2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Leadership and Advocacy, Physical Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
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Reaching Rural: Connecting NASA STEM to Rural Communities

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2104 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Connecting NASA STEM to Rural Communities.pptx


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The Smoky Mountains STEM Collaborative is a STEM learning ecosystem in rural western North Carolina and has been a NASA Science Activation partner since 2016. We have over a decade of combined experience in assisting educators in utilizing NASA resources through a local lens in their classroom and out-of-school-time programs. As a rural region, we are familiar with the difficulty that comes with reaching disenfranchised learners that may struggle with broadband access. Participants will be introduced to a number of resources and hands-on activities they can utilize in low or no-bandwidth areas, as well as partners they can collaborate with in order to broaden and deepen their impact in their classroom and community. We will conduct a few example activities tailored for middle school educators, with suggestions to be scalable for learners in high school, post-secondary, and informal settings.

After engaging in some hands-on activities, attendees will leave with access to a digital library of resources as well as personal connections to bring NASA Science into their classrooms.

Randi Neff (STEM Program Coordinator: Sylva, NC), Matthew Cass (Physics and Astronomy Instructor: Sylva, NC)

How to Promote and Support Learning After Introducing a Phenomenon

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The session will give teachers an opportunity to participate in the same sort of rich and meaningful learning experiences that are called for by the NGSS. This session, as a result, will include approximately forty minutes of audience participation in student hat. Teachers will leave with high-quality instructional materials that they can use in their own classrooms. The agenda for this session is: • A discussion of characteristics of phenomenon-based instruction and sensemaking (5 mins). • A discussion of obstacles to sensemaking during a learning experience (10 minutes). • An opportunity for participants to experience an example of how support learners use DCIs, CCs, and SEPs during a learning experience in a way that makes the process of sensemaking useful and inclusive (40 mins). • Questions and suggestions for learning more (5 mins).

Introducing meaningful phenomena is necessary, but not sufficient for fostering sensemaking. Students must also have opportunities to use DCIs, CCs, and SEPs during the learning experience, and the experience must be structured in ways that make the process of sensemaking useful and inclusive.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Extreme Living: Making Sense of Changing Weather Patterns and Designing Solutions

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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This presentation will provide teachers with a ready-to-teach Unit designed to help their students experience several Physical Science, Earth-Space Science, and Engineering NGSS standards. The unit addresses global weather patterns and the impacts of potential pattern changes. It also addresses thermal energy and its applications in building design. All middle school science teachers; whether new to the profession, new to phenomena-based learning, or seasoned veterans will find something new and exciting to bring back to their classrooms. This Unit combines my understanding of the middle school science classroom with expertise of curriculum writers at Pacific Education Institute. Teachers will receive help planning lessons, activities, and discussions. They will also take the role of a student to have first-hand experience with labs and activities. Teachers will receive a digital copy of all of the instructional materials including grading rubrics.

Teachers will learn how to teach and assess a dynamic 3-D unit addressing Physical Science and Earth Space Science NGSS Standards. Teachers will leave with editable access to all Unit materials. Teachers will get time and guidance on how to adapt the Unit to their classroom and student needs.

Kat Chamberlain (Ridgetop Middle School: No City, No State)

The EYE Curriculum: Exploring Architectural Design Features for Energy and Conservation Literacy

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2210


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The EYE curriculum unit was co-created by middle school science teachers and architectural studies and science education faculty with the goal of improving students’ energy literacy and energy conservation practices. It consists of four modules that span six weeks of classroom instruction. The modules include investigations on energy and energy systems, natural and artificial lighting, building heating and cooling, and a capstone engineering project that guides students in designing a new classroom. The unit is place-based, using the local school building as a source of shared student experiences to connect to abstract energy concepts. Our workshop will overview the EYE unit structure and rationale and cover some of the key energy and architecture concepts embedded in the unit. We will provide hands-on experiences and a venue tour to model how building features can be leveraged to teach fundamental energy concepts in a real-world context for improved student engagement and learning.

Our workshop venue will allow us to model how the EYE unit leverages tangible building features to enhance students’ understanding of abstract energy concepts. Attendees will receive a link to EYE’s classroom-ready materials, including engineering game cards, a budget spreadsheet, and slide decks.

Meera Sood (Smithton Middle School: Columbia, MO), Suzy Otto (University of Missouri)

Supporting Meaningful Sensemaking Before, During, and After Science Investigations

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2201

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The purpose of this session is to engage participants as learners in the process of making sense of a phenomenon through engaging in scientific practices. The modeled lesson provides attendees with a shared learning experience similar to that of a typical science classroom, seeded with instructional strategies designed to support their sensemaking before, during, and after an investigation. Attendees will be introduced to a phenomenon, provided materials to carry out an investigation, given a model scaffold to record their thinking, and a talk tool to support equitable idea sharing and listening. They will reflect on their experience as learners, debriefing sensemaking strategies, and using the four attributes of sensemaking (phenomena, science and engineering practices, student ideas, and science ideas) to reflect on the model lesson and their classrooms.

Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of how key science practices work in tandem to support student sensemaking and will experience tools like model scaffolds, driving question boards, and talk tools designed to support learners in explaining phenomena.

Alex Gerber (Instructional Specialist: University City, MO), Heather Milo (Washington University in St. Louis: St. Louis, MO)

Waves: Comparing Colors in Sunglasses

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2501 D

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids

Students collect evidence which indicates that different colors of light carry different amounts of energy. Students analyze and interpret light transmission graphs for three different lenses. They determine which sunglass lens (structure) provides the best protection (function) for the eyes.

Energize Claims and Evidence through Smithsonian Science for the Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Experience how science lessons can be structured using teacher instructional slides, where students work in groups, with specific roles, to develop claims [about how motion energy moves and changes] based on evidence observed through hands-on experiences. Leave with classroom resources.

Hoover Herrera (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Equitable Unit Designs With Lab-Aids and SEPUP: Recovering Copper

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2501 D

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids

Learn about the intentional design of our units to embed equitable opportunities in phenomenon-based learning. This hands-on workshop uses a model activity showing how students use data to develop an evidence-based argument supporting the best way to recover copper from a waste solution.

It All Begins with Water

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 C

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Everything is dependent on water. Explore several properties of this remarkable compound with tried-and-true phenomena. Learn multiple ways to model those phenomena using the Water Kit©.

Ruth Hutson (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

From Circuits to Molecules: Biotech Basics for Middle School and General Bio

Thursday, October 26 • 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2504 B


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Sponsoring Company: miniPCR bio

Link physical science concepts like circuits and charged particles to the essential biotech method, gel electrophoresis. Build a reusable gel electrophoresis system with the Bandit STEM Electrophoresis Kit, and use it to separate colorful dyes. Also, add the A to STEAM with creative pipetting art!

