Adam Equipment - October 2024


Forums / Early Childhood / Air/Wind lessons

Early Childhood

Air/Wind lessons

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Meaghan Charles Meaghan Charles 180 Points

Hello! I am a pre-service teacher and I am interested in teaching a lower elementary lesson on air. Air is a hard concept to grasp for younger students since it can't be seen. Does anyone have any song or activity ideas that would be engaging and help young students gain a basic understanding of air?


Hi Meaghan,  Here is an activity that I found that would be a great way for kids to be engage while learning about air.  I hope this helps!

Savannah Franklin Savannah Franklin 160 Points

Meaghan, I think teaching young children about air can be so fun and exciting for kids. This is something that everyone has had some type of experience with and can easily relate too. I found this website and it seemed to have some great ideas for and air/ wind unit. I hope you find it useful when creating a lesson. Keep me posted.

Neena Paul Neena Paul 1335 Points

Hi Meaghan, That is really exciting. I went to the science center earlier this year and saw an interesting demonstration about air pressure. The kids really like it and it gets the point across. I found a similar lesson online that I think you should take a look at: Good luck on your lesson!

Karen Ventura Karen Ventura 990 Points

I am also a pre-service teacher and I will be teaching air and weather for the kids. I think a windsock and taking them outside to run and use it where they can see what they made would be an extremely engaging activity for the students and you can use it for them to have a visual of what they will do.

George Mehler George Mehler 1755 Points

Hi Meaghan, you are right, air is a difficult concept to teach. I may have something that can help. I created a YouTube channel full of free and fun science demonstrations called FunScienceDemos. Each video is common core aligned and there are various topics from Earth/Space science to Engineering! Here is just one of our videos on air, check it out! And here is the link to the rest of our videos as there are more that you may find useful! (Look into the playlist on weather for more air demos! Home page link: I hope you found this useful, Dr. George Mehler Ed.D., Temple University

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