
Forums / Elementary Science / Why is the Earth Round?

Elementary Science

Why is the Earth Round?

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Talia Kelly Talia Kelly 520 Points

Thank you so much for the amazing, informative article. It has been some years since I have brushed up on basic science and as a future educator this article was so helpful. Not only did I learn new techniques to teach students why the earth is round and what causes planets to be less round than the Earth, but I was able to freshen up on a lot of the information about gravity and Newton's First Law that I have so carelessly forgotten about. I found it interesting that you used two very common objects to children and related them to each other to make this lesson complete. 

When teaching subjects like science, how do you remember all of these key points so well? Is there any advice you can give future educators on how to memorize and learn as much about each subject as possible now? 

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