Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-October 2024


Forums / General Science and Teaching / Science Safety Handbook

General Science and Teaching

Science Safety Handbook

Author Post
Emily Panico Emily Panico 330 Points

Hi Everyone

Over the summer I have been tasked to write a Science Safety Handbook for my high school to cover everything from chemical use to waste disposal.  It will need to apply to all of my science courses.  Does anyone have a handbook at your school that you would be willing to share?

Thank you for your time


Pamela Dupre Pam Dupre 92369 Points

Emily, in addition to what Ruth shared with you is a great resource from NSTA.


Ruth Hutson Ruth Hutson 64785 Points

The back of the Flinn Scientific catalog is a great safety resource. It would be an excellent starting point. You can request a hard copy of their catalog or find safety recommendations under the safety tab on their website.

Dorothy Ginnett Dorothy Ginnett 28280 Points

Agreed.  Flinn has great safety resources.

They also have Safety Contracts & Exams online that you can print for high school, middle school or college in English and/or Spanish.


NSTA also has excellent NSTA Safety in the Science Classroom resources



Emily Faulconer Faulconer 5765 Points

Are you being tasked with a general safety document or a Chemical and/or Lab Safety Plan? 

Jeffrey Patterson Jeffrey Patterson 695 Points

In addition to a wonderful catalog filled with safety ideas Flinn has a basic outline for a chemical hygiene plan.  The plan would cover all of the topics you describe.


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