Kristin Hennessy-McDonald, PhD (miniPCR: Cambridge, MA)

Physically Active Modeling For Comparing States of Matter

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2104 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Ideal Gas Law Students as Particles Activity Handout.docx
Physically Active Modeling Ideal Gas Laws Lesson Plan.docx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter (1).pptx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter Blank Handout NSTA 2023 .docx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter Slides Handout NSTA 2023 KC.docx
QR Code Physically Active Modeling For States Of Matter NSTA 2023.png

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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This activity has students/participants act as particles. To start, participants are given baseline information about how attractive forces between particles can vary from very strong to negligible, & that particles are always in motion. Participants then split into three groups, strong, moderate, & weak forces. To model very strong forces participants link arms at the elbow, for moderately strong forces they hold hands, & for weak/negligible forces they can only hold each other’s pinky fingers. Participants start far apart & move very slowly to model a very cold temperature. At this speed, all of the participants are able to catch onto each other & form an organized structure (solid). With each iteration the participants move faster; this results in the weak-force group not being able to form a structure (gas), the moderate-force group being clumped together but not organized (liquid), & the strong-force group still being able to form an organized structure (solid).

Students will not only know the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses, but will be able to give in-depth explanations as to WHY the properties are different by behaving as the particles at different temperatures and with different attractive forces.

Clark Ellis (The Kinkaid School)

Smart Circuits: The Power of Logic Gates and Relays

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2104 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Smart Circuits 2023 NSTA.pdf


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University of Illinois STEM educators have created classroom activities that allow students to conceptually explore topics in electricity. The workshop activities include assembling a breakout board that models a simplified power system for a small neighborhood. The circuit prototype responds to an outage and redirects the flow of power. Participants explore the components and characteristics of simple circuits, logic gates, and relays. They also engage in an energy delivery themed, escape room style activity developed by educators at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with support from the US Department of Energy. This virtual environment presents a fictional, but based on real events, cascading blackout scenario and challenges players to find the cause. Participants analyze data from the blackout, determine what went wrong, and propose strategies to prevent another such event in the future. Time will be allotted for debriefing and sharing ideas for classroom implementation.

The US power grid is the system of producers and consumers of electricity. It includes power generators, switches, substations, miles of power lines, and millions of transformers. The power grid is continually evolving as we integrate alternative power resources and invent technologies.

Lara Hebert (Assistant Director, Engineering Public Engagement: Urbana, IL), Jana Sebestik (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Champaign, IL)

I’ll Have Another Drink…And Another…And Another... A 3-D Lesson to Investigate and Make Sense of the Drinking Bird Phenomenon

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The drinking bird is a classic heat engine toy that has been featured in popular culture. Although the cause-and-effect relationship for this phenomenon is clear, the mechanism for its repetitive movement is puzzling for most students. In this workshop, participants will use investigative and sensemaking practices to explore the drinking bird phenomenon. This interactive 3-D lesson is in alignment with the goals, standards, and practices of the NGSS. In addition, tips to enhance the development and use of student explanatory models will be featured.

Workshop participants will experience an interactive and engaging three-dimensional lesson that is in alignment with the goals and practices of the Next Generation Science Standards. In addition, tips to enhance the development and use of student-created explanatory models will be featured.

Bryan Horan (Northport - East Northport UFSD: Northport, NY)

“AUTHOR” Activating Students' Ideas! Linking Formative Assessment to Instructional Sequence

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Activating Students' Ideas! is a one-stop professional learning experience that will inspire you to reimagine how you teach. This session discusses how two popular teaching resources can be used in tandem: (1) Uncovering Student Ideas formative assessment probes and (2) Explore-before-explain teaching. We show how simple shifts in arranging and combining activities help students construct knowledge while allowing you to put the three dimensions of the K-12 Science Education Frameworks into practice. The session includes: (1) A concise review of research on why the order in which you structure your lessons is so critical; (2) The critical planning considerations for becoming an “explore-before-explain” teacher; (3) Ready-to-teach lessons that use science phenomena as a hook to provide an interdisciplinary learning experience; and (4) Reflection questions will spark thinking throughout the sequencing process and help you develop the knowledge to adapt these concepts to you

Learn about a resource for formative assessment and explore-before-explain teaching.

Patrick Brown (Fort Zumwalt School District R-II: O'Fallon, MO)

Lessons from Our Classrooms: Successfully Supporting Emerging Multilinguals

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Jay McShann A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides with links to resources on slide 27

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Participants will learn research-based methods for supporting emerging multilinguals in their science classroom. These methods will be modeled by sharing sections of Biology labs that have been modified to support English learners. At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to take home sample lessons and labs specifically developed for a multilingual science classroom. Teaching methods presented are based on research and actual classroom experience, developed collaboratively by a team including a science teacher, English as a new language teacher, and a language development researcher. Labs shared with participants are designed to foster critical thinking while incorporating appropriate scaffolding. Lab handouts for participants to take back to their classrooms will include the following topics: scientific method, ecology, enzymes, biomolecules, cell transport, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration.

Participants will learn and practice teaching techniques for supporting English learners in their science class while engaging with lessons that model these procedures.

Tina Ahmadi (PhD Student: Indianapolis, IN)

Speed and Velocity: Lessons with Motion Graphs

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO

For students new to describing motion, graphs of position and velocity can be difficult to interpret. In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to use sensors to create and discuss graphs of motion with your students.

Seaworthy STEM in a Box: Naval-relevant K-12 Activities to Support Sensemaking in STEM

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2206


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Seaworthy STEM in a Box activities were developed through collaborative efforts between STEM education specialists at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division and master teachers participating in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Albert Einstein Distinguished Education Fellowship Program. Seaworthy STEM endeavors to inspire and prepare the next generation of STEM professionals by supporting teachers’ efforts to engage students – from early childhood through high school – in more hand-on science inquiry and engineering design. Activities are organized around grade bands with Naval-relevant themes and involve simple phenomena that support student sensemaking around key science and engineering concepts. Our workshop will allow teachers to practice several hands-on activities from the Seaworth STEM suite and will provide strategies for classroom integration, including content selection, standards alignment, materials acquisition, and tips for classroom implementation.

In this hands-on workshop, teachers will explore several Seaworthy STEM in a Box activities and receive teacher background information on NGSS standards alignment, career connections, and relevant Naval and physical science concepts. Links to classroom-ready lesson materials will also be provided.

Stephanie Klixbull (Penn State University: No City, No State), Tom Jenkins (National Museum of the United States Air Force: Dayton, OH), Melissa Thompson (Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship: No City, No State), Suzy Otto (University of Missouri)

Infographics: Increasing Visual Literacy

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Infographics: Improving Visual Literacy Participant Handout
This link provides access to this session's participant handout.
Infographics: Improving Visual Literacy Presentation Slides
This link is for access to the presentation slide deck.

