Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / New Teachers / Something For New Teachers

New Teachers

Something For New Teachers

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Stephanie Camacho Stephanie Camacho 1780 Points

Thank you for mentioning this. As a child I was never a fan of science and often had teachers that seemed to want to bore me to death with it. As a new teacher I really want to re-learn and experience science on a whole new level so that I can grow to love science and make up for all the years wasted staring at an outdated science textbook. Thanks again.

Ashley Brooks Ashley Brooks 3460 Points

thank you for sharing this resource!

Christina Torango Christina Torango 12445 Points

This is awesome! Thanks!

Jessica McDaniel Jessica McDaniel 2440 Points

This is great! Thank you for the resources!

Jessica McDaniel Jessica McDaniel 2440 Points

This is great! Thank you for the resources!

Amanda Upton Amanda Upton 6570 Points

New teachers in 0-5 years of experience, consider also applying for the Maitland P. Simmons Memorial Award for New Teachers, this is a $1000 scholarship for 25 teachers to attend the national conference in Chicago, registration and a year's membership in NSTA. The award application can be found at You can't win if you don't apply! Good luck!

Sarah Sanchez Sarah Sanchez 1555 Points

Thank you for sharing.

Shelby Robinson Shelby Robinson 1840 Points

Thank you so much for sharing. I'll keep this in mind when i start teaching next year!

Brenda Barcenas Brenda Barcenas 2145 Points

Thank you for sharing this! I'm glad to see that their are many wonderful resources for new teachers and I will definitely take it into consideration when I become a teacher next fall! Science isn't my greatest subject since my teachers didn't really teach it in a productive way (they used textbooks, worksheets, etc.). I will definitely need a helping hand when I begin to teach because I want to make the content as interesting as it can. Good luck to all the new or soon to be teachers out there! :)

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