Winter Group - November 14 campaign


Forums / Elementary Science / new Elementary Teacher

Elementary Science

new Elementary Teacher

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Hello, my name is Regine, I am a senoir student on Education. I will be doing my student teaching this fall and I am really excited to implement all the strategies that I learned.

Mary Bigelow Mary Bigelow 10285 Points

Teaching this fall will be a challenge in more ways than one. Please share your experiences and questions with us! Good luck!

Shelby Hardison Shelby Hardison 640 Points

I am also entering in to my final semesters of college before entering the new season of being a teacher. I would love to keep up with your accomplishments and ideas from the classroom, as it would be beneficial for me as well. Please share your experiences with us as they occur. Good luck and have fun!

Kaylie Ruppert Kaylie Ruppert 400 Points

I have two semesters left of college and will begin my yearlong field placement and student teaching this week! I am excited to hear about your experiences. This year will be one for the books for sure so it would be helpful to see others in my position. Good luck!

Ashley Brading Ashley Brading 380 Points

I am a senior this year at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. This semester, I am in my placement three full days, and starting next semester I will be taking over the classroom five days a week. I am also very excited to hear about your experiences as I am sure we are all in different places in our field placements as my placement is online for the first semester. 

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