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Students today are exposed to an information-rich environment that is inundated with visual images. Likewise, science relies heavily on the use of visuals to present technical information. Instructional strategies will be shared that use infographics to engage students with the science and engineering practices to make sense of complex information quickly and clearly. Participants will experience a “think-aloud” to extrapolate information from an infographic and work through an evaluation tool to determine its scientific credibility. In addition, they will learn ways to incorporate infographics to spark debate, construct a scientific argument using the claim-evidence-reasoning framework, and complete a problem analysis to find a solution to an everyday problem. Finally, resources will be shared in how to develop student-created infographics.

Participants will learn instructional strategies to support student sensemaking through the use of visually-rich infographics. This includes using science and engineering practices to analyze and interpret data, construct explanations, and engage in argument from evidence in secondary classrooms.

Tina Hovance (Katy ISD: Katy, TX)

Exploring Sound Waves Using The Human Body & Simple Instruments

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2102 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Slides with diagrams of the anatomy of the larynx are shown with the parts & functions being described to participants. As the anatomy is being taught there will be breaks for participants to talk to each other while feeling their throats, chest, nose, mouth, jaw, etc to feel the vibrations & notice how damping the vibrations changes how participants sound to themselves & others. Next, videos of an opera singer in an MRI machine are shown to see the anatomy in action. After this whistles, & recorders will be passed out for participants to play the same note but hear the difference in sound. A visualizer showing the relative amplitude of each frequency is used as participants play so they can see that each instrument creates its own unique set of waves in addition to the fundamental tone that is being played. The process is repeated for multiple singers that are singing the same note.

Participants will be able to use direct instruction, demonstrations, and short activities to explain the basics of how human voices are able to produce sound, why each person/instrument has a unique sound, and why your voice sounds different to you than it does on recordings.

Brendan Emig (Middle/Upper School Choral Director: Houston, TX), Clark Ellis (The Kinkaid School)

AUTHOR: Once Upon a Physical Science Book: Real Science, Real Literacy Instruction

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

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The session will open with having participants work through pieces of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 from Once Upon a Physical Science Book. We will play with marbles to explore inertia, read about inertia's effect on kids in a school bus, and write an explanation of inertia. Then we'll try out gumdrop wave machines read, an article on bat echolocation, and outline a short letter that students could write after doing the reading. Next, we will discuss the "shape" of the lesson we just worked through, called a literacy learning cycle. From there, we will look at several specific difficulties that arise for students when they are asked to read and write (expectations, background knowledge, and meaningful writing). These topics will illustrate why a literacy learning cycle is so helpful. Finally, we will talk briefly about how the Once Upon a Science Book series can serve as a resource for literacy learning cycles.

Attendees will be introduced to the literacy learning cycle format, in which hands-on work precedes meaningful reading and writing activities. They will see how this system works by participating in lessons on wave motion and inertia.

Matthew Hackett (Delta Woods Middle School: Blue Springs, MO), Jodi Wheeler-Toppen (Author/ Staff Development: Atlanta, GA)

Rockets and Chickens!

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2209


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“Rockets Away '' curriculum revealed that the predominantly female staff was uneasy and hesitant to use launching equipment. A “Science Squad” assisted the teachers with the physics knowledge, building, and launching of the rockets. Then the creation of videos to show the proper techniques for rocketry and voice overlay ppt to ensure the accuracy of the physics concepts. Teachers became certified in Rocketry. Many 3rd-grade teachers provided inquiry science in the form of dioramas for their life science unit. The introduction of “Chickquest” was essential to providing inquiry-based learning. Early on, a “Science Squad” dressed in white coats, funny chick glasses, and hats assisted the teachers in the classroom with setting-up incubators, candling eggs, and troubleshooting student questions to WebCams for students to witness the live hatching 24/7. These STEM activities evolved into humanity lessons such as students reading to the chicks and sharing their hatches with each other.

How to leverage technology & personnel for elementary teachers to engage students in authentic science and engineering concepts.

Johnna O'Neal (Instructional Specialist: No City, No State), Katrina Halasa (Akron Public Schools: Akron, OH)

How Do You Support Students Through Productive Struggle?

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Great Minds

In this workshop, participants undergo a challenging student experience as they work through a complex investigation. Throughout the course of the session, participants discover the importance of fostering an environment that encourages challenges where students can struggle in a safe space.

Sally Robichaux (Great Minds: Washington, DC)

Engineer Physical Science Excitement with a Carolina STEM Challenge®

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 B


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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Apply creative problem-solving skills and engineering practices to chemistry and physical science challenges. Experience how Carolina makes it easy to incorporate STEM into your classroom. Launch a chemical reaction rocket and race a car powered by a balloon.

Patricia Kopkau

Hitting the Slopes: Explorations in Kinematics, Force, and Mass

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 A

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Science Education

Do your students struggle with the meaning of the slope of a graph? We'll demonstrate how to use all the sensors in a Go Direct® Sensor Cart to explore kinematics, force, and mass. These engaging, hands-on experiments will give your students multiple ways to practice working with these principles.

David Carter (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR)

The Highs and Lows of the Weather - A Look Into Nor'easters and The Winter Bomb Cyclone

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2105

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The conceptual understanding of the interactions between Earth Systems, particularly the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, allows students to expand their knowledge further of concepts like weather, climate, and climate change. But research (Dove, 1999; Henriques, 2002; Phillips, 1991) shows that teachers and students have a poor understanding of basic weather-related concepts. In this workshop, teachers will be given a 5E lesson incorporating activities that will enable them to better integrate the phenomena of high and low-pressure systems (Disciplinary Core Idea ESS2D) into their curriculum. Besides the 5E lesson, participants will receive additional resources for implementing how these highs and lows interact during the winter to produce Nor'easters and Midwestern Winter Bomb systems. This workshop aims to better prepare those teaching about this important phenomenon in our nation's classrooms.

Teachers will be given a 5E lesson incorporating activities that will enable them to integrate better the phenomena of high- and low-pressure systems into their curriculum. Participants will also receive additional resources on incorporating winter weather systems in the classroom.

Dannah Schaffer (Minot State University: Minot, ND)

Making Physics Engaging & Accessible for All Students (even those who struggle with math)

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Jay McShann B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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My first years of teaching Physics at Title 1 schools in Memphis were challenging. Many of my students were very behind, especially in math. However, I developed 5 strategies to make learning physics accessible and they completely transformed my classroom. 1. “Building Block” Method The biggest breakthrough in my classroom was breaking long problems down into building blocks. I will show how to do this with a sample forces unit. 2. Pre-manipulated equations I will share an equation sheet that shows all forms of each equation. It is a game-changer for students who struggle with algebra. 3. Setting-Up for Success I will model a consistent way to help students stay organized on different types of problems. 4. Simplifying Motion I will illustrate how to solve motion problems using simpler notation and simpler equations. 5. Simplifying Circuits I will show how to use the “routes method” so students can solve most circuits in a more conceptual way.

