2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Poster, Tech Tools, Computer Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
2 results
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Computational Thinking in Elementary STEM: Unplugged Computer Science Activities

Saturday, October 28 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Grade 2 Computer Science - Algorithms and Positional Words - Raye Montague.pdf
Grade 3 Computer Science - Battleship Programming - Grace Hopper.pdf
Grade 3 GT Computer Science - Conditionals - Ada Lovelace.pdf
NSTA 2023 Presentation Poster.pdf

STRAND: Tech Tools

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Computer science promotes problem solving, decision making, communication, and critical thinking. Students in early grades need the opportunity to participate in programming activities that engage them while also strengthening reasoning and problem-solving skills. Project STEM+C2 provides this opportunity for Grades 2 and 3 classroom students while motivating young learners and promoting cognitive reasoning. Computer science provides students with opportunities to learn about process thinking, troubleshooting, the iterative nature of problem solving, and perseverance. We engaged students in building computational thinking skills through unplugged computer science activities. Featured lessons include placing items on a bookshelf using positional words, writing a program for a battleship to find a target, and using conditionals to guide hedgehogs through a maze. Implemented and field-tested through a U. S. Dept. of Education project, STEM+C2, the activities will engage young learners.

This poster will describe and link to three unplugged computer lessons including using positional words to model computational thinking, how to write a program using algorithmic thinking, debugging programs and looping, and using conditionals to write programs.

Monica Meadows (University of Arkansas at Little Rock: Little Rock, AR)

K-5 STEAM Labs: From Grassroots Beginnings to Systemic Implementation

Saturday, October 28 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle


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The vision of the Fairport STEAM Lab is to support, challenge, and prepare all Fairport students to be Future Ready. We believe that by engaging with curricular and extracurricular projects and inquiries, students will utilize their innate creativity to actively construct knowledge. Students engage with materials and technologies that help them share their learning and tell their stories. The Labs are a place for young people to develop skills that they can transfer to other parts of their lives as they prepare themselves for the future. The presenters will share our experience with building a Lab with attendees that are interested in creating them in their districts and how we have expanded our work to other area districts. We will explore how our curriculum is scaffolded to increase levels of sophistication regarding engineering design, computer science, and digital literacy concepts.

Participants will leave with recommendations for creating STEAM Labs in their districts based on the blueprint that Fairport used to launch Labs that incorporate the NGSS Engineering Design Standards, Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards, and a focus on social-emotional learning.

Travis Wood (Fairport Central School District: No City, No State), Kristin Larsen (Honeoye Falls- Lima CSD: Honeoye Falls, NY)

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