2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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3-D Instructional Materials and Assessments for Share-a-thon

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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It takes a ton of time to make your own 3-D lessons and assessments. Come learn where you can get a ton of great ones that you can use in your classroom right away. Materials for life science, physical science, and earth-space science, grades 3-12.

Where to find great 3-D instructional materials and assessments.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Get Ready for the April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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The workshop will provide participants with the following information and learning experiences: 1.) Where and when the solar eclipse will be visible, including how to find what will specifically happen in their location. 2.) Three-Dimensional learning strategies to use with their students to understand what causes both lunar and solar eclipses, including what causes lunar phases and how knowing what causes lunar phases is key to knowing when eclipses occur. 3.) How to safely observe the eclipse using a variety of observing strategies 4.) Suggestions for how to make the most of the eclipse as a school and/or community-wide event. 5.) What overall resources that NSTA has to help them make the most of this celestial event.

Participants will come away with links to 3-D teaching strategies for students to understand the science behind eclipses, plus safe viewing strategies and ways to make the event a school-wide experience.

Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation: Beaverton, OR)

Identifying Schoolyard Opportunities For Authentic Science Investigations

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Schoolyard Resources Folder

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In this interactive presentation, the presenter will share a schoolyard science template and guide attendees through how to customize the template for their local community. The presenter will share examples and resources to support each component of the schoolyard science template including (a) the use of satellite imagery and schoolyard assessments to identify existing schoolyard resources, (b) connecting 3-D learning standards to place-based schoolyard science opportunities, and (c) opportunities for stewardship and civic engagement. The presenter will share several strategies to engage students with the SEPs in the schoolyard as they observe, measure, monitor, and experiment with their local environment. The schoolyard science template was developed as part of Advancing Science’s NOAA-funded grant to develop an environmental literacy plan in collaboration with Adams County, PA school districts.

The ability to customize a schoolyard science planning template for their local community. Connect local schoolyard resources with the DCIs and SEPs to help students make sense of their local environment while learning science content.

Valerie Stone (Gettysburg College: Gettysburg, PA)

A STEM Education Center's Eclipse Outreach for 2023 and 2024

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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This STEM Share-a-thon session acts as a come-and-go session where attendees can learn about our outreach for the 10/14/23 eclipse. Our goal with this outreach was to reach most, if not, all 5th grade students in Lafayette County, MS. In Mississippi, students learn about eclipses in the 5th grade. In this session, we will share what we did, how we were able to get all the moving parts in place, and what we learned while conducting this outreach. Attendees will also learn about our partnership with our local library for a public viewing party on the day of the eclipse. Attendees will receive a handout detailing how we conducted and met both outreach goals. Attendees will also see photos from our events and resources that influenced our outreach. Presenters will be available for questions.

Attendees will receive a handout detailing a report of our outreach in Lafayette County, Mississippi. Attendees will also be able to see pictures of our events, and receive ideas about how they might conduct their own public outreach for the April 2024 eclipse.

Alice Steimle (Director: University, MS), Christian Clark (University of Mississippi: University, MS)

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