2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Speed Sharing, Research to Practice, STEM


Rooms and times subject to change.
3 results
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STEM Education: A Speed Sharing Session for Secondary Science Educators

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2208

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Join us for a speed-sharing session with secondary (MS and HS) science educators who are passionate about STEM education. This session is sure to inspire you to take your STEM teaching to the next level! Microbiology Makerspace, one college-level biology faculty’s attempt to implement the ideas of the Framework for K-12 Science Education in a university course This formative assessment and college microbiology course project was designed to provide an opportunity for college students to learn about sustainability; reusing materials, creating art, and prokaryotic cell structures. Discussion on microbe models, concepts: core HS LSL-1-1 and cross cutting. Exploring Genetics with the Game "Animal Crossing" This session will explore the genetic basis behind hybrid flower production on the video game Animal Crossing New Horizons and how you can use this popular game to gain student interest in genetics. STREAMS - Moving beyond STEAM toward more Transdiciplinary Learning We propose the idea of "STREAMS” as a way to conceptualize the future of STEM: This conversation will be organized around STREAMS 1) Science, 2) Technology, 3) Reading/ELA, 4) Engineering, 5)Arts 6) Mathematics, 7) Social Studies and how this can push the ways we think about STEAM learning.

We will hear about educators' innovative teaching practices, effective strategies for engaging students, and creative ways to use technology in the classroom.

Stephanie Miller (Ohio Unviersity: , OH), Kelly Moore (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN), Kelli Feldman (Professor and Associate Dean: Lawrence, KS), Hannah Koford (Research Assistant: Provo, UT)

STEM and Student Ideas: A Speed Sharing Session for Informal Science Educators

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2206

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Join us for a speed-sharing session on the innovative STEM ideas of students. This session is a great opportunity to learn from your peers and get inspired by the creativity of students.

You mean to tell me... Social media can improve [science] literacy?
Students already spend so much of their time on social media, so why not use it to our advantage? Learn strategies to increase literacy and engagement in science through the social media accounts of science organizations such as the ocean-drilling research vessel JOIDES Resolution.

Nature Journaling: 1 book, 5 ideas, 10 minutes
Be introduced to a free nature journaling curriculum and several activities to get started using nature journaling to enhance science notebook routines in your classroom. Tips will include ways to integrate the SEPs and CCCs , as well as math and ELA, with nature journaling.

Hear from informal science educators about how they have incorporated these ideas into their programs and how you can do the same.

Maya Pincus (Columbia University / U.S. Science Support Program: Palisades, NY), Dana Atwood-Blaine (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Speed Sharing Session for PreK-2 Science Educators

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2201

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Innovative Climate Change Teaching Resources for Elementary Science Education
The Power of Play Presentation
This is a copy of our presentation for attendees

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Join us for a fast-paced session where PreK-2 science educators can share their favorite activities, resources, and ideas on a variety of topics, including STEM activities for young children; ways to incorporate science into the early childhood curriculum; and resources for science education. The Power of Play Participants will learn the importance of incorporating play into the early childhood classroom. Participants will also be able to collaborate on how they can apply the power of play in their own schools. Innovative Climate Change Teaching Resources for Elementary Science Education Learn about SubjectToClimate's free online platform that provides engaging climate change teaching resources for elementary science education, aligned to NGSS standards. Elaine, an elementary science teacher, will introduce the platform's features, including vetted resources and lesson plans.

Join us for a fast-paced session where PreK-2 science educators can share their favorite activities, resources, and ideas on a variety of topics, including STEM activities for young children; ways to incorporate science into the early childhood curriculum; and resources for science education.

Mallory Lile (Teacher: Nixa, MO), Mary Floyd (John Thomas School of Discovery Partner School: Nixa, MO), Elaine Makarevich (SubjectToClimate)

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