Often art mimics science and some aspects of science seem divinely beautiful. As an approach for developing a holistic curriculum for the science classroom, the novel approach of using common, free, 3D modeling tools has been considered and implemented in the science classroom. The objective of this session is to introduce educators to the benefits and opportunities of using 3D modeling in the science classroom to enhance student learning and engagement. The session will provide practical tips and strategies for integrating 3D modeling technology (Blender) into science lessons, as well as showcase examples of successful implementation. Blender is a free, easy to use, yet robust, 3d modeling and simulation software.
Educators will have practical tips and strategies for integrating 3-D modeling into their science lessons. Participants will have hands-on experience with 3-D modeling tools and software. Educators will be able to share their experiences and ask questions about using 3-D modeling in the classroom.
Ashley Posey (McCallie School: Chattanooga, TN), Jessica Dobrin (McCallie School: Chattanooga, TN), Caleb Bagby (Senior Director of Engineering, Technology, and Design: Chattanooga, TN)