2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:STEM Share-a-Thon, STEM Haven, Environmental Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
9 results
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The ASSET Program (Advancing Secondary Science Education through Tetrahymena)

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Children are naturally inquisitive about the world around them. ASSET activities nurture that innate curiosity by engaging students in an interactive, hands-on exploration of the world of biology using safe, easily manipulated live Tetrahymena. Each module introduces students to a core biological concept using an interactive approach that involves scientific observation, manipulation of experimental materials, and evaluation of results. Each module is a stand-alone unit that comes with information relating the content to core concepts and, and is supported by an equipment lending library that can provide teachers at under-resourced schools with the materials needed to carry out the modules. Comprehensive teacher guides and detailed student handouts are provided for each module to facilitate classroom implementation.

Participants will be introduced to ASSET and will conduct modified lab activities to see how ASSET can be used in the classroom to address topics like microscope use, cell parts and processes (phagocytosis & osmolarity), and the effects of smoking, vaping, and alcohol on living cells.

Courtney Hausner (Oakville Senior High: St. Louis, MO), Anne Deken (John Burroughs School: St. Louis, MO), Alexandra Forgerson (Instructional Specialist: University City, MO)

Free Resources to Resolve Scientific Misconceptions in Evolution and Climate Change

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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For the purposes of the STEM Share-a-Thon, NCSE will have two mini-stations set up to provide quick, meaningful previews of our evolution and climate change lessons. We will have a variety of student and teacher handouts ready to take home for immediate use in the classroom, and a variety of SWAG to help spread the word about scientific literacy and our evidence-based approach to NGSS storylining. The National Center for Science Education's mission is to ensure all students have access to a sound science education, regardless of societally contentious regional topics like evolution and climate change. Our lessons were developed for teachers by teachers and have been extensively field-tested over the past three years. As we are a non-profit organization, all our resources are free. For more information, and to check out the variety of lessons we will have available at the Share-a-Thon, go here: https://ncse.ngo/supporting-teachers/classroom-resources.

Scientific literacy and critical analysis of verified evidence are more important than ever in the secondary classroom. NCSE has developed lessons to resolve common misconceptions encountered online and through social media. All resources are free, NGSS-aligned, and readily available online.

Blake Touchet (National Center for Science Education: Oakland, CA), Lin Andrews (Independent Contractor: Springfield, PA)

Peer-To-Peer Learning From Coast-To-Coast

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Understanding environmental issues requires students to understand science and social factors. To improve student understanding of how different regions are impacted by, and seek solutions to, environmental issues, educators at three institutions connected students in General Education life science courses. Faculty from the participating institutions -- Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC), Louisiana State University (LSU), and San José State University (SJSU) -- have created a semester-long project in which students met virtually in small groups to discuss specific environmental issues. Students research local environmental issues to share and compare with their peers in other locations and create communication tools (e.g., websites, podcasts, etc.). Data collected through student surveys indicates students connected with peers in different locations have enhanced knowledge and understanding of how similar environmental issues impact people in different parts of the world.

This talk will explain logistics of this multi-institution project. This includes the faculty having to coordinate instructions and due dates, policies to protect students' rights when communicating, and the use of common rubrics for assessing student work.

Tracy Hmielowski (Assistant Profesor: Riverdale, IA)

What Science Standards and Science Content Look Like If We Take Inclusion Seriously

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Article: Framing and determining science content and standards for cultural repr
Visibility In STEM
YouTube Channel: Visibility In STEM

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This presentation disperses the published findings of the science standards and science content research for including the lived experiences and narratives of African American Gullan/Geechee and Black heritage, and situates the lived experiences and narratives of Black people in the science curriculum content. The author has created lessons and implemented these by looking at the pre- and post- changes in students’ understandings of the nature of science. This particular presentation shares and unpacks these science standards and provides resources that can be used to carry out these activities. Multimedia products have been used as an engaging context to lead inquiry explorations using best practices in science education pedagogy, such as argumentation. This work provides takeaways that bridge theory and practice in science education. For example, framing includes, but is not limited to, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Understanding by Design to show the thinking and rationale.

Practical inclusive science standards that benefit all and considers best practices in science education pedagogy. A different way of thinking about inclusion by considering how we approach the science content and what science content is included.

