2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Speed Sharing, Students and Sensemaking, Technical and Vocational Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
6 results
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Sensemaking in Science: How to Help Students Make Meaningful Connections

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Fishbowl Discussion Slides
Resource Collection for the Question Formulation Technique (QFT)
This link will take you to all the resources used to develop this speed share session.

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Join us to learn how to support student sensemaking in science class. We'll explore the importance of student discussion, share strategies for facilitating productive discussions, and provide tips for helping students make meaningful connections between their prior knowledge and new learning. Fishbowls and Reflections: Making space for all voices in discussions Using the fishbowl strategy, you can turn classroom discussions into an event where students all participate, actively listen and then reflect on the conversation. This strategy works really well for engaging students who are quiet as well as moderating students dominate the conversation. Building confidence in using scientific vocabulary Scientific vocabulary is the foundation for discussing and writing in the classroom but for many of our students vocabulary acquisition stops after initial use. Start your class with some vocabulary bell ringers to prepare them for the more challenging application activities ahead!

Join us to learn how to support student sensemaking in science class. We'll explore the importance of student discussion, share strategies for facilitating productive discussions, and provide tips for helping students make meaningful connections between their prior knowledge and new learning.

Ilana Saxe (The Lawrenceville School: Lawrenceville, NJ), Adrianne Toomey (Neuqua Valley High School: Naperville, IL), Rebecca Garelli (Arizona Science Teachers Association)

STEM Education: A Speed Sharing Session for Secondary Science Educators

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2208

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Join us for a speed-sharing session with secondary (MS and HS) science educators who are passionate about STEM education. This session is sure to inspire you to take your STEM teaching to the next level! Microbiology Makerspace, one college-level biology faculty’s attempt to implement the ideas of the Framework for K-12 Science Education in a university course This formative assessment and college microbiology course project was designed to provide an opportunity for college students to learn about sustainability; reusing materials, creating art, and prokaryotic cell structures. Discussion on microbe models, concepts: core HS LSL-1-1 and cross cutting. Exploring Genetics with the Game "Animal Crossing" This session will explore the genetic basis behind hybrid flower production on the video game Animal Crossing New Horizons and how you can use this popular game to gain student interest in genetics. STREAMS - Moving beyond STEAM toward more Transdiciplinary Learning We propose the idea of "STREAMS” as a way to conceptualize the future of STEM: This conversation will be organized around STREAMS 1) Science, 2) Technology, 3) Reading/ELA, 4) Engineering, 5)Arts 6) Mathematics, 7) Social Studies and how this can push the ways we think about STEAM learning.

We will hear about educators' innovative teaching practices, effective strategies for engaging students, and creative ways to use technology in the classroom.

Stephanie Miller (Ohio Unviersity: , OH), Kelly Moore (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN), Kelli Feldman (Professor and Associate Dean: Lawrence, KS), Hannah Koford (Research Assistant: Provo, UT)

Sensemaking in the Early Years: Supporting Student Discussions

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2105

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In this session, we'll explore the concept of sensemaking and how to create opportunities for students to make sense of the world around them through discussion. We'll also share some practical tips for facilitating student discussions. Using Booklets to Connect ELA and Science Primary (K-2) teachers already use booklets to teach reading. Why not use them to teach science and sensemaking? Booklets and lessons on different kinds of leaves (~ NGSS K-PS3-1) and sunlight (NGSS K-PS3-2) are shared. Tips and guidelines for producing booklets and lessons are included. Interactive Read Alouds and Imaginative Inquiry with Preschool Students This presentation discusses a series of interactive read alouds and subsequent activities that leveraged imaginative questions like "does earth feel?" and student initiations to engage preschool students in critical thinking, inquiry, and other skills for scientific exploration.

In this session, we'll explore the concept of sensemaking and how to create opportunities for students to make sense of the world around them through discussion. We'll also share some practical tips for facilitating student discussions.

