Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Distance Learning / Online Course

Distance Learning

Online Course

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Diana Kattas Diana Kattas 520 Points

Hello everyone, 

      I wanted to ask for different strategies or techniques that can engage online students to participate during class? 

Chad James Capote Chad James Capote 200 Points

Engaging students in a traditional classroom is a huge challenge in itself and it's more difficult online, but simple activities and target-specific websites can help. Cram is a good website for online flashcards that interests students and keeps them alert. Post classes, the homework can involve the use of Bartleby which has interesting q&a's, lit guides, and free access to the classics helpful for students. 

Blanca Rosales Blanca Rosales 570 Points

Hey Lisa, 

This is a very good question! It is sometimes very difficult to have students engaged in face-to-face settings and I can just imagine how much more difficult it is to engage students during an online session. 

Veronica Martinez Veronica Martinez 360 Points

Hello Diana, I liked your questions very much because, as teachers, we must know as many possible ways and strategies to keep our students engaged in interacting online. Since the students are not physically on campus, finding the motivation to support our students engaged in coursework can take time and effort. I'd suggest assigning group activities with exciting learning materials and topics. For example, doing scavenger hunts activities with students can be fun for them. If you are teaching elementary, another way can be watching Jack Hartman videos; the students love his videos and don't get tired of seeing them. Students follow along through dancing and stretching, and it helps them get ready for the day. Consistency in praising the students is also a great way to have them participate in class. 

Daisy Gregorio Daisy Gregorio 360 Points

Hi Diana, distance learning can be difficult for students to be concentrated but if the gets they engage in the lesson it will be a different environment. Some of the strategies to keep them participating during the class would be breakout rooms to help each other. Incorporating  games and videos during the class sessions would motivate the students to learn and participate

Alexandra Rodriguez Alexandra Rodriguez 390 Points

Hello, some effective strategies that will help students engage in online course may be including culturally-relevant themes in concepts presented. Also another insturctional strategy, will be to implement Class Dojo, where students can customize an avatar and earn rewards.

Brenda Vasquez Brenda Vasquez 500 Points

Hello Diana, 

Very good question. There are probably many people who would be interested in learning the answer to this very interesting topic.

Brenda Cortez Brenda Cortez 370 Points

Hi Diana, I also have the same questions, because when we were on pandemic, how did teachers got the attention of their students. What type of activities did they made them do, was it hard to manage a whole class online. It is good that we get inform a little bit about this question because we don't want our kids to be bored on class or to be distracted by anything.

Thomas Nicosia Thomas Nicosia 50 Points

I think that getting the attention of academics is all about giving them tasks that they like. The first thing to do is to pay attention to the topics and the amount of work. No one wants to spend a lot of time on work that they don't like, and not even a large amount of it. I think that's one of the most effective ways of doing this, and it helps to give individual attention to each group. Many students today like Korean music. It is called K-pop and you can, for example, do an assignment related to -pop. For example, you can see examples of essays here and learn more about what your students will have to do.

Ruth Estrada Ruth Estrada 530 Points

Hello, this is a good question because as future teachers we need to know the different strategies or techniques that can engage online students to participate during class, one of them would be to do online activities in groups, this will allow students to participate equally, also it is very important to choose an interesting activity so the students would pay enough attention.

Patricia Leazier Patricia Leazier 4502 Points

As a virtual teaher, its important recognize how simulations, class discussions via chats and interactive activities engages and keeps students interest.  Students will be more willing to interact with classmates and complete assignments if they find the materials interesting and worth while.  

Lisa Rodgers Lisa Rodgers 20 Points

Oh, it's a good question. It's not that easy to engage all the students, but I try my best. I try to make my lessons interactive, organize a lot of discussions, and so on. We watch and discuss videos, and so on. But I also look for some other ways

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