2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Speed Sharing, Students and Sensemaking, Advocacy


Rooms and times subject to change.
8 results
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Sensemaking and Phenomena: Engaging Secondary Science Students in Learning

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2203

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Handout - Spoiler Alert!
Shared in NSTA Session
Science Scope Article Spoiler alert!
Bergman, D.J. (2021). Spoiler alert! Avoiding hazards to science inquiry and classroom creativity. Science Scope, 45(1), 10-14. Available at https://www.nsta.org/science-scope/science-scope-septemberoctober-2021/spoiler-alert

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Join us for a speed-sharing session on how to use sensemaking and phenomena to engage secondary science students in learning. We'll explore the role of phenomena in sensemaking, share tips for selecting engaging phenomena, and discuss how to use sensemaking to support student learning. Using Images and Crosscutting Concepts to Cultivate Reasoning This session will incorporate sorting photos of different eyes to help educators and students explain their sorting choices by focusing on any of the crosscutting concepts to make sense of the images through that particular lens. Connecting precipitation chemistry to community: From modeling precipitation reactions to citizen science and service learning Presentation of lab-based modeling approach to precipitation (“double replacement”) reactions. Discussion of ways to integrate environmental science concepts, specifically biogeochemical cycles and water safety, into the chemistry curriculum. SPOILER ALERT! Avoiding Hazards to Students' Sensemaking and Authentic Science Learning "Spoilers" pervade entertainment news, social media, conversations . . . AND our science classrooms! Teachers must beware of spoilers that can sabotage, short-circuit, or short-change students' learning and sensemaking. Learn how to avoid spoilers and use alternative strategies to enhance lessons.

Join us for a speed-sharing session on how to use sensemaking and phenomena to engage secondary science students in learning. We'll explore the role of phenomena in sensemaking, share tips for selecting engaging phenomena, and discuss how to use sensemaking to support student learning.

Heather Summers (Project ECHO for Education), Aaron Musson (Omaha Public Schools: Omaha, NE), Daniel Bergman (Wichita State University: Wichita, KS)

Join us for a speed-sharing session with Elementary Science Educators!

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2203

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Hear about their favorite science activities, resources, and challenges. Learn from your peers and get inspired. This is a great opportunity to network and connect with other science educators. Free Project-Based Learning Resources for Elementary Science (Grades 3-5) Get a brief introduction to free OER integrated science curricular units for Grades 3-5 and see how well the features of Project-Based Learning provide the tools and routines to support sensemaking. Developing the Critical Consciousness of Preservice Elementary Teachers in Their Pursuit of Science for All This short presentation will share details of a service learning opportunity embedded in a science methods course for preservice elementary teachers which provided STEM programming for a local non-profit that provides free afterschool care for underserved school-aged youth. Pre-service teachers’ implementation of NGSS: Opportunity and challenge The study examines how Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) implement NGSS in their teaching practices: 1. the use of phenomenon to engage students in science inquiry, 2. challenges and concerns of incorporating three dimensions in lesson planning and instructions.

Hear about their favorite science activities, resources, and challenges. Learn from your peers and get inspired. This is a great opportunity to network and connect with other science educators.

Susan Codere (CREATE for STEM Institute, Michigan State University, Retired), Trish Arnold (Minnesota State University, Mankato: Mankato, MN), HUI-JU HUANG (California State University, Sacramento: Sacramento, CA)

Research to Practice in the Science Classroom: A Speed-Sharing Session

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2205

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This session will provide post-secondary educators with a brief overview of recent research on effective science teaching practices. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a variety of presenters, each of whom will share a short presentation on a specific research-based practice.

Informal Science Education for Preservice Teachers--A Case Study of University-Outdoor Campus Collaboration
There has been a growing call for the use of informal education as a means to improve preservice teachers' content knowledge as well as pedagogical knowledge (Adams & Gupta, 2017; Luehmann, 2007). This session aims to explore preservice teachers’ experiences and perspectives of utilizing Outdoor Cam

The Mentor/Mentee Relationship: Fostering the Next Generation of Science Teachers Research to Practice
Clinical experiences give preservice teachers (PST’s) chances to see and apply theories in K-12 settings. This speed share, based on findings from research, will inform practices to support mentorships that address challenges and foster educative mentoring processes.

This session will provide post-secondary educators with a brief overview of recent research on effective science teaching practices. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a variety of presenters, each of whom will share a short presentation on a specific research-based practice.

Li Sun (Augustana University: Sioux Falls, SD), Megan Beckam (University of Nevada, Reno: Reno, NV), Mandi Collins (University of Nevada, Reno: Reno, NV)

High School Science Leadership and Advocacy

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2207

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Scientist of the Week NSTA Presentation (2).pdf

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This speed-sharing session will feature a variety of high school science leaders who are making a difference in their schools and communities. Each leader will have 10 minutes to share their story, including their experiences in science, their leadership roles, and their advocacy work. Scientist of the Week Research Project Oftentimes, the science curriculum talks about same influential European male scientists. With this project, I aim to introduce students to a wide variety of historical and modern scientists of many backgrounds, this way they can start to hear and see many possible sciences and scientists that exist Creating an Agriculture Connection with Nourish the Future Teacher Leadership Community This speed share will explore how educators can be a part of the Nourish the Future Teacher Leadership Community. This program is an opportunity to learn about integrating agricultural themes into curriculum, engaging students in hands-on and equitable learning, and promoting modern agriculture. As Goes the Nation, so Goes Iowa? The 2018 National Study of Science and Mathematics Education survey revealed that across the nation, elementary science is getting less time and teachers are feeling less prepared than ever before. We took a closer look at what's happening in Iowa, specifically, and we share the results here.

