Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / STEM / STEM AND Super Heros


STEM AND Super Heros

Author Post
Wendy Goldfein Wendy Goldfein 2345 Points

Looking for a great STEM all school event? Last June we planned an all day engineering event for grades K-6 that was a lot of fun. We used Super Heros as our theme. We have a blog about what we did with ideas and resources. Wendy Goldfein and Cheryl Nelson Get Caught Engineering

Sandy Gady Sandy Gady 43175 Points

Thank you Wendy and Cheryl for posting this idea. I really like how you have activities set out for all of the grade levels. As a middle school teacher, I am thinking many of the ideas can be modified to meet the needs of my middle school Design and Engineering students. I love the idea of having a Maker Faire type of event where parents are invited to an evening of helping super heroes design and construct tools to “fight and thwart evil.”

Susanne Hokkanen Susanne Hokkanen 79520 Points

What a great idea!! I am planning a STEM Career Day for early May. I have not decided on a theme yet, but I really like the idea of using Superheroes or something similar. The career day will focus on 4th - 8th grade students. Any other suggestions?

Janae Barron Janae Barron 370 Points

This looks great! Thanks for sharing. Our school theme is superhero this year! And we engineer like crazy in fifth grade!

Elena Reyes Lovins Elena Reyes Lovins 1110 Points

Such a neat idea!

Noah Christians Noah Christians 320 Points

Wendy, What a great idea! As a preservice secondary science teacher, I absolutely love that you are using STEM in a fun interactive way. Using super heroes as a theme was genius, especially as you can draw on connections with engineering and Iron Man. I personally think you are heading in the right direction, making STEM fun for students so that when they reach the high school level, they are even more interested to learn the content! How were you able to convince your administration to have such a day?

Claire Ainsworth Claire Ainsworth 705 Points

Thanks for posting! This is an inspiring resource with a lot of great lesson plan ideas.!

Hannah Chacon Hannah Chacon 495 Points

How fun! All the activities get the students thinking and asking questions.

Wendy Goldfein Wendy Goldfein 2345 Points

Sandy and Susanne, One of the activities we added this year to our family evening event was very popular. We collected various old computer and phone parts, added simple tools and googles and let the students "dissect the machines". Families loved it and kids didn't want to leave. The volunteers running it had a good enough background to point out and discuss with the children what the various parts were that were being pulled out. We were careful not to have equipment that had parts that could be dangerous (i.e.TVs and some small kitchen appliances were donated but we did not use them due to safety issues). We know that next year we will have to increase that center's size and the number of volunteers as we anticipate the demand will be huge for that activity. To add to your idea, Sandy, this hands on center could be used to have them take apart things and rebuild a fantasy something to "save the world"... (kind of like when Ironman was putting pieces together for his outfit.) : ) Wendy

Marie Ann Phillips Marie Ann Phillips 95 Points

These ideas are great!!  I am currently curriculum planning for a summer camp program that I am running and Super Heros is one of our weekly themes.  I love all of the great ideas for connecting the theme with STEM!


Sheena Payne Sheena Payne 510 Points

Thank you for sharing such a great resource! I love how each grade level has a different focus, but it all aligns with a common theme. These are wonderful STEM ideas that are very engaging for students. I am wondering how I can adjust some of the activities into STEM for One activities in which students do not need to share supplies. Thank you for this post!

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