This poster discusses the mutli-year implementation of a ‘Genius Hour’
project in a high school stellar astronomy course. Through multiple semester
iterations of the project, the classroom teacher has refined the process to make
it accessible to students of a variety of ages, learning styles, and abilities.
The key take-away from this poster is that with appropriate scaffolds, ANY
student can find success with this type of project, regardless of prior
knowledge or success in the science classroom. This process, implemented over
ten 40-minute periods in the classroom, is 100% student-driven, and allows
students to pursue sensemaking and learning of a topic of their choosing as it
relates to astronomy. From driving question development to public display, this
poster discusses how to guide and motivate students, as well as how to grade the
components and final result. In addition to multiple work samples and student
achievement data, a framework for implementation will be shared.
Key Point: YOU can do this in YOUR classroom! Learn the steps taken to implement Genius Hour successfully in the HS astronomy classroom, including the framework used, ideas for differentiation, and a variety of student work samples.
Katie Mercadante (Montour School District: Pittsburgh, PA)