I am currently student teaching virtually with my past 4th grade teacher and I love how our school implements science. When we are in the school building (currently we are doing virtual learning because of Covid-19), we teach science twice a week in the classroom, but our students also go to a special call Science Lab where they learn and cover a lot of the 4th grade science standards. They go to the Science Lab once or twice a week depending on the rotation they fall on (we have four specials, so they rotate every four days). Our building is only a 3rd and 4h grade building but both grades teach science twice a week and go to the Science Lab once or twice a week. On our Google Classroom, we have a separate science section that includes everything that we would be teaching in the classroom. In each science lesson on the Google Classroom, we include different Google Docs, pictures, videos, and Google Slides that student use to learn the content we are teaching them. We also use Google Forms as an assessment to test students learning.