Teachers will come away from this session with strategies that they can immediately implement in their classrooms to make physics more accessible and engaging, especially for their lower-level learners.

Jack Replinger (FormerTeacher / Founder: , WA)

Unlocking Science Success: Navigating Middle School Learning Progressions

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Take a deeper dive into understanding the importance of learning progressions in 3-dimensional learning using STC Middle School. Experience the importance of a coherent story line in student understanding. Leave with classroom resources.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Crash Cushion Design Challenge: A Lesson on Collisions

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO

Give your students a real-world engineering challenge! Explore the relationship between momentum and impact forces by designing and testing crash barriers with live collision data.

Vernier Go Direct sensors + TI Graphing Calculators = A match made in STEM!

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 A

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Science Education

TI graphing calculators now work with Vernier’s Go Direct sensors, wirelessly, with the TI-Bluetooth Adapter! Students can code their own data collection programs using Python to ensure their experiments are customized to their specific needs. Or they can use pre-existing programs from the TI web site to quickly start collecting data. Once the data is on the calculator, students can use one of many applications to better visualize, analyze, and understand the data they’ve collected.

Gregory Dodd (George Washington High School: Philadelphia, PA)

Zipping to STEM

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2204

STRAND: Tech Tools

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We outline an integrated STEM program implemented across multiple schools in a large urban district. The program presented an engineering design challenge using computer-aided design, computational modeling, and 3D printing, as a way to fully integrate the “T” in STEM. We engaged students in solving a real-world problem: optimizing a prototype of a Soap Box Derby Car by using CAD software, virtual and physical wind tunnel testing, and 3D printing. Students investigated the factors that impact the performance of a gravity racing car in order to optimize its performance, using concepts they learned about aerodynamic forces. The students then used CAD Software and virtual simulation testing to design and test a car shell. We will share integration strategies, highlights of the curriculum implementation in several middle school classrooms, and research results from student assessment and teacher interviews to discuss the impact of the curriculum on students’ learning and engagement.

How to effectively integrate technology, engineering, and science in a STEM curriculum that focuses on engineering-specific technology tools and computational modeling, and uses science and engineering practices.

Johnna O'Neal (Instructional Specialist: No City, No State), Katrina Halasa (Akron Public Schools: Akron, OH)

Circuits Made Easy: Untangle Your Circuit Labs!

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO

Experience the best way to teach basic circuits! Learn how to build circuits with modular components that look identical to schematic drawings. We'll show you how to skip the tangled wires that confuse students and focus on the physics.

Developing and Using Models: Measuring and Graphing Speed

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2501 D

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids

This interactive workshop uses a model cart system with ramps to help students learn to measure speed and rate. They also match segments of a distance-vs-time graph to portions of a narrative to help conceptualize the meaning behind slopes on motion graphs.

Ways to Structure Student Discussions to Increase Participation and Collaborative Sensemaking

Friday, October 27 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2210

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The session will give teachers an opportunity to participate in the same sort of rich and meaningful learning experiences that are called for by the NGSS. This session, as a result, will include approximately forty minutes of audience participation in student hat. Teachers will leave with high-quality instructional materials that they can use in their own classrooms. The agenda for this session is: • A discussion of characteristics of collaborative sensemaking and productive discussions (5 mins). • A discussion of some of the challenges with promoting and supporting productive discussions where all students participate during a learning experience (10 minutes). • An opportunity for participants to experience an example of productive small group discussion that fosters collaborative sense-making (20 mins). • An opportunity for participants to experience an example of productive whole class discussion (20 mins). • Questions and suggestions for learning more (5 mins).

Collaborative sensemaking requires productive and inclusive talk. Teachers can foster productive talk between students using specific activity structures, talk prompts, talk moves, and supports.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

CONSTRUCTing Effective Assessment Questions Using the NGSS DCIs

Friday, October 27 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2205

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA-KC 2023, CONSTRUCT presentation, NSTA upload.pptx

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Using the Disciplinary Core Ideas and a research-based “citizen science” approach, science educators contributed their own test items, and also helped to revise existing test items in order to address crucial issues such as difficulty, gender, and racial/ethnic bias that were present in the item analysis characteristics. We share the analysis and results of these efforts so that educators can assess their own test items to be more inclusive of all students understandings in one of the dimensions of the 3-D approach to learning. Learn what changes contributed to improvement of the item as well as what types of changes or revisions made the item worse than before. We also share results of field testing of these items in student classrooms and discuss the importance of incorporating students’ misconceptions into the response choices to capture their true understanding of science concepts as outlined in the DCIs.

Learn to evaluate assessment questions that you use to assess students’ sensemaking of elements outlined in the NGSS DCIs. Are the questions free of bias, not too difficult, indicative of overall student performance? Do they include common misconceptions that students hold? Access a free resource.

Cynthia Crockett (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA)

Keep Calm and Chemistry On: Successful Lab Activities for the New Chemistry Teacher

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Explore easy, engaging, and safe chemistry activities that guarantee a reaction in your students. Whether you’re new to chemistry or feeling out of your element, create excitement with hands-on labs and demonstrations.

Laurie Nixon (Watauga High School: Boone, NC)

CRISPR comes to the clinic: The Revolution in Human Genetics

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
CRISPR Slides - part 1
Slides from my presentation
CRISPR slides - Part 2
Slides from my presentation
CRISPR Case Studies as described in my presentation at NSTA-KC-2023

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

Techniques such as CRISPR, mitochondrial transfer, and mRNA therapeutics have opened new possibilities for genetic manipulation, bringing with them new opportunities to energize the biology curriculum.

Kenneth Miller (Brown University: Providence, RI)

Process Over Product: Student Sensemaking Through Modeling

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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In this poster session, we highlight how two 5th-grade teachers of linguistically diverse students strategically used the Science and Engineering Practice of Developing and Using Models over the course of a physical science unit to increase opportunities for sensemaking with all students. First, we show sample models from multilingual learners across three time points in the unit: initial, revised, and final model. At each time point, we highlight what the teachers did to elicit and interpret student thinking. In particular, we share how “final models” can serve as a more authentic end-of-unit task when an iterative modeling process has been enacted. We describe how the teachers’ own perceptions of modeling changed over the course of the unit. As a result of heightened student sensemaking with the more iterative modeling process, the teachers shifted away from positioning models as products and toward positioning models as evidence of current and evolving sensemaking.

By strategically allowing all students, particularly multilingual learners, to develop and use increasingly sophisticated models over time, teachers shifted away from “models as products” and toward “models as evidence of sensemaking.”

