2024 Denver National Conference

March 20-23, 2024

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Presentation, Lesson Showcase, Leadership


Rooms and times subject to change.
45 results
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Fostering Growth Mindsets in Education

Thursday, March 21 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 707

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Fostering growth mindset
Please get i touch if you need extra information! [email protected]

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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In this engaging session, we embark on a transformative journey, equipping educators with the tools and knowledge to instill a growth mindset in themselves and their students, enriching the educational experience, and nurturing future generations of resilient, adaptable, and lifelong learners.

Teachers will self-assess and evaluate students' mindsets, while discussing resources to foster resilience, embracing challenges, and nurturing a lifelong love for learning in any classroom.

Luciana Girgulsky (Northlands: No City, No State)

Leveraging Teacher-Led PLCs and Inquiry Cycles to Improve Practice

Thursday, March 21 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 705

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
TLPLC Slides.pdf

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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This session presents a unique approach to teacher-led professional learning communities, leveraging data-driven inquiry cycles to identify, test, and refine solutions to common problems of practice around science instruction.

Attendees will explore the creation and facilitation of teacher-led professional learning communities, which leverage Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) learning cycles to address problems of practice within their classrooms.

Joseph Seabloom (Chicago Public Schools)

How to Use Instructional Vision Setting to Impact Adoption of High Quality K-12 Instructional Materials

Thursday, March 21 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 210/212

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
How to Use Instructional Vision Setting NSTA.pdf

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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School leaders play an important role in the adoption of high quality instructional materials and can serve as catalysts for smart adoption processes. Participants will learn how to develop and use local priorities and instructional vision to drive the instructional materials adoption process.

Participants will learn how to develop local priorities and establish an instructional vision, engage with EdReports reviews of instructional materials to make informed decisions based on local context, and leave with materials to support replicating this process with their local educators.

John-Carlos Marino (Science Lead), Shannon Wachowski (EdReports.org: Fort Collins, CO)

Confessions of a New Teacher

Thursday, March 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 3B

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Research suggests that most teachers will leave the profession within 5-years. This presentation will share tips to help science teachers stay enjoying teaching! This session could prove helpful to any new or preservice teacher, teacher mentor, or anyone who wants a new perspective.

Attendees will leave with tangible practices to implement in their lives as a teacher! I will offer tips that worked for me, discussing topics like the school social environment, the lingo of education, using district resources, combating burn out (preemptively and practically), and more!

Marissa Christie (Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology: Conyers, GA)

How to Use EdReports to Select High-Quality Instructional Materials

Thursday, March 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 210/212

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA_How to Use EdReports to Select High Quality K-12 Instructional Materials.pdf

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Participants will learn about the characteristics of hiqh-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and how to identify them. They will use EdReports resources to compare and contrast materials based on markers of quality and discuss how to use this process when selecting HQIM for their local context.

Through engaging in a sample materials selection process, participants will gain an understanding of the characteristics of high-quality instructional materials (including sensemaking and the presence of phenomena and problems) and how to use EdReports' free resources.

John-Carlos Marino (Science Lead), Shannon Wachowski (EdReports.org: Fort Collins, CO)

Supporting teachers, challenging students, and increasing accessibility: How DoD STEM Ambassadors advance STEM education in their communities

Thursday, March 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver - Centennial Ballroom F

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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With support from a sponsored organization and the DoD, DoD STEM Ambassadors are prepared to promote equitable education in their communities. Resources and strategies will be shared to encourage other teachers to utilize DoD STEM resources.

Attendees will learn how DoD STEM Ambassadors increase STEM education and opportunities for disadvantaged students in their communities. Presenters will review DoD STEM resources and show how attendees can also serve their classrooms to close the achievement gap, with support from DoD STEM.

