2023 Kansas City National Conference

October 25-28, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:STEM Share-a-Thon, Tech Tools, Informal Science Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
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STOM: Revealing Engineering in Nature

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Within collaborative groups, team members work through age-specific engineering challenges based on the natural world. Participants engage in each step of the Engineering Design Process through free online Missouri Department of Conservation Discover Nature School curriculum. The Pre-K group will use recycled materials, creating bird feeders to test quantity and strength. The kindergarten group will create a model of a bear den, testing strength and weaknesses of weather conditions. The first grade group will analyze armor and behavior of living isopods, and research other common Midwest animals with protective layers. From this research, they will create their model and test its protective nature. Using seed dispersal as a phenomenon, the second grade group will model and test different seed dispersal methods as assigned for their specific seed to explore. Participants will share how to connect engineering and ELA within their classroom through supporting trade books.

Through hands-on practice and application of the engineering design process, participants will engage in asking questions, building models to test shape and function of an object, and test and identify strengths and weaknesses within grade-level groups. Utilize local nature for engineering prompts!

Gwendolyn Parrett (Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center: Kansas City, MO), Mary Beth Factor (Discover Nature School Curriculum Coordinator: West Plains, MO)

A STEM Education Center's Eclipse Outreach for 2023 and 2024

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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This STEM Share-a-thon session acts as a come-and-go session where attendees can learn about our outreach for the 10/14/23 eclipse. Our goal with this outreach was to reach most, if not, all 5th grade students in Lafayette County, MS. In Mississippi, students learn about eclipses in the 5th grade. In this session, we will share what we did, how we were able to get all the moving parts in place, and what we learned while conducting this outreach. Attendees will also learn about our partnership with our local library for a public viewing party on the day of the eclipse. Attendees will receive a handout detailing how we conducted and met both outreach goals. Attendees will also see photos from our events and resources that influenced our outreach. Presenters will be available for questions.

Attendees will receive a handout detailing a report of our outreach in Lafayette County, Mississippi. Attendees will also be able to see pictures of our events, and receive ideas about how they might conduct their own public outreach for the April 2024 eclipse.

Alice Steimle (Director: University, MS), Christian Clark (University of Mississippi: University, MS)

Wild About Science! Gaining HQIM with Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium

Saturday, October 28 • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Kansas City Convention Center - Exhibit Hall, Share-a-thon Area

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Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium is on the cutting edge of STEM education. We know that learning continues beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. At Omaha's Zoo, the world is our classroom! We serve over 158,000 students annually and amplify the importance of bringing learning to life for all students. Through this share-a-thon, educators with Omaha's Zoo will offer insights into what Omaha's Zoo's students doing in our community and provide content that leads to stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and higher achievements. Participants will see how HQIM are used in our Zoo Academies, Zoo After-School Programs, Zoo Outreaches, and Citizen Science Programs. Participants will have access to grab-and-go content offered through Omaha's Zoo Education Department and gain meaningful ways to connect students to the world around them.

Connect with Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium educators to uncover how we bring learning to life for all students. See what Omaha's Zoo's students are doing in our community with HQIM and take away content leading to stronger instruction, deeper engagement, and higher achievements.

Kenzie Meegan (Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo: No City, No State), Brian Priesman (Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo: No City, No State), Leah Litz (Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium: No City, No State)

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