Jan Weaver (Retired), Joseph Spurlock (The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH)

Sensemaking in Science Education: A Speed Sharing Session for High School Educators

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2207

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2023 Checklists for Assessment NSTA.pptx
One Page Summary “OPS” NSTA 2023.pptx

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This session is designed to be brief and to the point so that you can take away practical strategies for supporting student sensemaking in your own classroom! Using Cooperative Assessment to Support Student Understanding and Promote Retention of Learning in Science Take a look at cooperative assessment as a way to improve students’ understanding and retention of key science concepts in your classroom. We'll discuss the possible formats associated with cooperative assessment including timing, group arrangements, and scoring rubrics. Using One Page Summaries (OPS) to synthesize and encode information Learn how students can create one-page summaries to synthesize large amounts of information into a single page. This session will include research into drawing, color coding, dual encoding, and synthesis. We will have many examples to share from many different classes and age groups. Using checklists for assessment The use of rubrics is widespread in education. However, their general nature allows for ambiguity and conflict when students do not agree with how they were assessed. Checklists provide a clear alternative to rubrics.

Topics include how students construct their own understanding of science; the role of prior knowledge in sensemaking; strategies for supporting student inquiry; and tools and resources for helping students make sense of complex concepts.

Becky Sparks-Thissen (University of Southern Indiana: Evansville, IN), Kelly Sparks (University of Southern Indiana: Evansville, IN), Kirsten Landry (Kent Denver School: Englewood, CO), Leon Lau (Teacher: , AB)

Tech Tools and STEM for Elementary Science Education: A Speed-Sharing Session

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2204

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Flippity for Attendees.pdf

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Join us for a fast-paced session where you'll learn about a variety of tech tools, and STEM Night Ideas that can help you engage your elementary students in science. This session is designed to be informative and interactive, so come prepared with questions. We'll also have time for a Q&A at the end. Enhancing Teaching Efficiency and Personalizing Learning: The Advantages of ChatGPT for Teachers' Lesson Planning This proposal emphasizes the benefits of AI, specifically ChatGPT, in teaching practices. ChatGPT reduces the workload and stress of lesson planning, and offers personalized resources that can enhance teaching efficiency and improve student engagement and achievement. Flippity: A go to versatile tool to increase engagement Flippity can "easily turn Google™ spreadsheets into flashcards and other cool stuff." This session will highlight three go to interactives to increase student engagement with one another and with content. Consider bringing a device to practice creating one or two of these cool things. Family STEM Nights Participants will gain insight into how to plan a school site or district wide STEM Night. Grant writing, community partnerships, do’s and don’ts, creating engaging, interactive booths for students, and timeline for planning the event will all be discussed.

Join us for a fast-paced session where you'll learn about a variety of tech tools that can help you engage your elementary students in science. This session is designed to be informative and interactive, so come prepared with questions. We'll also have time for a Q&A at the end.

Li Zhu (PhD student: , IA), Hye Ryung Won , Lauren Wagner (Ph.D. Candidate: , FL), Hyesun You (University of Iowa: Iowa City, IA), Simone Nance (University of Southern Indiana: Evansville, IN), Jeff Thomas (University of Southern Indiana: Evansville, IN), Krissy Johnson (Midwest City-Del City ISD #52: Oklahoma City, OK)

Tech Tools for High School Science: A Speed-Sharing Session

Friday, October 27 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2205

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Science educators will share their favorite tech tools for teachers and students. Learn about tools for interactive simulations, virtual field trips, data collection, and more. This is a great opportunity to discover new tools and learn how to use them in your own classroom. ASTE: Assistive Technology, Students with Learning Differences & Achieving Scientific Literacy A presentation of the findings from a study addressing the impact of audio technology to uncover the ideal devices that best advance scientific literacy and comprehension for students with learning differences. How science really works: Enhancing instruction with the Science Flowchart interactive Find out how to modify your current instruction to better communicate the dynamic process of science using an interactive tool from the Understanding Science website. Help students recognize science as a dynamic, exciting, creative, and intensely human endeavor! Tech Tools to Improve Student Data Fluency from Rubin Observatory Rubin Observatory has applied multiple strategies to improve student data fluency and self-efficacy in the design of its free online astronomy investigations. These investigations feature interactive tools and innovative authentic data representations designed to address common topics in astronomy.

Science educators will share their favorite tech tools for teachers and students. Learn about tools for interactive simulations, virtual field trips, data collection, and more. This is a great opportunity to discover new tools and learn how to use them in your own classroom.

Clement Gomes (CUNY Guttman Community College: New York, NY), Felicia Mensah (Teachers College, Columbia University: New York, NY), Lindsey Roy (Science and Digital Learning Coordinator: Lincoln, NE), Betsy Barent (Lincoln Public Schools: , United States), Ardis Herrold (Vera C. Rubin Observatory: Tucson, AZ)

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