Eric Botello (Byron P. Steele II High School), Josephine Mesina (International High School at Largo: Upper Marlboro, MD), Thanh Le (Montebello High School: Montebello, CA), Nicole Rosen (The Ingenuity Project: Baltimore, MD)

Embracing the Difficulty in DEI for Science Education

Thursday, March 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 106

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Share ideas and discuss ways to navigate the political and socio economic climates of diversity, equity and inclusion in science education. Highlight examples of schools and districts that have implemented DEI initiatives with current successes, pitfalls, and next steps for science instruction.

The importance of addressing DEI in science education. This emphasizes the need for open discussions and idea sharing on how to navigate the political and socioeconomic landscapes related to DEI in science education.

Sephali Thakkar (National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA): No City, No State), Sharon Delesbore (Stephen F. Austin High School: No City, No State), Leena McLean (STEM4Real), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Cultivating Transformational Practices to Affirm the Cultural Wealth of Students and Communities in Science Classrooms

Thursday, March 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver - Mineral Hall C

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Engaging in culturally responsive teaching requires that teachers shift their perspective by building relationships within the communities they serve. We present cases of science teachers who partner with communities to design curricula that affirm the assets of students while aligning with the NGSS.

Participants will learn about ways to meaningfully connect with communities outside of school to critique systems of oppression in science education and shift deficit perspectives. Participants will be empowered to advocate for their communities and engage in transformational teaching practices.

Jeff Spencer (Illinois Regional Office of Education: Chicago, IL)

Colorado Teacher Voices: An Open Forum

Thursday, March 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 605

STRAND: No Strand

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In this session, Colorado educators will have the opportunity to participate in a structured forum to share their experiences in implementing three dimensional learning and instruction as outlined in the Colorado Academic Standards for Science.

In this session, Colorado educators will have the opportunity to participate in a structured forum to share their experiences in implementing three dimensional learning and instruction as outlined in the Colorado Academic Standards for Science.

Samantha Agoos (Colorado Department of Education: Denver, CO)

Out Of The Box: Meaningful Differentiation Strategies

Thursday, March 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 706

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Unboxing differentiation presentation
Please do get in touch! [email protected] or at LinkdIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/luciana-girgulsky-337a0474/

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Discover fresh teaching horizons: surprise yourself, collaborate actively, plan consciously, and enhance communication. Enjoy a transformational opportunity to stifle enthusiasm for differentiation and revitalize teaching with diverse strategies that will inspire and motivate students.

Teachers will obtain a range of meaningful and easy-to-apply differentiation strategies for their classrooms.

Luciana Girgulsky (Northlands: No City, No State)

Bringing Informal Education into the Classroom: A Model for Statewide Partnerships

Thursday, March 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 4F

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA Presentation 2024.pptx

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Utah’s Informal Science Education Enhancement (iSEE) has been serving students and teachers across the state for 18 years. We’ll discuss funding, reporting, and collaborating with both other informal education providers and public schools to connect teachers and students with subject matter experts.

Learn how Utah has been bringing informal science education experts into formal classrooms across the state for 18 years with financial support from the state legislature and how this successful model can be adapted to other states across the nation.

Melissa Halvorsen (Education and Outreach Director: South Jordan, UT), Laura Cotter (The Leonardo: Salt Lake City, UT)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Nurturing the Roots: Strategies for Supporting and Retaining New Science Teachers

Thursday, March 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 601

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Nurturing the Roots Strategies for Supporting and Retaining New Science Teacher

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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A session dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by new teachers, especially alternative path teachers. We will explore strategies to retain talented educators in the field by demystifying education language and providing key tools and resources for a successful first year.

Leaders will gain actionable insights into establishing robust support systems for new science teachers, resulting in improved teacher retention and implementation of science and engineering practices.

Eric Rhoades (Collaborative Science Teaching and Learning Group Consulting: Midlothian, VA)

District and School Leaders: Connect Your Teacher Groups with NSTA!

Thursday, March 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 210/212

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slides for NSTA Presentation in Denver24 for District and School Leaders, March 2024.

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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The NSTA provides in-person, online, and blended professional learning experiences for cohorts of K–12 educators. All programs engage educators with digital resources, virtual programs, the larger community, and expert staff. Depending on your choice of services, NSTA membership is also included.

