2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Learn About NSTA’s Digital Resources, Online Community, and Membership

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 3501 G

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Participants will become knowledgeable about the plethora of digital resources available on NSTA’s website, about the live events, member benefits, and the professional learning community that can help them enhance their knowledge and improve their teaching practices. Numerous live events are offered to educators of science every month to enhance and extend their content and pedagogical knowledge -- many of them free to NSTA members and guest users of the NSTA website. Participants will also learn how to engage with other educators of science and grow their network of like-minded individuals. Join us and learn about NSTA's discussion forums and profile page. NSTA staff will be available to answer questions.

Participants will become knowledgeable about the plethora of digital resources available on NSTA’s website, about the live events, member benefits, and the professional learning community that can help them enhance their knowledge and improve their teaching practices.

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Creating Chemistry Storylines Using Digital Interactive Notebooks

Thursday, October 26 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Basie Ballroom C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Creating Chemistry Storylines using Digital Interactive Notebooks.pdf
NSTA 2023 Phenomenon Based Ionic Bonding DICNB 2023 - 2024

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Over the last few years, access to digital resources to capture student understanding of chemistry concepts has greatly increased. This technological shift, along with a focus on the use of storylines to engage students in chemistry, provides an opportunity to implement digital interactive notebooks. Through the use of various on-line platforms, student beliefs and understanding can be documented and tracked over the course of a storyline. Digital notebooking is a dynamic process that integrates different learning experiences to challenge and reinforce student understanding. This method actively engages students in a manner that encourages discussion and collaboration. Support is built into the digital notebook for absent students and those that need additional resources to understand a concept. This session provides an overview of the digital interactive notebook creation, along with guidance for educators to take this process and use phenomena relevant to their students.

This session will provide a brief overview of how I use digital interactive notebooks in my classroom, along with guidance on how educators can begin the process of building their own. Resources and editable chemistry notebooks will be shared that focus on different chemistry phenomena.

Sarah English (Sweet Home High School: Sweet Home, OR)

TikTok: Using Social Media to Build Relationships and Teach Content

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Big Joe Turner B

STRAND: Tech Tools

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TikTok is all the rage, and student spend a large amount of time on TikTok. Because of this, students do not always like traditional methods of receiving information (notes, lectures, demonstrations, labs). Additionally, according to Pew Research, 26% of 18-29 years old get their news (whether accurate or inaccurate) on TikTok. This number is probably higher for younger ages. Because students spend so much time on TikTok, they are used to getting short (less than 1 min) snippets of information in an engaging environment. In order to better serve our students, educators need to know how to use TikTok to their advantage to inform students. Tiktok can be used to share information with students (as photos or videos) and can serve as a great tool for formative and summative assessments (i.e.: students sharing information about their experimental results, taking polls, analyzing other TikTok's for their educational value).

Attendees will learn how to use TikTok for educational purposes; including disseminating information to students via TikTok and using TikTok as a formative and summative assessment tool for high school and post-secondary students.

Kelsey Mescher (Battle High School: Columbia, MO), Stephanie Coyle (Jefferson Middle School: Columbia, MO)

Invention Education for Every Student: Free Tools to Get Started

Thursday, October 26 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2203

STRAND: Tech Tools

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The United States Patent and Trademark Office has developed free, online educational resources for K - 12 educators and students to teach the basics of intellectual property where disciplines converge through STEM and invention education. The purpose of this session is to introduce teachers to EquIP HQ and other free tools and resources from the US Patent and Trademark Office delivered by the USPTO's Office of Education staff of Education Program Advisors and Specialists. EquIP HQ provides free, online lessons and activities to teach the invention process, as well as what intellectual property is and how it drives innovation and industry. By learning about intellectual property, your students can gain a deeper understanding of the role of innovation in our society and how they can make a positive impact through problem solving. By using USPTO resources, you can help your students develop critical thinking and research skills as well as creativity and problem solving.

The purpose of this session is to introduce teachers to EquIP HQ and other free tools and resources from the US Patent and Trademark Office to help your students develop essential critical thinking and research skills as well as creativity and problem-solving through invention education.