Catherine Quinlan (Howard University)

Georgia State University Summer Teacher Radon Research Workshop

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Prolonged exposure to radon, a colorless, inert noble gas, is the second-leading cause of lung cancer. Researchers at Georgia State University and Perimeter College are conducting research to measure and monitor the levels of radon gas in metro Atlanta through support from USDA and NSF grants. This project will detail the partnership between Georgia State University and DeKalb County Public Schools to provide an authentic experience by hosting a radon research summer workshop for 6-12 grade STEM teachers in 2022 and 2023. The teachers conducted hands-on laboratory experiments that modeled the research that is being conducted by the Georgia State University researchers and toured the sampling sites. The workshop received positive feedback from both cohorts. The workshop will detail how universities and school districts partner to strengthen the STEM pipeline and incorporate university-level research in a secondary classroom.

Participants will learn how universities and K-12 school districts can partner to provide authentic science experiences to transfer high-level university research to a secondary classroom.

Samantha Andrews (GSU Perimeter College)

"H-Two-Poo": Contextualizing High School Science Through Wastewater Testing and Public Health

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area


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In this session, participants will experience part of an NGSS-aligned unit on wastewater testing and COVID-19. This six-lesson unit utilizing the 5E learning approach was developed through the collaboration of educators, engineers, scientists, medical doctors, and public health experts within an NIH-funded project. Attendees will participate in the fourth lesson of the sequence, entitled “H-Two-Poo.” Participants will first test the quality of different water samples to answer the driving question “how do you know if water is safe to use?” Participants will then learn about sources of wastewater, methods of wastewater management, and the development of a wastewater testing protocol to detect the presence of COVID-19. The experiences of high school students and teachers who have participated in the implementation of this phenomenon-based unit will be shared, including data from student surveys and handouts, along with photos of field trips to the community wastewater treatment facility.

Attendees will utilize science and engineering practices to collect and analyze water quality data. They will further learn how science and engineering have been used to develop wastewater testing techniques that inform public health decisions in our communities.

Sagan Goodpaster (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY)

Identifying Schoolyard Opportunities For Authentic Science Investigations

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Schoolyard Resources Folder

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In this interactive presentation, the presenter will share a schoolyard science template and guide attendees through how to customize the template for their local community. The presenter will share examples and resources to support each component of the schoolyard science template including (a) the use of satellite imagery and schoolyard assessments to identify existing schoolyard resources, (b) connecting 3-D learning standards to place-based schoolyard science opportunities, and (c) opportunities for stewardship and civic engagement. The presenter will share several strategies to engage students with the SEPs in the schoolyard as they observe, measure, monitor, and experiment with their local environment. The schoolyard science template was developed as part of Advancing Science’s NOAA-funded grant to develop an environmental literacy plan in collaboration with Adams County, PA school districts.

The ability to customize a schoolyard science planning template for their local community. Connect local schoolyard resources with the DCIs and SEPs to help students make sense of their local environment while learning science content.

Valerie Stone (Gettysburg College: Gettysburg, PA)

Community Science Data Talks

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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You will takeaway teacher tools to support planning and implementing each flexible practice, along with understanding how these practices have played out with teachers and students. These takeaways will be supported by student and teacher examples of work with, and reflections on, these practices.

Michael Lawson (Teaching Assistant Professor)

Wild About Science! Gaining HQIM with Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium is on the cutting edge of STEM education. We know that learning continues beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. At Omaha's Zoo, the world is our classroom! We serve over 158,000 students annually and amplify the importance of bringing learning to life for all students. Through this share-a-thon, educators with Omaha's Zoo will offer insights into what Omaha's Zoo's students doing in our community and provide content that leads to stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and higher achievements. Participants will see how HQIM are used in our Zoo Academies, Zoo After-School Programs, Zoo Outreaches, and Citizen Science Programs. Participants will have access to grab-and-go content offered through Omaha's Zoo Education Department and gain meaningful ways to connect students to the world around them.

Connect with Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium educators to uncover how we bring learning to life for all students. See what Omaha's Zoo's students are doing in our community with HQIM and take away content leading to stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and higher achievements.

Kenzie Meegan (Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo: No City, No State), Brian Priesman (Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo: No City, No State), Leah Litz (Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium: No City, No State)

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