District and school leaders will learn about the variety of professional learning opportunities that NSTA offers, delivered in-person, online, and blended that give their teachers the power to enhance their learning as well as the ability to learn with peers. Membership included for most services.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Nurturing the Roots: Strategies for Supporting and Retaining New Science Teachers

Friday, March 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 706

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Nurturing the Roots Strategies for Supporting and Retaining New Science Teacher

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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A session dedicated to addressing the unique challenges faced by new teachers, especially alternative path teachers. We will explore strategies to retain talented educators in the field by demystifying education language and providing key tools and resources for a successful first year.

Attendees will gain actionable insights into establishing robust support systems for new science teachers, resulting in improved teacher retention and a more resilient and passionate science education community.

Eric Rhoades (Collaborative Science Teaching and Learning Group Consulting: Midlothian, VA)

Learning With Your Team: Creating and Leading Professional Learning Opportunities

Friday, March 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 707

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Presenters organize around four main ideas for departmental, building, and/or district-level professional learning. Topics include equitable classroom practices, lab safety, book studies, and incorporating SEPs, CCCs, and sensemaking in science instruction (including NSTA PLUs and courses).

How to organize good in-district and in-building professional learning opportunities while leading as department chair, science administrator, or teacher (leading from the middle); and how to "shoehorn" these opportunities into any available time for all grade 6-12 science subjects.

David Jacob (Putnam/Northern Westchester BOCES: Yorktown Hghts, NY), Harry Rosvally (Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES: Yorktown Heights, NY)

Professional Learning For Your Science Teachers: A Multifaceted Approach to Building Leadership Capacity and Improving Instructional Practice in Your District

Friday, March 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 710

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Looking for ideas for Professional Learning structures that provide leadership opportunities and improve classroom instruction for your district? This session will delve into the Professional Learning and Leading structures implemented in our district, considering barriers and ideas for application.

Ideas of structures for Professional Development that provide classroom teachers with the opportunity to stay in the classroom and still lead instruction in their school and district.

Anthony Goad (Hamilton County Schools: Chattanooga, TN)

Busting Myths: Science and math careers compared to teaching

Friday, March 22 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1A

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Dive into data about a range of math and science careers and how these compare to teaching as a profession. While you’re here, share your story!

Teaching is an attractive highly competitive career if you love young people! We want to hear from you too!

Jia Wern Hue (Research Associate: Golden, CO)

Why Science Educators Need to be at the Policymaking Table

Friday, March 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 102/104

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Join NSTA, the STEM Education Coalition, the Hands-On Science Partnership and the National Academies to learn about emerging public policy issues and how NSTA members can engage in the policymaking conversation at the national, state, and local level.

As the old saying goes: If you are not at the table, you might end up on the menu. We will talk about practical ways to get science educators around today’s policymaking table. Also get a preview of upcoming NAS studies that can impact the field.

Amy Stephens (The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: Washington, DC), Erika Shugart (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Alex Molinich (Aldon Corporation: , United States), James Brown (STEM Education Coalition: Washington, DC)

Transforming Science Teaching and Learning Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning: Transformative Learning, Learning Designs, and Models

Friday, March 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 205

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Curriculum implementation requires a robust professional learning program to support teachers in making the shifts called for in NRC’s Framework. This experience leverages BSCS’s new instructional model, Anchored Inquiry Learning (AIL), and an immersion model of professional learning.

Leaders can support teachers with making the instructional shifts called for in the NRC’s Framework through immersive, curriculum-based professional learning programs.

Jenine Cotton-Proby (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

Strategic Communications Training to Advance K12 Science

Friday, March 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 102/104

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Deep dive trainings in strategic communications; focused on the use of digital and social media tools to reach broader audiences and on persuasive writing tips and techniques. Trainings will be followed by a panel of state teams who completed the trainings and are using the skills locally.