Jorge Valdes (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Alexandria, VA), Reginald Duncan (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office: Alexandria, VA)

Using Microsoft Teams for a Successful and Inclusive Classroom

Thursday, October 26 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Mary Lou Williams

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, teachers have had to restructure how they teach. When schools closed, teachers were given multiple options and had to pick one. Many schools chose the Google Classroom option as it was the easiest for some schools to set up, but didn't allow for inclusivity with every student both in and out of the room. Using examples from my own Chemistry and fully virtual Applied Digital Skills classes, I will show how Microsoft Teams can give both the teachers and students a hub for all their presentations, notes, assignments, and even assessments. It allows teachers the ability to grade assignments and for students and parents to see those grades within the platform. It also allows for teachers to keep track of students' mental health and insights that can be shared with parents or councilors about students' habits on their computer. This may not be a science specific topic, but it works so well for managing a science classroom.

Attendees will know how to use Microsoft Teams to host virtual lessons, create postings students can read and interact with, create and grade assignments, and how to check in with the emotional needs of students.

Jill Elder (Assumption High School: Louisville, KY)

Zipping to STEM

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2204

STRAND: Tech Tools

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We outline an integrated STEM program implemented across multiple schools in a large urban district. The program presented an engineering design challenge using computer-aided design, computational modeling, and 3D printing, as a way to fully integrate the “T” in STEM. We engaged students in solving a real-world problem: optimizing a prototype of a Soap Box Derby Car by using CAD software, virtual and physical wind tunnel testing, and 3D printing. Students investigated the factors that impact the performance of a gravity racing car in order to optimize its performance, using concepts they learned about aerodynamic forces. The students then used CAD Software and virtual simulation testing to design and test a car shell. We will share integration strategies, highlights of the curriculum implementation in several middle school classrooms, and research results from student assessment and teacher interviews to discuss the impact of the curriculum on students’ learning and engagement.

How to effectively integrate technology, engineering, and science in a STEM curriculum that focuses on engineering-specific technology tools and computational modeling, and uses science and engineering practices.

Johnna O'Neal (Instructional Specialist: No City, No State), Katrina Halasa (Akron Public Schools: Akron, OH)

Using TinkerClass Podcasts to Promote Project Based Learning and STEAM: Free Tools to Support Your Teaching

Friday, October 27 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2105

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Our session will explore the following: The research behind using podcasts via TinkerClass in the classroom, which revealed: -Observable engagement and equitable experience in project-based activities across all learners, irrespective of their race, native language or income level -Lowered anxiety regarding reading and encourages executive functioning skills as kids lean into scientific inquiry -Shared community experience -Passion and joy for learning in an accessible format -Activated creativity and ideation -Teachers' want for a tool that promotes science, 21st century skills, and the 6-C’s: Content, Creative Innovation, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Confidence How teachers can use podcasts & TinkerClass in the classroom: -Explanation of equipment required -Examples of how to integrate audio into existing lesson plans / curricula -Run-through of how podcasts and TinkerClass can streamline instruction and be templated to optimize teacher prep time

Panel attendees will learn how to use podcasts in the classroom through TinkerClass’ modular LISTEN, WONDER, TINKER, MAKE pathway, which guides students to gather and analyze their own hypotheses and data to create multimedia presentations of their engineering designs and scientific experiments.

Carole Paterson (TinkerCast and Valley School of Ligonier: Laughlintown, PA), Rebecca Caban (Educational Producer)

Be An #A11y Ally: Creating an Accessible STEM Classroom

Friday, October 27 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2204

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Outline: (5 Minutes): Initial engagement KWL chart activity about creating accessible spaces: both physical and digital (15 minutes). Presentation about the importance of digital accessibility and some essential things to know (15 minutes). Educators will engage in discussion groups to brainstorm ways to bring accessibility culture to their STEM classroom using the HOW MIGHT WE design thinking protocol (5 Minutes). Closure: educators will go back to the KWL chart and fill in the L, what they learned during the session. Katie Fielding is a STEM Coach in Price William County Schools, Virginia. She is passionate about accessibility and creativity in the classroom. https://www.katiefielding.com/

Removes barriers in your STEM classroom for all learners with an understanding of digital accessibility and universal design for learning.

