How do we build teacher capacity and leadership skills using collaborative opportunities and content-focused coaching in an urban, high needs district? In New Brunswick, NJ, science supervisors, specialists, and district leaders worked together to support teachers in becoming science/STEM leaders and agents of change in the science field through the creation of a variety of collaborative spaces including high-quality professional development focusing on data-driven instructional practices, content-focused coaching sessions, and teacher-facilitated community events. Cohorts of grade 3-5 teachers engaged in the development of personal and district-wide content and pedagogical goals, reflected on the effectiveness of current science instructional practices & identified areas for growth, designed an implementation plan for the enactment of high-quality Science Instruction & 3D Assessments, and developed action steps to raise the profile of science education in the district and community.
We will explore how to successfully and effectively build teacher capacity and leadership skills through high-quality professional development, focusing on data-driven instructional practices, content-focused coaching sessions, and teacher-facilitated community events.
Cynthia Ruszczyk (New Brunswick Middle School: New Brunswick, NJ), Elizabeth Nunez (New Brunswick Public Schools: New Brunswick, NJ)