Skills to effectively advocate for K12 science via digital and social media tools and techniques for securing OpEd/LTE and blog placements.

Josh Parrish (Collaborative for Student Success: No City, No State), Julia Rothenberg (VP, Digital strategy, GMMB: Washington, DC), Eric Rosenberg (EMR Content + Communications Inc.: Arlington, VA), Adam Ezring (Collaborative for Student Success: No City, No State)

JROTC STEM Leadership Academy

Friday, March 22 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 706

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
MCPSS JROTC STEM Leadership Academy
Mobile County Public School System JROTC STEM Leadership Academy Overview.

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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The purpose of the JROTC STEM Leadership Academy (first began in 2015 in Mobile, AL) is to engage a unique population of high school students, 9th and 10th grade JROTC cadets, in STEM content, skills and fields of study needed by business and industry today.

Attendees will learn how to incorporate STEM lessons into after school and summer programs while building an interest in area industries and workforce development.

Chastity Touchstone (Mary G. Montgomery High School: Semmes, AL), Ashley Daigle (Mary G. Montgomery High School: Semmes, AL)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Cultivating Three-Dimensional Expertise – The Impact of Teacher Leader Institutes

Friday, March 22 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 705

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Join us to explore how our science Teacher Leader Institutes empower educators to excel in subject matter knowledge, pedagogical skills, and leadership acumen. Discover the transformative impact of this initiative on educational capacity and professional growth.

During the session, participants will discover how the Teacher Leader Institute was created using freely available resources and how it has been improved over time as new groups join and more professional development opportunities are introduced.

Andy Weatherhead (National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA): Downingtown, PA), Kammas Kersch (Chester County Intermediate Unit: Downingtown, PA)

Rev Up Your Engineering Integration with the Knowles Project Complexity Rubric

Friday, March 22 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Hyatt Regency Denver - Centennial Ballroom F

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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How can engineering design invite student creativity and choice in a science classroom? Come learn about a teacher-developed tool for scaling student autonomy both up and down within engineering practices into your science class. Leave with new activity ideas and a new strategy for developing more.

In this presentation, teachers will look at several examples of integrated-STEM instruction on a continuum of student-centricity and complexity. Teachers will use a Project Complexity Rubric to consider modifications to the examples and to their own engineering-oriented math and science instruction.

Kylie Bertram (Science Teacher: Willingboro, NJ), Emily Berman (Global STEM Challenges Program)

CSSS— Leadership For Increasingly Diverse Schools: Book Study Presentation

Friday, March 22 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 111/113

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Reflections of a book study of Leadership for Increasingly Diverse Schools. Presentation is about how the book study is focused on race, poverty, disabilities, LGBTQ, gender, multilingual learners, religion, family, and community advocacy.

Participants will be given an equity audit tool to use in their district to see where there may be areas of inequities to focus on. Users of the tool can create action steps to increase a more diverse school community. Attendees will be given resources and strategies to help support them.

Tonyea Mead (Science Education Associate: Dover, DE)

Science Teacher Education: Strategies and Lessons Learned from the Louisiana Collaborative

Friday, March 22 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - 207

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Preparing and supporting teacher candidates with coherent and engaging learning experiences requires the collaborative efforts of different sectors of the education system. We will discuss the strategies and resources developed and implemented to ensure K-5 science teachers are classroom-ready.

Gain concrete strategies and resources to consider a similar collaborative process within your regional and local context.

Tana Luther (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA), Susan Gomez Zwiep (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Nancy Hopkins-Evans (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

What to Expect during the Colorado Science Standards Revision in 2025

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 605

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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This session provides K-12 Colorado educators information about the Science Standards Review and Revision process beginning in the Spring of 2025 and concluding in June 2026. In addition to the background on the five stages of the process, educators will learn how they can apply to participate.

By the end of this session, participants will describe the five main stages of the Standards Review and Revision process and identify opportunities for educators to participate in the process.