Iovanna Williams (Science Teacher: , NY), Adriana Romanzo (Elementary Science Teacher: New York, NY), Abigail Schwenger (Research Associate)

Make Your Own Poly-density Bottles

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Poly Density Bottles Poster1.jpg

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Polydensity bottles are made with salt, isopropyl alcohol, water, UV beads, and pony beads. These materials are easily accessible and relatively inexpensive. With the polydensity bottles, students can engage in sensemaking related to density, molecular properties, solubility, and other concepts supported by the NRC K-12 Framework. Students can be challenged to complete calculations and create their own bottles, or teachers can make bottles to be used as an introductory or anchoring phenomenon. This session will provide multiple ideas on ways to use these interesting bottles to give students at multiple levels the opportunity to engage in sensemaking and Science Practices. Instructions will be given for creating bottles with multiple recipes, and sources of instructional materials will be provided to participants.

Poly density bottles are an effective and inexpensive way to provide a discrepant event to intrigue students. Students at various levels can engage with this phenomenon to engage in sensemaking as they employ several different concepts in Physical Science.

Kelly Moore (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN)

Using Pan and Digital Balances to Describe and Compare Weight

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Different Instruments for Quantifying Qualifying Weight
Weight measurement with pan and digital balances.

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The poster aims to present student ideas about mathematics and computational thinking (MCT) in the context of weight (elementary) or mass (secondary). Standards K-PS2-1 and 3-PS2-1 emphasize and guide the three-dimensional approach. Participants consider the differences and similarities between a pan and digital balance with a Venn diagram. Students typically think of weight as a quantitative measure. The pan balance can be used to describe the weight of an object both qualitatively and quantitatively. In mathematics education, pan balances quantify the weight of objects with a set of known weights. Weighted plastic of one, five, or ten increments placed on one side of the pan quantitatively measures the ”weight” of the object on the other pan. Educators use “weight” to describe “mass” and refer to heaviness or the amount of stuff an object has at the elementary level. Comparing and contrasting quantities and relationships align with the SEP of using MCT.

After comparing the weight of two or more objects with a pan and digital balance, a Venn diagram structures students' thinking about the weight measurement tools. We present students’ ideas about balances and offer strategies to uncover students’ ideas about qualitative and quantitative measurements.

Jaclyn Murray (Mercer University: Macon, GA)

Computing Earth's System's -- A Project {FUTURE} Computer Science Integrated Unit

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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In Wisconsin, 5th-grade students develop models to explain how Earth's systems interact. 10 Milwaukee Public Schools are engaged in Project {FUTURE}; a DOA research and outreach grant as partners with Marquette and Sacred Heart Universities to bring Computer Science into elementary classrooms. A group of these Project {FUTURE} teachers are members of a collaborative cohort developing integrated computer science units. These units embed and bridge Computer Science content, such as algorithms and programming, into other content areas. The highlighted "novel" integrated unit connects the science topic of Earth's systems to the beginning computer programming language of Blockly to create interactive models using CODE.org's Sprite Lab. The culminating project requires students to incorporate research and data gathered on two or more of Earth's systems, and create an interactive app using sprites, variables, and simulations within CODE.org Computer Science Fundamental Course F.

The poster session will outline the collaborative process experienced by a cohort of teachers in designing integrated computer science units. The featured Earth's System unit embeds computer science components of programming and algorithms with the WI and NGSS grade 5 standards for physical science.

Renee Scianni (Milwaukee Public Schools: Milwaukee, WI)

Worthwhile Words: Implementing Effective Vocabulary Instruction

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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A middle school PLC observed that students were not retaining or using content specific vocabulary or completing teacher provided practice. Through a coaching partnership, educators researched and determined to prioritize the following learning: conceptual understanding, explicit instruction, connection between words, multiple interactions with words, and discourse among peers. First, teachers minimized the words in each unit to focus only on Tier 3 and Tier 2 words. Next, the educators placed the words in a flow chart on a large wall showing connections between words. Teachers developed conceptual understanding during instruction and ways for students to interact with each word. Examples included; labs, readings, definitions, and discourse with peers. The teachers intentionally selected strategies to interact with each word such as defining, drawing, comparing, summarizing, discussing, and synthesizing their understanding. Student work was displayed on the interactive wall.

Participants will leave with strategies to implement vocabulary instruction in any science content area.

Maryam Siddiqui (Teacher: , IL), Meghan Chuipek (Thompson Middle School)

Mountain Rescue: Recasting STEM Students as Middle School MacGyvers

Friday, October 27 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Aligned to Next Generation Science Standards, our collaborative card game called Mountain Rescue engages players in STEM learning while immersed in an authentic and thrilling context: seeking rescue from a plane crash. Designed for grades 5-8, the game is playable in about 30-minutes. Preliminary play-test results indicate that students are engaged and feel the game has value for collaborative learning. During gameplay, players utilize collaborative skills essential to STEM careers by working together to solve puzzles related to electricity, physics, chemistry, and engineering design. Yet, to convert our research into effective classroom practice–we need you. Please stop by our poster and share your feedback with us. We would love to hear your thoughts about gameplay, game design, and potential implementation issues which we will incorporate into our next round of funding. Maybe you would even like to have the next version of Mountain Rescue come to your classroom!

Attendees will learn about the collaborative STEM card game called Mountain Rescue. Presenters will share the design, gameplay basics, and research findings. Presenters will engage attendees in lively discourse around necessary improvements and implementation issues.

Denise Bressler (Chief Ideologist: Liberty Corner, NJ)

Using ChatGPT To Your Advantage in Your Junior High/Middle School Science Class

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2203

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STRAND: Research to Practice

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By utilizing ChatGPT, start-ups can provide students with a starting point for research by offering them foundational knowledge on a variety of subjects. The use of superheroes to teach the periodic table, for example, could provide students with a fun and engaging way to learn about chemistry. Similarly, focusing on environmental concerns such as ocean acidification can help students understand the importance of conservation and sustainability. Additionally, warm-up activities can be an effective way to build relationships and foster collaboration between students. Whether it be through icebreakers or team-building exercises, getting to know one another can help students work together more effectively and create a more positive learning environment. Overall, utilizing ChatGPT can be an effective way for teachers to create engaging and informative content for students. By providing them with a foundation of knowledge, start-ups can empower students to take control of their own learning.

One takeaway from this session is that you will understand that ChatGPT is a powerful tool for teachers. This application will allow you to answer questions or ideas you have and improve research activities that might be difficult for students.

