Brunswick, NJ, science supervisors, specialists, and district leaders worked together to support teachers in becoming science/STEM leaders and agents of change in the science field through the creation of a variety of collaborative spaces including high-quality professional development focusing on data-driven instructional practices, content-focused coaching sessions, and teacher-facilitated community events. Cohorts of grade 3-5 teachers engaged in the development of personal and district-wide content and pedagogical goals, reflected on the effectiveness of current science instructional practices & identified areas for growth, designed an implementation plan for the enactment of high-quality Science Instruction & 3D Assessments, and developed action steps to raise the profile of science education in the district and community.

We will explore how to successfully and effectively build teacher capacity and leadership skills through high-quality professional development, focusing on data-driven instructional practices, content-focused coaching sessions, and teacher-facilitated community events.

Cynthia Ruszczyk (New Brunswick Middle School: New Brunswick, NJ), Elizabeth Nunez (New Brunswick Public Schools: New Brunswick, NJ)

Online Preliminary Course Could Increase Engagement and Retention for Incoming General Biology and Anatomy Undergraduate Students

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Throughout teaching Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) and General Biology, students often face academic challenges surrounding these two foundational courses. One intended method to overcome these challenges is to implement a preliminary online course that students can complete before starting the academic year. Attendees will discuss how to design their own preliminary online course through an interactive workshop (in electronic and hard-copy formats) with group-based activities (e.g., discussions and demos) for any college-level biology course. We will also demonstrate various methods and assessments (e.g., recorded videos, quizzes, virtual escape rooms) best suited for students who choose to take the prep course through our findings at our current college. A sample of our current preliminary online courses can be found via this link: https://sites.google.com/springfieldcollege.edu/bioprepcoursessc/general-biology-online-course

Attendees will learn about our experience using a preliminary online course for undergraduates. Attendees will then learn how to design their own prep courses focusing on what students require in general biology and anatomy.

Gemma Bartha (Instructor: Springfield, MA), Joseph Kele (Professor of Biology)

More Data, More Often with Pivot Interactives

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

Learn how to use Pivot Interactives as a source of phenomena to quickly bring data analysis into all parts of the learning cycle. Unlock the science practices with your ready to go data and easily implement into your instruction.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Easy. Breezy, SEPeezy: Three Strategies to get your Students Thinking, Talking, and Acting like Scientists and Engineers

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Stile Education


Kat Gentry (Head of Stile USA: Portland, OR)

Unleashing the Wonder: Engaging Students Through Phenomenon-Based Lessons in 30 Minutes or Less

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: hand2mind

Unleash the power of wonder with phenomenon-based lessons that nicely integrate the 5E instructional model.  We’ll explore how each lesson evokes investigations to gain conceptual understanding, and it’s done in 30 minutes or less!

Madison Evans (hand2mind: Vernon Hills, IL)

How to Use STEMscopes in the High School Classroom

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning


Amanda Buckwalter (Lyons High School: Lyons, KS), Penny Blue (Lyons High School: Lyons, KS)

Food Totally Transfers! - using Transfer Tasks to help students apply knowledge through food and agriculture!

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture

Learn how transfer tasks can be used as summative assessments to help students apply knowledge through authentic learning experiences through the context of food and agriculture. Open to all teachers K-12!

Level up your classes through STEM simulations: A CloudLabs proposal

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 A


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Sponsoring Company: CloudLabs Virtual STEM

Discover how gamified classrooms enhance STEM, creativity, and autonomous learning. Get engage with gamified environments, exploring benefits, challenges, and best practices for integrating technology in education.

Jiovany Orozco (CloudLabs LLC)

SC-1: Case Studies: How to Write a Case Study

Saturday, October 28 • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2102 B

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(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
How to Write a Case Study - Clicker Case TEMPLATE
How to Write a Case Study - Resources Website
This is the URL for the Resources Website that you will use throughout the workshop. It gives you access to all of the links, documents and templates, and resources you will need. It is on a Google site, so be sure your browser allows you to view it!
List of GenAI tools
Prompts for Interactive Role Play
Prompts for Intimate Debate

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Case studies are stories with an educational goal. Subject matter suddenly makes sense. Learn how to craft a case study to achieve your teaching objectives while providing students with a compelling story that is relevant and thought provoking. Bring your laptop – you will create 2 case studies.