Samantha Agoos (Colorado Department of Education: Denver, CO)

Exploring the Effect of Collaborative Practices Among Science Teachers on Student Test Scores in a Rural School District

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 4E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Teachers in many rural districts around the country operate as singletons and very rarely have the opportunity to collaborate with teachers of the same subject area. The presenter will discuss the steps she took that led to significant growth as indicated by state test scores.

Attendees will learn the strategies that are necessary to support teachers in rural school districts, which in turn, supports all learners.

LATASHA LAMPKIN (District Science Coach: , GA)

Awakening the Human Spirit in the Science Classroom

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 4A

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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In science classrooms, we often focus on the "subject of study" without addressing the other two "subjects" in the room: the teacher and student. Awakening the spirits of the educator and students in the classroom leads to a stronger sense of belonging and respect, & greater lesson effectiveness.

Participants will learn two foundational models of human awareness and behavior, then create interpersonal intentions that will provide a higher level of effectiveness and enjoyment for themselves and students in the classroom.

Mick Scott (CS and Engineering Teacher / Former K-12 STEM Director / Mind Mastery Coach)

STEP UP Careers in Physics & Growing Your Physics Program

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1E

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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STEP UP is a national community that designs lessons to inspire women to pursue physics in college. Learn about our Careers in Physics lesson, including tools you can use to match students’ interests with physics-related careers and increase enrollment in the physics classes your school offers.

Participants will learn about and practice using STEP UP’s Careers in Physics online career matching tool and options for using it in their classroom. Participants will also learn ways to increase interest and enrollment in high school physics programs.

Kori Bowns-Kamphuis (Lindblom Math and Science Academy: Chicago, IL)

Ignite Your Teaching Journey: Expert Insights on Creating a Professional Development Plan

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 3A

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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As educators, we have the power to inspire, shape, and influence young minds. To do that effectively we must continuously learn and grow. We will explore how to design your own professional development plan, become an expert in your field, and find joy through discovering your passions.

Teachers will set goals and identify opportunities for growth. We will share workshops, courses, and fellowship opportunities to enhance teaching skills and personal growth.

Melissa Thompson (Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellowship: No City, No State), Samantha Willsey (Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow: Washington DC, DC)

NSTA Townhall

Saturday, March 23 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 107/109

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Learn about the latest developments from NSTA, including changes in governance, volunteer opportunities, and new services and resources. There will also be an opportunity for you to provide feedback to NSTA leadership.

Attendees will learn about ways that NSTA can help their professional journey and will provide feedback to the association.

Alicia Conerly (Marion County Schools: Columbia, MS), Elizabeth Mulkerrin (CEO: No City, No State), Julie Luft (University of Georgia: Athens, GA), Erika Shugart (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Everyday Actions for Encouraging Physics Class Community

Saturday, March 23 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 2024 Everyday Actions presentation
Everyday Actions for Encouraging Physics Class Community presentation by Bree Barnett Dreyfuss, STEP UP

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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The Everyday Actions Guide includes a self-reflection for teachers and suggestions for actions in and out of the classroom to foster a strong physics class community. Come learn about strategies to help all students, especially those historically left out of physics, see themselves as “physics people.”

The STEP UP Curriculum includes two NGSS-aligned lessons proven to encourage women and other marginalized groups to consider pursuing physics. The Everyday Actions Guide is filled with suggestions for encouraging all students to pursue physics and improve their physics identity throughout the year.

Bree Barnett Dreyfuss (Physics teacher, Science Department Chair; STEP UP Ambassador Program Coordinator: Pleasanton, CA)

Architects of STEM Collaborations

Saturday, March 23 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1B

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Architects of STEM Collaborations immerse cross sectors to develop a conduit for ALL students to be successful. An established STEM collaboration hub helps ALL students/teachers bridge the cultural and opportunity gaps within our National STEM Ecosystem.

Learn how to develop research education blueprints that incorporate culturally responsive externships outside the classroom. Help students gain access to a global "collaboration hub" and pathways for rewarding/productive STEM careers.