Ricardo Padilla (Brookhurst Jr HIgh School)

Building student excitement in the classroom: How the engineering design process increases student excitement for science and math

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2102 A


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STEM learning activities have been shown to increase student engagement (Fredricks et al., 2003) and learning (English, 2016). Because we are currently experiencing huge growth in STEM fields, we need to grow student interest in future STEM careers. STEM careers, which combine aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, are growing exponentially (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2021; Ramaley et al., 2005; Scott-Parker & Barone-Nuget, 2019). To be globally competitive in a technologically diverse society, educators and policymakers aim to build scientific and mathematically literate students who are prepared for integrated STEM career fields. Employers not only need future employees to be literate in math and science, but they also need students to develop creativity and critical thinking skills; these are skills that cannot be replaced with computer or robotic technology. Development of student interest in STEM is critical for future generations.

Teachers and administrators will see how the incorporation of STEM activities can be used to increase student engagement and excitement in the classroom. Lesson plans and connections to science and math standards are included.

Leslie Sauder (Northern State University)

Toward Equitable Science Teaching and Learning: Language Shifts in the NGSS Classroom

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2102 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Handout (Language Shifts)
Session Slides (Language Shifts).pptx.pdf

STRAND: Research to Practice

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A collaborative team of teachers and researchers share findings from a research project aimed at integrating science and language with fifth-grade multilingual learners (MLs). First, we describe three language instructional shifts: modalities, registers, and interactions. Then, we share how two teachers enacted these shifts over the course of a physical science unit and present classroom examples of how they (a) used nonlinguistic modalities (e.g., models) as an essential way to engage all students in the Science and Engineering Practices, (b) treated specialized language (i.e., a more formal register) as a product of learning science rather than a prerequisite, and (c) leveraged the affordances of different registers (i.e., everyday, specialized) based on the different communicative demands across different types of interactions. Finally, we provide suggestions for enacting these language instructional shifts with MLs across a range of classroom contexts.

As all students, and especially multilingual learners, make sense of phenomena and problems, they use multiple modalities (both linguistic and visual) and a range of registers (from everyday to specialized) across different types of interactions to engage in communication of science ideas.

Iovanna Williams (Science Teacher: , NY), Adriana Romanzo (Elementary Science Teacher: New York, NY), Abigail Schwenger (Research Associate)

NMLSTA-Don’t Cross the Streams; Assessment Literacy in the Inquiry-Based Classroom

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 B

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Based on the work of Andrew Ho and Margaret Heritage, this session will outline the four major “quadrants” of the assessment matrix and review the nature and the stakeholders for each. We focus then on the process of moving from a structured Formative Assessment Process to an Invisible Formative Assessment Process, and benchmarks for delivering high-quality assessment alongside high-quality instruction.

Lastly, we will focus on the NGSS specific requirements for classroom-based assessment and align it to the Herron scale of inquiry to ensure that our assessment process is inclined in the same direction as our instruction.

Implementation of inquiry-based standards and the shift to a more inquiry-based classroom requires a clear vision of the assessment opportunities and processes classroom teachers will need to engage in and administrators will need to support and review.

John White (Breakthrough Technologies: , IL)

Dark matter and the fourth form of circular motion

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Bennie Moten


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A lab done in science classes leads students to discover that the force of a hanging mass can be offset by the force of a spinning mass, finding equilibrium between centrifugal force and gravity. Discover how that same physics principle used in astronomy applies to the rotation of the Milky Way and led to the discovery of Dark Matter. Students will compare their calculations for circular and planetary motion with those for the rotation of the galaxy as collected by radio astronomer’s plotting the movement of neutral hydrogen. How will your students react when they discover these calculations don’t match? Learn how to lead your students through a discussion of the world of radio astronomers who grappled with the same problem when their data did not align with the laws of physics. The explanation became a new field in cosmology – the study of dark matter and dark energy.

Students will learn that galactic rotational motion follows different rules than either circular motion or Kepler’s planetary motion laws. This led to the discovery of dark matter.

John Clark (Volusia Online Learning: Port Orange, FL)

How Much Physics Can You Do with a Meter Stick?

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2502 A

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO

Rediscover the most versatile tool in your physics lab: the meter stick! Learn how to facilitate investigations of rotation, torque, optics, and even Lenz's law using the PASCO Aluminum Meter Stick and accessories.

NSTA Press: Universal Design for Learning Science

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Slides

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Universal Design for Learning Science: Reframing Elementary Instruction in Physical Science (NSTA Press, 2020) -- With this practical book, teachers can learn from experienced elementary school educators about how to make physical science both challenging and accessible for a diverse range of students. In our session, authors will be sharing examples and experiences with using the 5E instructional framework and principles of Universal Design for Learning to transform their science instruction. Participants will learn how to identify barriers to students' learning within their curriculum/lessons and develop solutions for their specific students using the 3 principles of UDL. Participants will also use a storyline lens to examine the conceptual coherence of their lessons. We'll use a combination of personal testimonials, small group discussion, and team "teaching tasks" to prepare attendees to create more inclusive science learning. Attendees do not need copies of the book to participate.

Participants will learn how to use Universal Design for Learning and the 5E Learning Cycle to create learning experiences that are accessible for all students, especially students with disabilities, and that support student sensemaking through coherent conceptual storylines.

Debi Hanuscin (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA)

Crafting Three-Dimensional Multiple Choice Questions & More

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Mary Lou Williams

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Revision History of Written Assessment

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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I will take participants through my process of crafting sets of formative multiple choice questions that each use 2 of the 3 dimensions of NGSS, so that all dimensions are addressed. I will also show my process for refining free response questions to get the exact responses I am looking for and that allow for an ease of grading and seeing students’ understanding. I will provide examples from my own classroom & direct them to where they can find more examples from various storylines. As an iHub Chemistry writer, I learned to write 3-D multiple choice formative questions. An assessment graduate course taught me how to write quality distractors to see limits of student understanding and get useful feedback data. I merge these 2 in my own classroom to create assessments to get to what my students know. I will share my learning from these trainings and more to set teachers on the path to quality 3-D classroom assessments.

Learn to craft three-dimensional assessments, multiple choice, and free response. Using quality distractors in multiple choice formatives allows you to pinpoint student misconceptions. Free response questions direct students to the specific response you want so that grading goes quicker.

Sarah Evans (Olathe South High School: Olathe, KS)

Stepping into the shoes of a radiologist: isotopes, medicine, and cell division

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Lester Young B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides (for use with students)
Student handout

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Engage your students with a real-world application of physical sciences and biology through our scaffolded nuclear radiology case study. Nuclear medicine is a branch of radiology that uses radioactive materials to diagnose and treat disease. The purpose of this session is to introduce students to medical imaging and nuclear medicine alongside Next Generation Science Standards as they attempt to diagnose and treat a hypothetical patient. In addition to fostering critical thinking, this session connects FDG-PET (a type of nuclear imaging) to the following next generation science standards: 1) Develop models to illustrate the changes in the composition of the nucleus of the atom and the energy released during … fission, fusion, and radioactive decay. (HS-PS1-8), and 2) Use a model to illustrate the role of cellular division (mitosis) and differentiation in producing and maintaining complex organisms. (HS-LS1-4).

