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Elementary Science

Incorporating Art with Science

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Nicole Orta Nicole Orta 1015 Points

I believe that art plays a major role in a child's life, and should be incorporated into other subjects as much as possible, especially for the youngest students. Some ideas could be: drawing different trees to demonstrate all four seasons, drawing and labeling parts of an insect of other animal, or singing songs to remember the bones in the body. These ideas could spark a scientific interest in the students who lean more towards the artistic side of things, and other art ideas may allow for each individual to more freely express him/herself in the classroom. 

Theresia Fadhe Theresia Fadhe 4135 Points

Nicole Orta,

   The idea of incorporating art into science is a great idea.  I am a music teacher for children from the age of 5 and up.  Currently, I am studying to be an elementary teacher with math as my major for middle school.  I have found the use of music and arts to be an excellent way to make science interesting to the students and make it easy for them to learn.

Nikki Ramos Nikki Ramos 305 Points

Hi Nicole, 

I completely agree that art is so essential for children (and people of all ages). Integration of the arts can also boost engagement in the classroom and could help with understanding for more visual and hands-on learners. I also believe that art can make subjects more accessible for struggling learners as well and being able to express themselves through art can be such an amazing thing, no matter what the subject matter is. I love your ideas of art integration and cannot wait to use them in my future classes! 

Ashley Canny Ashley Canny 1480 Points

I also think this is super important. One fun activity I did in a 2nd grade classroom, was use dance/song to learn about the states of matter. We used our bodies to act like particles in the different states of matter. We also wrote songs about the states of matter to the tune of popular nursery rhymes. The kids really enjoyed it and incorporating all the different aspects of art.

Emma Scheidler Emma Scheidler 1905 Points

I am with you on that! I think that especially in the younger grades, students should be able to demonstrate their artistic abiliites quite often. As a preservice teacher, one thing that I've seen in one of my practicums is reading a book/s about a topic, recording things that students learned from those books, and then making a model of what they learned. For example, the teacher read several books about Bats across the span of a few days, made an achor chart on the first day with facts of what students learned about bats and added to it each day, and then on the final day, students made a model of a bat that included all the body parts of a bat. (The bat was a print out, and students were able to cut, color, and glue it all together.)

Genissa Padilla Genissa Padilla 285 Points

Hello Nicole,

    I also belive that art is a great way to demonstrate science. Many artists have gotten their inspiration from sceience and vice versa. For example, many of Leonardo Da Vinci's work came from the nature of science. I remember from when I was in third grade that my teacher incorporated science with art by having us create a butterfly from one sheet of paper and some paint. The way she did this was to have us fold a big piece of paper, unfold it, then add some blots of paint in the middle of the crease where we folded then she had us close the paper with the paint inside, and spread out the excess paint so once we would open the paper we would have this giant colorful butterfly and we would leave it open to dry. Then she would talk about butterflies and why they were important. This was a fun way of learning, and I recommend trying this some day. 

Karina Pena Salinas Karina Pena Salinas 180 Points

This is very insightful and I agree with you, Nicole. As a student in elementary I always leaned towards art rather than science. Looking back at it now, I wish my teachers had incorporated more of my passion of art with science so I could have grown to love it more and associate it with something more enjoyable to me. Hopefully we as teachers can implement art more into the subject of science for this reason.

Leticia Vasconcelos Leticia Vasconcelos 1025 Points

The importance of incorporating art into science is often overlooked. Scientists are much like artists in the way that they view the world around them. Both scientists and artists share a fundamental curiosity and desire to understand nature. When science and art are combined, several great products are created. Connections in teaching and learning such as painting, music, poetry, singing, dance, and drawing/sketching are great to use when introducing science with the arts. For instance, drawing and sketching can be used to engage students in the close observation of an object. Students can observe paintings to explore scientific concepts. 

Tsz Lai Tsz Ching Lai 4255 Points

Hi Nicole!

I agree with you that art plays a very important role in a child's life. In all of the grade levels that I have observed in (1st, 2nd, 4th), I noticed that the teacher will always try to incorporate some type of art activity into each of their lessons. Most of these activities consists of drawing and coloring, but there are instances where the students are made to dance and sing as well. I think these are all great ideas because not only is it fun for the students and teacher, but it also helps develop the child's creativity and gives them a new opportunity to express themselves and interact with the world around them.

Toni Oyama Toni Oyama 405 Points


I also agree that Art should be integrated with other school subjects since students don't often get time in class for Art. I recently taught a science lesson on the human hand. Instead of having students label a diagram of the different bones in the hand, they were required to draw the bones shape by shape. This got them exposed to the different parts of their hand while having fun drawing!

Micaela Nunez Micaela Nunez 1480 Points

Hello Nicole,

I completely agree with your idea of integrating art in science. I personally love art and coming from a family that loves art, I see the crucial role art plays in teaching students. Children love art and they express their emotions, their thoughts, and their knowledge when they draw. Utilizing art to teach Science is a fantastic idea because students learn that they can create images and be creative when learning facts and new concepts. Through my experience working with kids, I am able to see the love that students have for art. You can teach any subject using art to encourage learning. 

Olivia Beauregard Olivia Beauregard 300 Points

Art is something that I have always loved. I think art allows for a lot of room for creativity and gives students an additional way to show what they know or explore something new. I know when I was in elementary school, some of my best memories included the projects that added some sort of art aspect, whether it was drawing observations during an experiment, creating a model for the solar system, or constructing a diagram of an ecosystem. I think in any subject, combining different subjects and content area (like art and science) can 'kill two birds with one stone' so to speak, but also adds chances for students with different strengths and weaknesses to grow. 

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9393 Points

I completely agree about intergrating arts with sciences. In my classroom, I can often use art as a formative assessment, and as a way to see what the student is thinking and what might be the next line for student research

Music in particular has long been known as a additonal way to store and organise information.  Recent work in meuroscience also impies tat the arts are imprtant in many aspect of brain development

Interestingly, there is fair amount of reseeach on music general, and instru,ental.  Very little on singing, which is the easiet to do!

Thanks for the ideas



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