This speed-sharing session will feature a variety of high school science leaders who are making a difference in their schools and communities. Each leader will have 10 minutes to share their story, including their experiences in science, their leadership roles, and their advocacy work.

Rhea Gjerstad (Marion Harding High School), Kristin Mansell (Washington Fields Intermediate School: Washington, UT), Jennifer Jones (Ogallala High School: Ogallala, NE), Dana Atwood-Blaine (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Science Education Leadership: Accelerating Change

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2210

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Discover NSTAs PLUs and Courses!
Engaging BIPoc Educators_NSTA KC2023.pptx
Slide deck for the Museum of Science and Industry's Speed Share presentation on Engaging BIPoC Educators to improve professional development
K-12 University Partnerships FGCU.pptx

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This speed-sharing session will explore the role of leadership in accelerating change in science education. Participants will hear from leaders in the field about their experiences in leading change, the challenges they faced, and the successes they achieved. Explore NSTAs Asynchronous Professional Online Learning Units and Courses. Explore the potential of NSTA’s Professional Learning Units to support your professional learning journey. Title: Engaging BIPoC Educators to Improve Professional Development Getting feedback from BIPoC educators is essential in improving science professional development and designing programs that effectively serve the needs of students and teachers in underserved communities largely populated by Black, Indigenous, Hispanic/Latino, or low-income households. K-12 and University Environmental Science Partnerships Dive into the innovative partnerships between FGCU’s The Water School and local K-12 school districts. Our university environmental science students practice science communication skills and inspire local K-12 students while university faculty and staff support teacher training and curriculum.

This speed-sharing session will explore the role of leadership in accelerating change in science education. Participants will hear from leaders in the field about their experiences in leading change, the challenges they faced, and the successes they achieved.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Rex Babiera (Museum of Science and Industry: Chicago, IL), Regina Bale (Environmental Education Coordinator: , FL)

Sensemaking in the Post-Secondary Classroom

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2206

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Bringing the complexities of virus structure to life through 3D modeling Version 2.pptx

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This speed-sharing session will explore the concept of sensemaking and how it can be applied in the classroom. We will discuss how sensemaking can help students make meaning of complex information, and share some specific strategies that teachers can use to promote sensemaking in their classrooms. Research a Scientist Students are tasked with finding a scientist that has not been widely recognized or has been marginalized in the scientific community. They write a brief essay about that scientist, focusing on the life history or scientific contribution. Student examples and impressions will be shared. Bringing the complexities of virus structure to life through origami and 3D printing In an effort to facilitate complete understanding of viral 3D structure for the development of antivirals and vaccines, students conduct origami paper-folding activities as well as 3D printing to complement the more rigorous computational methods used in the classroom. STEAMing Elementary and Higher Education Connections Explore the connections made between a K-12 district and Liberal Arts university, circled around STEAM activities that involve multiple entities from the local community.

This speed-sharing session will explore the concept of sensemaking and how it can be applied in the classroom. We will discuss how sensemaking can help students make meaning of complex information, and share some specific strategies that teachers can use to promote sensemaking in their classrooms.

Emily Surber (Clayton State University: Morrow, GA), Lawrence Tartaglia (Teaching Assistant Professor: Bethlehem, PA), Meredith Massey (Educational Specialist), Stacey Culleny (Assistant Professor: No City, No State)

Science Education Leadership: Accelerating Change

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2211

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This speed-sharing session will explore the role of leadership in accelerating change in science education. Participants will hear from leaders in the field about their experiences in leading change, the challenges they faced, and the successes they achieved. Integrating citizen science and dialogic learning to foster the development of scientific citizenship This presentation will provide a general idea of how citizen science and dialogic learning can work in tandem to foster the development of scientific citizenship (Garzon-Diaz, 2018). The talk brings together insights to better understand science education in bilingual and multilingual classrooms. Steps to Starting a Higher Education Student NSTA Chapter Participants will receive a crash course from Missouri Western State University student leaders that describes the process of starting a higher education NSTA Student Chapter. Components being shared will include NSTA requirements, and MWSU requirements as an example. Merging Science Classrooms with Indigenous Knowledge The integration of indigenous knowledge in science education has become increasingly relevant as educators seek to provide a more holistic and inclusive approach to teaching. Learn how we are providing phenomena based professional development through an Indigenous lens for teachers in Nebraska.

This speed-sharing session will explore the role of leadership in accelerating change in science education. Participants will hear from leaders in the field about their experiences in leading change, the challenges they faced, and the successes they achieved.

Edgar Garzon (Dr.: Bogota, 0), Reece Sacksteder , Juel May , Ollie Bogdon (Missouri Western State University: Saint Joseph, MO)

Science Education Leadership and Advocacy: A Speed-Sharing Session

Saturday, October 28 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 C

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This speed-sharing session will bring together leaders in science education to discuss the importance of leadership and advocacy in the field. Participants will hear from a variety of perspectives on how to lead and advocate for high-quality science education.

This speed-sharing session will bring together leaders in science education to discuss the importance of leadership and advocacy in the field. Participants will hear from a variety of perspectives on how to lead and advocate for high-quality science education.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

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