Participants will feel prepared to incorporate a nuclear radiology problem-based learning activity (developed by a radiologist and science teacher team) into their own classrooms!

Peter Gunderman (Radiologist), Tina Ahmadi (PhD Student: Indianapolis, IN)

Why did the acid go to the gym? To become a little buffer!

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Big Joe Turner B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Why did the acid to go the gym_ To be a little buffer. (1).pdf

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Teachers will explore a data collection activity to investigate pH and a pH titration curve. Teachers will also explore a variety of card sorts, hands-on activities to model acid base chemistry as well as the application of buffers in real world situations.

Acid base chemistry and buffers are difficult concepts for students to grasp. This session will help teachers create and modify traditional lecture activities to be student-centered, hands-on learning opportunities.

Chris Coker (Camden Fairview High School: Camden, AR), Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA)

A Hands-on Approach to Effectively Teaching Health Science

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Anatomy in Clay

They will acquire the knowledge to engage science students with immediate, hands-on learning using a proven method that is nationally recognized to increase student retention and test scores. Come build the rotator cuff with us!

Chuck Roney (ANATOMY IN CLAY Learning Systems: Loveland, CO), John-Paul Theriault (ANATOMY IN CLAY Learning Systems: Loveland, CO)

“How to Cook a Turkey”: Students’ Misconceptions in Science, What We Assume vs. What They Think

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2215 B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA-KC, Oct. 2023, How to Cook a Turkey”, Students' MIsconceptions..... upload.pptx

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Our students make sense of science and construct their ideas from many experiences, then use that “knowledge” as a foundation for their learning. However, it may not always be a solid foundation. We can help students develop their science knowledge through a deeper understanding of the misconceptions they hold, using phenomena, observation, sensemaking, and robust assessment. We can then assess students’ ideas and misconceptions in the sciences at various grade levels creating and using research-based assessments, understanding the importance of including their ideas in those assessments. When each item contains a choice between a scientifically correct answer and a common, widely-held, student misconception, we can more accurately evaluate our students’ true understanding of the DCI components of the NGSS.

Educators will learn how to work with misconceptions that students hold in order to incorporate those into useful assessments. Use students’ sensemaking to discover ways to get at those ideas, and share your students’ misconceptions, hear others as well, and build research-based assessments.

Cynthia Crockett (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA)

Implementing Differentiation Strategies in High School Classrooms

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Truman B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Implementing Differentiation Slides

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Differentiation in the science classroom is essential for student learning, allowing students to enter the lesson from different points and gain the tools to access material and ensure enduring understanding. In this session, participants will learn about a variety of strategies they can use in their classroom to engage students, identify misconceptions, provide varied practice activities, and offer choices in the learning progression. Differentiation seems to be a wide umbrella, but this session aims to narrow the focus and provide teachers with tools and tips they can implement as soon as they’re home from NSTA!

Takeaway a deeper understanding of approaches to differentiation, including both small- and large-scale strategies that are applicable to all science classrooms. Strategies range from simple techniques that can be implemented during a portion of one class, to unit-long approaches.

Kellie Dean (Adlai E. Stevenson High School: Lincolnshire, IL), Jin Kyung Hwang (Adlai E. Stevenson High School: Lincolnshire, IL), Molly Sponseller (Adlai E. Stevenson High School: Lincolnshire, IL)

Making Moves to Match a Graph

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2503 B

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

Graphs are great ways to illustrate patterns/trends in data, but many students do not understand how to use them. By using a motion detector and calculator, students are challenged to "Match a Graph" by changing their position and speed. Come give it a try!

Questions Are the Answer: How to Scaffold Students’ Thinking Without Telling Them the Answers

Friday, October 27 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2505 A

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

Questions are an important aspect of effective science teaching. This session will arm you with questioning strategies including SHARE (Wilcox et al., 2021) that use students’ responses to drive the conversation forward, in addition to convergent/divergent questions.

Jesse Wilcox (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Game On! Game-Based Learning vs. Gamification

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Plasma Games

It's all fun and games but does it work? Dive into the difference between gamification and game-based learning to innovate your classroom, and engage and excite students to learn Chemistry. Bonus: Leave with an all-inclusive access code to a 3-D game-based platform.

Alison Baker (Lead Curriculum Specialist: Raleigh, NC)

Game On! Game-Based Learning vs. Gamification

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Sponsoring Company: Plasma Games

It's all fun and games but does it work? Dive into the difference between gamification and game-based learning to innovate your classroom, and engage and excite students to learn Chemistry. Bonus: Leave with an all-inclusive access code to a 3-D game-based platform.

Shining a Light on the “T” in STEM-- Engaging Elementary Students in Computational Thinking Using Activities About Light.

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

STRAND: STEM Haven | Computer Science

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Even though children interact with the natural and designed worlds daily, they don’t often think and act like scientists and engineers-- who often use computational thinking. Come see how to embed computational thinking into an elementary lesson on light!

Learn how to incorporate computational thinking into science lessons!

Jesse Wilcox (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Using Checklists For Assessment

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2023 Checklists for Assessment NSTA.pptx

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As teachers are required to assess a student’s understanding of competencies in addition to knowledge outcomes, they have used tools more commonly used in other disciplines. For example, rubrics have been a tool used to assess many forms of student work. Their general description of each achievement level provides flexibility and personalization. This is particularly useful for essay assignments. However, in lab reports, this often leads to ambiguity. Students may not know the difference between an “acceptable” demonstration of communication compared to a “skilled” demonstration. Despite repeated instruction, the generalized description of rubrics allows room for conflict and negotiation between students and teachers. Rubrics can be redesigned into checklists to remove the ambiguity. It is clear whether or not students have demonstrated each aspect of a competency. This session will share a few of these checklists for teachers to use in their own classrooms.

Checklists can be made from rubrics. Checklists are more clear and reduce ambiguity.

Leon Lau (Teacher: , AB)

Extreme Living: Making Sense of Changing Weather Patterns and Designing Solutions

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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This presentation will provide teachers with a ready-to-teach Unit designed to help their students experience several Physical Science, Earth-Space Science, and Engineering NGSS standards. The unit addresses global weather patterns and the impacts of potential pattern changes. It also addresses thermal energy and its applications in building design. All middle school science teachers; whether new to profession, new to phenomena based learning, or seasoned veterans will find something new and exciting to bring back to their classrooms. This Unit combines my understanding of the middle school science classroom with expertise of curriculum writers at Pacific Education Institute. Teachers will receive help planning lessons, activities, and discussions. They will also take the role of a student to have first hand experience with labs and activities. Teachers will receive a digital copy of all of the instructional materials including grading rubrics.