Katherine Fielding (Prince William County Schools)

Investigate and Analyze the Physical & Chemical Processes of Stellar Evolution Using NASA’s JS9 STEM Image Analysis Tools and Supporting Resources

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Julie Lee

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
SE RESOURCES Kansas City.pdf

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Stars form in clouds of gas and dust in star formation regions, and follow sequences that end in their destruction. Plotting their changing physical properties on the H-R diagram shows their evolutionary progress. Plotting light curves on the H-D diagram determines instability regions as stars transition to the next stage. Stellar evolution provides the energy which drives the universe and determines its future. Nucleosynthesis creates the elements which will enrich the next generation of protostars and planets. The resources developed by UoL are a progression from understanding astronomical images to plotting stellar transitions through instability strips on the H-R diagram, to analyzing observational data with the same JS9 tools that scientists use to determine everything from the chemical composition of supernovas to determining whether a stellar core is a white dwarf or a neutron star. The JS9 investigations include links to the original research papers and archived data sets.

All our knowledge of stars and galaxies is determined by spectroscopy -- the analysis of radiation emissions, including radio, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, gamma, and X-ray. Knowledge of spectroscopy is essential to understanding the processes producing the individual wavelengths.

Donna Young (NSO/NASA: No City, No State)

Charting the Course with uBEATS (a FREE Interactive STEM Resource)

Friday, October 27 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Marriott Downtown - Big Joe Turner A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
uBEATS Module Sample Lesson Plans
uBEATS PowerPoint Presentation

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Content for our presentation includes: Opening-Introduction, History and Background of uBEATS, Highlights of the Program, Standards Alignment to NGSS and NCHSE, and a Canvas course walk-through Activity-In this activity portion, we will be taking a “Deep Dive” into uBEATS. We will preview a selected sample Freshman biology unit (Cellular Biology) and show specific modules that could be integrated into that unit of study (Cellular Structure and Function, Mitosis, and Cancer). The modules used in this preview will provide two different interactive activities that we will complete together while viewing them in the module. These modules will provide a review of core content, provide an extension to the core content, and bring in a career connection (Careers in Medical Imaging and Therapeutic Sciences). Closing-Register, Module Preview, social media, Podcast

In this session, attendees will walk away with a clear understanding of what uBEATS is, how to effectively use this resource, and be fully prepared for implementation in their classrooms.

Zuzi Greiner (Instructional Technologist)

Digital Moves To Boost Student Agency

Saturday, October 28 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2103 A

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Digital notebooking is a tool that can support both teaching and learning and can be utilized for a variety of purposes. The time during this 60 minute session will be split between the presenters sharing information including examples of various ways to implement digital notebooks that align with research-based best practices and participants having time to plan and prepare usage for their own setting. Teachers will leave with ready-to-use takeaways to assist them in empowering students to not only learn content more independently but also reflect on their learning path and level of understanding to gear up for future success. Teachers will also be able to explore how the notebooks provide quick access to each student's progress in learning and the ability to give feedback when and where it is needed.

Teachers will leave this session with a digital notebook template and the knowledge and resources to create and implement one successfully, as well as a framework that coicides with the use of a digital notebook and fits any curriculum to allow for students to have influence on their learning.

Vera Hayslip (7th grade Science: Cincinnati, OH), Kelly Hartings (Indian Hill Middle School: CINCINNATI, OH)

Using Mixed Reality Simulations and Vignettes to Prepare Preservice Teachers for Managing Classrooms

Saturday, October 28 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - 2203

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Tech Tools

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It is essential to prepare preservice teachers with strategies to manage student behaviors so that effective instruction can take place in K-12 settings. Mixed Reality Simulations (MRS) provide preservice teachers with opportunities to manage and/or redirect inappropriate behaviors with student avatars prior to beginning clinical teaching. Along with MRS, provocative vignettes developed by in-service teachers describing scenarios that occurred in real classrooms allow for critical thinking and productive discussions among preservice teachers. In a preservice teacher education course in spring, 2023, MRS and vignettes allowed 20 preservice teachers opportunities to work together and identify solutions to address student concerns. Elementary and middde school avatars engaged directly with preservice teachers, providing some surprising moments and thought-provoking discussions. MRS and vignettes may provide strategies for preparing preservice teachers to be effective educators.

This session will provide teacher educators with a better understanding of how Mixed Reality Simulations and vignettes can prepare preservice teachers to practice classroom management in realistic ways, in supportive environments, prior to beginning clinical teaching.

Jane Elizabeth Casey (Lamar University: Beaumont, TX)

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