NSTA Bookstore

Member Web Seminar

In this web seminars you will learn:  

  • The ins and outs of session planning and how to navigate your way around the conference 
  • Why you should attend the NSTA First Timer Session 
  • How NSTA Conference Courses and Pathways can enhance your conference experience 
  • How to get NSTA transcripts and graduate-level credit 

All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program. 

Click here to explore NSTA's schedule of upcoming web seminars and to register. 


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National Science Teaching Association

NSTA conferences offer the latest in science content, teaching strategy, and research to enhance and expand your professional growth. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to collaborate with science education leaders and your peers.

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