Doug Baltz (Seaholm High School: Birmingham, MI)

Meet and Greet with Sam Agoos Science Content Specialist from Colorado Department of Education

Saturday, March 23 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 605

STRAND: Instruction and Assessment: Implementing Standards

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In this session, you can drop in to meet Sam Agoos the Science Content Specialist for the Colorado Department of Education. This time will provide opportunities for networking as well as space for important conversations regarding the status of three dimensional learning in your school or district.

Build relationships with Sam Agoos the science content specialist at the Colorado Department of Education.

Samantha Agoos (Colorado Department of Education: Denver, CO)

Making Sense of the Colorado Academic Standards for Science

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 605

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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This session will provide K-12 Colorado science teachers support with aligning classroom instruction to the Colorado Academic Standards for Science by unpacking the components of the standards and providing free, evidence-based instructional resources.

By the end of this session, participants will recognize the three dimensions of the Evidence Outcome Statements outlined in the Colorado Academic Standards for Science and leave with evidence-based instructional resources to support them in aligning their science instruction with the standards.

Samantha Agoos (Colorado Department of Education: Denver, CO)

Leading from the Classroom: Ways to Influence Science Education and Still Teach

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 709

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Come learn about ways that you can help advance the field of Science Education and improve your teaching through the many different leadership opportunities that exist which also allow you to stay in your classroom.

Attendees will learn how participation in teacher advisory committees supporting museums and science centers, or other organizations such as Science Olympiad, NSTA, and NSELA can allow them to improve their teaching and be Science Education leaders while remaining in the classroom.

Joshua Smith (Phenomenon Science Education: Amherst, MA), Leah Litz (Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium: No City, No State), Roy Arezzo (National Marine Sanctuary Foundation: Silver Spring, MD), Tim Lundt (Science Teacher: Woodland Park, CO), Shari Brady (Kaleideum: Winston-Salem, NC), John Loehr (Science Olympiad: Oakbrook Terrace, IL)

Making Connections: Building Bridges Between High School and College Biology

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 3A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA Presentation 3_17_24.pptx

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Join us to learn about a university-led program that sought to bridge the gap between high school and college-level biology. We will share the concepts where our students struggle–at both the high school and first-year college level–and explore best practices to support their learning.

Attendees will learn how to build partnerships between universities and high schools to support the final tier of vertical articulation for our students. We will also share the content and study skill gaps that persist from high school through college, and specific strategies to address them.

Kyle Houser (Coordinator, STEM Student Success: No City, No State), Cathlene Leary-Elderkin (National Board of Medical Examiners: Philadelphia, PA), Drue Stapleton (Associate Professor: lawrenceville, NJ)

Space for Space Leadership

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - 103/105

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Are you looking for specific Space Science Professional Learning or want to be an ambassador for space science? Come learn about current outreach programs to apply for Space Education Ambassador programs.

Educators will have access to a variety of Professional Learning programs in Space Science and ways to connect with other Space Education Educators. Participants will also learn about strategies for Leadership in Aerospace Education.

Heidi Ragsdale (STEM Professional Development: Grand Junction, CO)

What is the NAGT TED Earth Sciences Teacher Leader Award?

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Bluebird Ballroom 3H

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA_NAGT ESTL Award_Metlay_23Mar24.pdf
NAGT Earth Sciences Teacher Leader Award Suzanne T. Metlay Western Governors University
NSTA_NAGT ESTL Award_Metlay_23Mar24.pptx
NAGT Earth Sciences Teacher Leader Award Suzanne T. Metlay Western Governors University

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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NAGT's Teacher Education Division developed 10 leadership criteria to encourage K-12 educators as teacher leaders. This competitive annual award honors teachers who satisfy at least 7 criteria. Each qualified nominee receives a certificate of recognition, but only 1 nominee earns the annual award.

How to (self-)nominate a candidate for the NAGT TED Earth Sciences Teacher Leader Award. We will consider the leadership criteria, nominating committee concerns, and monetary value of the award.

