2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

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FILTERS APPLIED:6 - 8, Featured Panel, STEM Haven, Advocacy


Rooms and times subject to change.
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SHELL Science Education Leadership Pathways

Friday, October 27 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - Grand Ballroom 2501

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Dr. Conerly will lead a discussion with other past Shell awardees about strategies and pathways for science educators to develop their leadership skills and advance in their careers while advocating for and promoting opportunities for students.

Dr. Conerly will lead a discussion with other past Shell awardees about strategies and pathways for science educators to develop their leadership skills and advance in their careers while advocating for and promoting opportunities for students.

Alicia Conerly (Marion County Schools: Columbia, MS), Roy Basa (Zuni Public School District: Zuni, NM), Adrine Williams (Jackson State University: Jackson, MS), Cecelia Gillam (Benjamin Franklin High School: No City, No State)

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