Carolina Biological OSE - January 2025


Forums / New Teachers / Finding the Time

New Teachers

Finding the Time

Author Post
Timber Merryman Timber Merryman 270 Points

I am currently going to college to obtain my teaching degree. Throughout my time in the field, I have observed that not many teachers get their students involved in science due to the lack of time. How do you use the time to your advantage to implement science into the everyday curriculum? Do you find that it is more difficult to implement it throughout the different core subjects or is it just the lack of time that makes it difficult? 

Hannah Millay Hannah Millay 500 Points

Hello! I am a college student myself, so unfortunately I cannot give you an experience based anwer. However, I would suggest teaching using cross curriculum. 

Karli Remata Karli Remata 240 Points

Hello! Working with some teachers, I notice that the stories or problems presented in Reading and Math subjects have been connected to student's later Science lessons as a way of introducing them to topics before diving into the actual content. Witnessing this, the students would sometimes have discussions after the lesson is over about such topics before participating in a Science focused lesson about it on the next day.

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