In this interactive workshop, through the modality of dance class,
participants engage in a inquiry-based, hands-on experience allowing independent
and collaborative exploration of new content. Using peer conversations to deepen
understanding, and a whole group debrief, participants naturally progress
towards acquiring domain-specific terminology, culminating in a design challenge
demonstrating application of knowledge. Analytical reflection of the experience,
instructional approach, and supports, allows connections to participants’ own
educational environments. Modeled after an inclusive framework, the experience
demonstrates instructional strategies that support all learners while providing
equitable opportunities for access to content. Including elements of
differentiation, student choice, and the power of kinesthetic learning, the
research-based experience builds knowledge while embracing and reinforcing key
pedagogical ideas, reflecting best practices for science
Experience best practices for science instruction including elements like differentiation, student choice, the power of kinesthetic learning, and more, all wrapped up in a research-based instructional model using an inclusive framework approach.
Isaac Stauffer (Amplify Science: Chicago, IL)