Pathogen Patrol is a gamified learning experience created by Project Lead The Way (PLTW) and Tipping Point Media on the Roblox platform. This immersive classroom learning experience is designed to teach students about the human immune system's response to infections. Students are transformed into one of five different white blood cell types, and they must work with other players to protect the host from invading pathogens.
The experience combines fun and engaging gameplay with applied learning, building students' problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and enduring understandings of the human body and its response to infection. PLTW believes that Roblox is the perfect platform to engage students in deep learning that builds the same transportable skills they develop in the classroom.
In this workshop, teachers will be transported into virtual human hosts and experience stealth learning experience how stealth learning can create deep understanding of complex systems.
Well-designed immersive learning experiences can engage students and create deep learning opportunities through repeated gameplay.
Sheila Robles (Instructional Developer: , TX), Taylor Puett (Project Lead The Way, Inc.: Indianapolis, IN), Jason Rausch (SVP of Programs: Indianapolis, OK)