TikTok is all the rage, and student spend a large amount of time on
TikTok. Because of this, students do not always like traditional methods of
receiving information (notes, lectures, demonstrations, labs). Additionally,
according to Pew Research, 26% of 18-29 years old get their news (whether
accurate or inaccurate) on TikTok. This number is probably higher for younger
ages. Because students spend so much time on TikTok, they are used to getting
short (less than 1 min) snippets of information in an engaging environment. In
order to better serve our students, educators need to know how to use TikTok to
their advantage to inform students. Tiktok can be used to share information with
students (as photos or videos) and can serve as a great tool for formative and
summative assessments (i.e.: students sharing information about their
experimental results, taking polls, analyzing other TikTok's for their
educational value).
Attendees will learn how to use TikTok for educational purposes; including disseminating information to students via TikTok and using TikTok as a formative and summative assessment tool for high school and post-secondary students.
Kelsey Mescher (Battle High School: Columbia, MO), Stephanie Coyle (Jefferson Middle School: Columbia, MO)