Can students spot misinformation in news articles? Are they up-to-date with current science breakthroughs like CRISPR and GMOs? Do students have a grasp of how science really works? Explore what it means to be scientifically literate and how to develop students who can participate in discussions about scientific issues that affect society and why that matters.
Participants will first review published articles and use evidenced-based criteria to determine their scientific legitimacy. Next, using examples of scientific discoveries, participants will explore how science works. Lastly, an aspiring definition for scientific literacy will be shared along with artifacts that can be used in the classroom to support scientific literacy.
All individuals receive a certificate of participation and 100 NSTA activity points for attending the live seminar and completing the end-of-program survey. A certificate of participation is not awarded for watching the recorded version of the program.
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Stephanie Staicer
Tina Hovance
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