Participants will learn how to write case studies that engage learners in context-rich problem solving, encourage critical thinking and communication skills, and can be used as authentic assessments. Learn how to transform an online video or news article into an engaging learning activity.

Annie Prud'homme-Généreux (University of British Columbia: No City, No State)

Presentation to Publication: You Are Almost There!

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 G

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Join this session to learn how to take your workshop or presentation to the next level -- published in one of the NSTA journals. NSTA has five journals spanning Pre-K to College: Science and Children (S&C), Science Scope (SS), The Science Teacher (TST), Journal of College Science Teaching (JCST), and Connected Science Learning (CSL). Each journal looks for new, innovative ideas for classroom application. In this session, you will learn how to prepare your work for submission, understand the review process, and the steps toward publication. What better way to reach a broader audience than publishing your work in an NSTA journal? The bulk of the work is done -- you've already created a workshop or presentation; now is the time to share your work with others by memorializing it in a journal. The publication process is straightforward and rewarding. So don't hesitate to take that next step in leadership and advocacy to get your work published.

Come find out how to take your NSTA presentation to the next level -- published in an NSTA journal. Attendees will learn and be encouraged to reach even more people by publishing what was shared in their workshops and presentations.

Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn (National Science Teaching Association)

Research to Practice in Secondary Science Education

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2104 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA Speed Share Presentation_23.pptx

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Join us for a speed-sharing session on the latest research in secondary science education and how it can be applied to the classroom. This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest research and how it can help you make a difference in your students' learning.

STEM IRL: STEM Trailblazers for children of color
Addressing inequity in STEM professions starts with exposing students to current minority trailblazers in the field. If students see successful people who look like them, they can begin visualizing themselves in those roles, which can ignite a spark of curiosity and lead to a future in STEM.

Curricular Interventions to Improve Rural High School Students' Relatability to Scientists
Scientist Spotlights homework assignments that feature non-stereotypical scientists can help students see their possible selves in science. Students that author assignments on diverse scientists improve their science identity more than students that complete teacher-authored assignments.

Connecting electrochemistry to materials science: From modeling redox reactions to exploring materials science with dye-sensitized solar cells
Presentation of lab-based modeling approach to metal-metal ion (“single replacement”) reactions. Discussion of ways to integrate materials science concepts, specifically electrochemical cells and dye-sensitized solar cell construction, into the chemistry curriculum.

Hear from experts in the field about innovative approaches to teaching science, as well as practical tips for improving your own practice.

Christa Buccola Henriquez (MS 363 The Academy for Personal Leadership and Excellence: Bronx, NY), Fabiola Perez (Student: Edwardsville, IL), Maurina Aranda (Assistant Professor: Edwardsville, IL), Aaron Musson (Omaha Public Schools: Omaha, NE)

Are hands-on "labs" doing what we want? Shift to active learning with Pivot Interactives

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

What do hands-on labs do well? What not well? Are you open to considering a paradigm shift? Come see how Pivot Interactives expands the options to implement phenomena, the science practices, feedback, and scaffolding easily across the learning cycle.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

More than a Score: Three Practical Strategies for Maximizing Assessment

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 B

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Stile Education


Shawna Jensen (Stile Education: Los Angeles, CA)

What is a phenomenon anyway?

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Phenomenon Science Education

You will do phenomenon based, 3D activities explicitly linked to the three dimensions and student-centered nature of K-12 Framework based science education. We show teachers how they can center science education on student investigation and explanation of a phenomenon with sensemaking strategies.

Joshua Smith (Phenomenon Science Education: Amherst, MA), Sharon Cates (Phenomenon Science Education: Novato, CA)

From Scratch: An Introduction To Incorporating Three Dimensions of Science Learning Into Instruction

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 B

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Kognity

Incorporating aspects of the NGSS into lessons can be difficult, daunting, and overwhelming. Join us while we break down how to understand, interpret, and model the application of three-dimensional learning into your instruction. Sponsored by Kognity for High School Science.

