Carolina Biological-Smithsonian-September 1.2024


Elementary Science


Author Post
Jamie Burcham Jamie Burcham 575 Points

Hi, I am brain storming different ideas to go along with the following Kindergarten standard: [ol] [li]Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural world and among objects in the sky. The student is expected to: [ol]

  • (A)  observe and describe weather changes from day to day and over seasons; I want the lesson to be inquiry-based, and as hands on as possible. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! 
  • [/ol] [/li] [/ol]

    Ashley Morrison Ashley Morrison 1675 Points

    Here are some hands-on weather activities:

    Angeles Rivero Loyola Angeles Rivero Loyola 1450 Points

    I loved the tornado activity! thank you so much for sharing! 

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