Our school 5-12 science team have grappled with developing a good scope and sequence for writing lab reports. We will be focusing our professional development on developing a good strategic plan. Anyone already have success with this in their district? I teach 5th grade science and I'd like to learn more about using interactive science notebooks too. Suggestions would be very appreciated! Robin
I'm teaching Physical Science for the first time this year at the high school level. I wanted to use an interactive notebook but wasn't sure how to get started with it. I downloaded this interactive notebook from "Teachers Pay Teachers" site and have used it for every unit. This has been a great resource! My students didn't like the notebooks at first but now they "get it". I check their notebooks at the end of each 2-week unit for a daily grade. Every notebook does not have to be the same but has to have the content listed for each unit. It is work but worth it. I recommend using the composition books. You could incorporate your lab reports into your interactive notebooks. Hope this helps, Joni https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Physical-Science-Interactive-Notebook-The-Complete-Bundle-for-an-Entire-Year-880588
Thanks for sharing this link! Teachers Pay Teachers is already wonderful, but I'm saving this for sure. I teach elementary, but I'm going to look around through this person's store and see if she has anything at the elementary level that might be useful for me. Much appreciated!
Wow! I had heard of "Teachers Pay Teachers" but had never explored the site before. I am completely amazed. Thank you so much for sharing this, I definitely will use it in my classroom and will be visiting this site more often.
Thanks Joni! I agree I think the work will be worth it. It's good to hear that your efforts were successful!!
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