Sasha Ferreira (Senior Curriculum Specialist)

Effective Intervention Strategies: Let’s Hook Students Into Learning

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Let’s explore several intervention strategies to help struggling students in STEM. Let's move beyond differentiation & scaffolding. Come learn proven intervention techniques to help students. Let’s modify our traditional outreach to connect with students so that they gain greater understanding.

Margo Dye (Accelerate Learning Inc.: Houston, TX)

Online Preliminary Course Could Increase Engagement and Retention for Incoming General Biology and Anatomy Undergraduate Students

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Throughout teaching Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) and General Biology, students often face academic challenges surrounding these two foundational courses. One intended method to overcome these challenges is to implement a preliminary online course that students can complete before starting the academic year. Attendees will discuss how to design their own preliminary online course through an interactive workshop (in electronic and hard-copy formats) with group-based activities (e.g., discussions and demos) for any college-level biology course. We will also demonstrate various methods and assessments (e.g., recorded videos, quizzes, virtual escape rooms) best suited for students who choose to take the prep course, through our findings at our current college. A sample of our current preliminary online courses can be found via this link: https://sites.google.com/springfieldcollege.edu/bioprepcoursessc/general-biology-online-course

Attendees will learn about our experience using a preliminary online course for undergraduates. Attendees will then learn how to design their own prep courses focusing on what students require in general biology and anatomy.

Gemma Bartha (Instructor: Springfield, MA)

Free K-12 Education Materials From NIH

Saturday, October 28 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle


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The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has a clearinghouse of free STEM education resources covering a wide range of health and biomedical research topics for students in grades K through 12. On science.education.nih.gov, you’ll find links to great content from NIH, as well as materials developed through our education grants. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS, part of NIH) has created a section of its Biomedical Beat blog called the Educator’s Corner (biobeat.nigms.nih.gov/educators-corner) with a collection of carefully curated blog posts designed to align with existing NIGMS science education resources, such as its Pathways collection for middle and high school students. You’ll find tools and ideas to enhance lesson plans, building upon existing science education material that’s already available at no cost. We hope these websites will be useful tools to bring STEM materials into the classroom and to encourage students toward health science careers.

The National Institutes of Health has a wide range of free curriculum resources for teachers in the health science space. Materials vary from online interactives, Kahoot! games, and blog posts, to free printed magazine copies with teacher guides. Find them all at science.education.nih.gov.

Rachel Crowley (NIGMS, National Institutes of Health: No City, No State)

Fatty Acid Methyl Esters from Native Seed Plants of New Mexico as an Alternative Biofuel

Saturday, October 28 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Due to the increasing environmental concerns among consumers, governments worldwide are focusing on adopting clean mobility solutions through alternative fuel. The team decided to gather leftover seeds to extract oils that will serve as our source of FAMEThe team used grape, pumpkin, watermelon, pomegranate, and cactus seed oils as a source of fatty acid methyl esters or biodiesel as an Alternative Biofuel. Results show that all plant seeds are a feasible source of biodiesel, pumpkin. on the other hand, oil from the pumpkin seeds shows remarkable results wherein it produces 100 mL of oil from 500 grams of seeds and it has also the highest height (9 inches) of flame when measured. It was also observed that it easily captured the fire during the flammability test. On the other hand, the team observed that the flame color of most of the biodiesel was orange, except for the grape seed which shows a more yellow flame.

Making of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (Biodiesel) Out of Native Plant Seeds

Roy Basa (Zuni Public School District: Zuni, NM)

Enhancing Science Notebooks with Scientific Sketching and Nature Journaling

Saturday, October 28 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2214

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Enhancing Science Notebooks with Nature Journaling

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Attendees will learn techniques and strategies for incorporating scientific sketching and nature journaling into students’ science notebook routines by engaging in the activities themselves. Materials and natural physical specimens will be provided for journaling and sketching activities. Student examples and free resources will be shared. This workshop is appropriate for all K-12 teachers and informal science educators.

Attendees will be introduced to, and participate in, several nature journaling activities from the free John Muir Laws "How to Teach Nature Journaling" book, as well as receive some scientific sketching guidance from the California Academy of Sciences. Special attention to integrating math will be included.

Dana Atwood-Blaine (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Developing a Framework for Multidimensional Science Education

Saturday, October 28 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 B