Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024


Forums / Chemistry / Periodic table dance: Phoenix conference


Periodic table dance: Phoenix conference

Author Post
Betty Smith Betty Smith 30 Points

Does anyone have the periodic table dance from Thursday's 3:30 session? My phone was dead so I couldn't record it but would love it if someone could email it to me: [email protected] Thank you!!

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92361 Points

Hi Betty, I noticed that nobody ever responded to you. I did not attend the Phoenix conference, but my curiosity was peaked, so I did a Google search. There are several You tube videos about dancing with the periodic table. I also checked to see if the presenters had downloaded any materials ay the NSTA conference site, and they had not. If you have a chance to check out the videos, please let us know if one of them is what you were looking for. Carolyn

Betty Smith Betty Smith 30 Points

Thanks, I also checked YouTube with no luck. The presenter said she has never posted it online but most everyone there had their phones, iPads recording it so I'm hoping someone may post it. I will just have to keep checking.

Eric Carlson Eric Carlson 30050 Points

Fun! I wonder what could be done to give each dancer some aspect of that element.

Eric Hartl Eric Hartl 1570 Points

I will have to check out these videos! seems like they are pretty cool and helpful in the class room...Any thoughts?

Raeann Hackey Raeann Hackey 1020 Points

This is an awesome video. These would make for an entertaining classroom discussion on the periodic table.

Kendra Young Kendra Young 17180 Points

This is so neat. I like the idea of having something about each element be represented in the person's clothing. This definitely has potential! Thanks for posting...

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