Web Seminar

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Join us on Thursday, November 14, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM ET, to learn about the role that rocks and minerals play regarding climate change.

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our generation, and generations to come.  But what's rock got to do with it?  Learn how simple and familiar rocks and minerals play a critical role in responding to, recording, causing, and even solving climate change on our dynamic planet.  Learn some new and perhaps surprising ways to connect these seemingly disparate parts of the Earth system together (rocks and climate) that will add new definition, motivation, integration, and fascination in your teaching.  Learn yet another way that rocks and minerals play a critical role in the Earth and environmental processes and challenges that face our society today.

All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.

We invite you to register for upcoming web seminars at NSTA.

Register today to participate in this web seminar. Upon registering you will receive an e-mail confirmation including information about the program and suggested links to visit in preparation of the event. Additional information about the web seminar will be e-mailed to you days before the program.

New Users: Log in 15 minutes prior to the start time for an introduction to NSTA web seminars.

Each web seminar is a unique, stand-alone, program. Archives of the web seminars and the presenters' PowerPoint presentations will be available through the links on this web page. Read answers to frequently asked questions from participants.

For more information contact: [email protected]

Hosted by

National Science Teaching Association



Date Thursday November 14, 2024 Time 7:00 PM ET / 6:00 PM CT / 5:00 PM MT / 4:00 PM PT Duration 60 Minutes Audience All individuals interested in science and science education, especially teachers of science, parents, and science enthusiasts.

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Vernier Science Education

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