Teachers will learn how to teach and assess a dynamic 3-D unit addressing Physical Science and Earth Space Science NGSS Standards. Teachers will leave with editable access to all Unit materials. Teachers will get time and guidance on how to adapt the Unit to their classroom and student needs.

Kat Chamberlain (Ridgetop Middle School: No City, No State)

3-D Instructional Materials and Assessments for Share-a-thon

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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It takes a ton of time to make your own 3-D lessons and assessments. Come learn where you can get a ton of great ones that you can use in your classroom right away. Materials for life science, physical science, and earth-space science, grades 3-12.

Where to find great 3-D instructional materials and assessments.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Assessing Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge and Experiences: A National Study

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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The Science Education Dept. at Harvard University conducted a nationwide study, over the course of three semesters, on the strengths and weaknesses of STEM, and on the teaching knowledge of preservice educators who will soon enter the STEM teaching workforce. By examining pre-service teachers’ experiences before and during their preparation program, we’ll share our findings about experiences that optimize teacher knowledge for effective science teaching. The study also characterizes two essential types of teacher knowledge: 1) subject matter knowledge; and 2) pedagogical content knowledge concerning the common preconceptions and misconceptions held by learners, reflecting stages in student learning progressions. This research helps identify promising features of undergraduate PST programs for future implementation.

Attendees will learn what factors impact preservice teachers’ interest in teaching, the status of teacher education programs, and what are the strong and weak STEM content knowledge areas of preservice science teachers, including the prevalence of learning about students’ misconceptions.

Philip Sadler (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA), Cynthia Crockett (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA)

Using Coding in the Science Classroom

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Using TI Nspires, Rovers, Hubs, and arrays attendees will learn how a science teacher from South Arkansas incorporated simple coding into his science classroom. We will draw VSEPR molecular models with Rovers, see how hubs and arrays can "brighten" up the electromagnetic spectrum calculations of wavelength, frequency, and energy with sound, pictures, and color. No coding experience necessary.

Ideas on how you may incorporate simple coding into the science classroom and give topics new life.

Chris Coker (Camden Fairview High School: Camden, AR)

CONSTRUCTing Effective Assessment Questions using the NGSS DCIs

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area


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Using the Disciplinary Core Ideas and a research-based “citizen science” approach, science educators contributed their own test items, and helped to revise existing test items in order to address crucial issues such as difficulty, gender, and racial/ethnic bias that were present in the item analysis characteristics. We share the analysis and results of these efforts so that educators can assess their own test items to be more inclusive of all students’ understandings in one of the dimensions of the 3D-approach to learning. Learn what changes contributed to improvement of the item as well as what types of changes or revisions made the item worse than before. We also share results of field testing of these items in student classrooms and discuss the importance of incorporating students’ misconceptions into the response choices to capture their true understanding of science concepts as outlined in the DCIs.

Learn to evaluate assessment questions that you use to assess students’ sensemaking of elements outlined in the NGSS DCIs. Are the questions free of bias, not too difficult, indicative of overall student performance? Do they include common misconceptions that students hold? Utilize a free resource.

Philip Sadler (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA), Cynthia Crockett (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA)

Get Ready for the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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The workshop will provide participants with the following information and learning experiences: 1.) Where and when the solar eclipse will be visible, including how to find what will specifically happen in their location. 2.) Three-Dimensional learning strategies to use with their students to understand what causes both lunar and solar eclipses, including what causes lunar phases and how knowing what causes lunar phases is key to knowing when eclipses occur. 3.) How to safely observe the eclipse using a variety of observing strategies 4.) Suggestions for how to make the most of the eclipse as a school and/or community-wide event. 5.) What overall resources that NSTA has to help them make the most of this celestial event.

Participants will come away with links to 3-D teaching strategies for students to understand the science behind eclipses, plus safe viewing strategies and ways to make the event a school-wide experience.

Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation: Beaverton, OR)

Physically Active Modeling For Comparing States of Matter

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Ideal Gas Law Students as Particles Activity Handout.docx
Physically Active Modeling Ideal Gas Laws Lesson Plan.docx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter (1).pptx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter Blank Handout NSTA 2023 .docx
Physically Active Modeling States of Matter Slides Handout NSTA 2023 KC.docx
QR Code Physically Active Modeling For States Of Matter NSTA 2023.png

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This activity has students/participants act as particles. To start, participants are given baseline information about how attractive forces between particles can vary from very strong to negligible, & that particles are always in motion. To model very strong forces participants link arms at the elbow, for moderately strong forces they hold hands, & for weak/negligible forces they can only hold each other’s pinky fingers. Participants start far apart & move very slowly to model a very cold temperature. At this speed, all of the participants are able to form an organized structure (solid). With each iteration the participants move faster. This results in the weak force group not being able to form structure (gas), the moderate force group being clumped together but not organized (liquid), & the strong force group still being able to form an organized structure (solid). Activity will then be modified to explain WHY gas law variables have the relationships they do (P,V,T, n).

Students will not only know the properties of solids, liquids, and gasses, but will also be able to give in-depth explanations as to WHY the properties are different by behaving as the particles at different temperatures and with different attractive forces.

Clark Ellis (The Kinkaid School)

Energizing Sensemaking with LOL Energy Models

Saturday, October 28 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 1501 B

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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The presentation will include background information detailing how the presenters traditionally taught energy concepts in their physical science, chemistry, and physics classrooms and then gained familiarity with LOL diagrams and implemented this tool in their own classrooms. The presenters will outline why a shift in the instructional approach was needed and how use of this tool can help students to better understand the abstract concept of energy outlined in the evidence statements for NGSS HS-PS3. We will explore how LOL diagrams enhance students’ sensemaking regarding energy, create models of energy flows in systems, and translate conceptual models into computational ones. This approach allows greater integration of the NGSS’s three dimensions as students and participants work to explicitly define systems, leading to greater transparency in students’ thought processes. Participants will engage in discussion with other examples and then work to apply these concepts to their own work.

Attendees will learn how student sensemaking can be supported using LOL diagrams to provide a scaffold for creating a conceptual and computational model of energy flow in a system and collaborate in applying these concepts to their own disciplines.

Sarah Evans (Olathe South High School: Olathe, KS), Matt Richard (Teacher: Olathe, KS)

Demystifying the Practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking (Secondary)

Saturday, October 28 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 C

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking

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Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking is unfamiliar to many science educators because they didn’t engage in this practice in their own K-12 careers. Join us as we venture together into the unknown (unfamiliar) using grade-appropriate elements of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking to build pieces of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts needed to explain a phenomenon (in part) and begin designing a solution to a problem. Participants will reflect on what Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking is all about and how this practice relates to the practices of Developing and Using Models and Analyzing and Interpreting Data.

Engaging students in the practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking can create and foster wider interests in STEM fields.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Building Thinking