Suzanne Metlay (Western Governors University: Salt Lake City, UT)

Building physics classroom culture: How to have difficult conversations

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 2024 Difficult Conversations

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Participants will gain tools for reducing marginalization in the physics classroom. This session begins with STEP UP’s Women in Physics curriculum and ends with resources and strategies for having difficult but necessary conversations about equity and inclusion.

Participants will gain resources and strategies for having DEI–related conversations in the classroom.

Praisy Poluan (STEM Teacher & Education Researcher: , CA)

Science for All: Navigating a Fluid Classroom Culture

Saturday, March 23 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 2A

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Join the classroom culture conversation in this session as we discuss strategies for promoting inclusivity in the science classroom through adaptability, community building circles, responsiveness, and collaboration.

Explore welcoming routines, as well as content and non-content prompts used in community building circles that foster a positive and safe environment. Sample newsletters will be available to share ideas for collaboration among the learning community that support inclusive science education.

Dr. Yajaira Fuentes-Tauber (Rocky Mountain High School: Fort Collins, CO)

Meeting in the Middle

Saturday, March 23 • 11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1A

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STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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In this session, you will learn about how Lincoln Park Zoo and Chicago Public Schools have created spaces for teachers, informal science educators, and researchers to come together to increase student understanding of the natural world in ways that support both formal and informal curricula.

Participants will learn methods for more robust collaboration between school districts and informal science partners that will increase student critical thinking and science literacy to make informed decisions about their communities and the environment.

Rosie Arnold (Lincoln Park Zoo: No City, No State), Laura Decker (Chicago Public Schools: Chicago, IL)

Coaching For Equity: Instructional Coaching as a Way to Address Systemic Inequity in Science Classrooms

Saturday, March 23 • 11:40 AM - 12:40 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Bluebird Ballroom 2H

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Instructional coaching is a way to build reflective practices in teachers to drive instructional change. The relational nature of coaching techniques allows the coach to provide specific, context-based suggestions that could be used to address inequitable structures in classrooms.

Individuals who work with teachers can make specific and intentional moves to help science teachers reflect on and challenge structures of power, narratives, and values of science, and what science participation looks like from within specific classroom structures.

Jeff Spencer (Illinois Regional Office of Education: Chicago, IL)

ACEs in the Science Classroom

Saturday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
ACES Handout.pdf
ACES in the Science Classroom.pptx
Denver, 2024 ACES in the Science Classroom Presentation

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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DEI session focuses on ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) & how they affect children’s education. Participants will gain a foundational understanding of how ACES affect behavior & learning, how educators can promote a safe classroom environment, & rehearse coping strategies for use in the classroom.

ACEs contribute to toxic stress that changes the brains of the affected. This interrupts quality health, behavior, and of most importance, learning. In order to maximize student achievement, educators must learn to recognize the effects of ACEs and how to foster resilience.

Rachel Eades (Midland Trail High School: Charleston, WV)

Building a Community in STEAM

Saturday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Colorado Convention Center - Mile High Ballroom 1E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2024 FIRST Tech Challenge Qualifier
23-24 STEAM Course Catalogue
Creating and Activating Hope Strategies
Strategies referenced to Kids at Hope.
Dr. Gholdy Muhammed's Hill Pedagogies
Reference to Unearthing Joy, by Dr. Gholdy Muhammed
PA Smart Grant Logic Model
Robotics Celebration of Learning
STEAM One-Pager.docx
Terry Smith on Facebook

STRAND: Leadership and Advocacy

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Leaders and advocates will critically review strategies for connecting with their community to build a program focused on supporting STEAM with emphasis on inclusive practices for design with equity at the forefront.

Attendees will take away strategies for engaging with their community to support their schools in developing and sustaining STEAM programming focused on equity.

Terry Smith (M-PowerHouse of Greater Pittsburgh: No City, No State), Vincent Scotto (Pittsburgh Public Schools: Pittsburgh, PA)

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