SPIN, a FREE web-based notebook created with funding by NSF, has three
customizable lessons for data-focused investigations in Earth Science,
Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. Teachers can also input their own lessons into
SPIN. One of the teachers and one of the researchers who created the lessons in
the notebook will be presenting. Teachers will see how SPIN works and how
students can use the notebook and the metacognitive support features such as the
Communication Hub, I’m Stuck button, and SPAARC prompts. Experiences of teachers
and students who have used SPIN will be discussed. Teachers can customize a
lesson in SPIN or input their own lessons with help from the presenters. By the
end of the session, teachers will be able to use SPIN effectively with the
ability to share the notebook with all of the teachers at their school. Use of
SPIN is free and is found at https://spin.cehd.gmu.edu/login.
Teachers will learn how to use SPIN to download and edit a lesson from the Global Marketplace, or create their own lesson in SPIN. Teachers who have used SPIN note that this has helped their students understand data practices explicitly.
Erin Peters-Burton (George Mason University: Fairfax, VA)