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Elementary Science

confidence in a science environment

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Peyton Smith Peyton Smith 205 Points

What are ways to build students confidence in a science environment?

Jennifer Standlee Jennifer Standlee 680 Points

Let the kids have plenty of time for independent exploration whatever topic you're studying.  Put it out there for the kids to get their hands on it.  If it's rocks  you're studying put rocks on the table with magnifying glasses and balance scales and identification guides so the kids can get their hands on it in an unstructured situation.  Let them explore, let them get comfortable with the equipment.Teach them how to use a balance scale and a microscope early in the year and leave them out for the kids to explore on their own when they have free time. Change the items each time you change topics to keep it fresh. Consider having a challenge question each time to create some competition.

Donna Shah Donna Shah 1653 Points

Very well said Jennifer. Let them do it! A garden outdoors is also a great confidence booster. Letting them see how something they take care of is flourishing is priceless.  Make sure and give a sincere compliment to each student which focuses on what they are doing.  

Chloie Quinn Chloie Quinn 230 Points

I completely agree with this! I think independence is a big part of science, in that kids need to explore and learn things on their own time. Students need plenty of time to think and explore when it comes to science, so make sure to give them that, along with some independence, as they like to feel they are doing things on their own. 

Sarah Shipley Sarah Shipley 190 Points

I really love the idea of permitting the students to just explore without too much structure. I am in a teaching integrated science class and we did an experiment with little intruction and were just handed a question and some materials to explore with. This allowed us to test and try new things in ways that we personally came up with rather than simply being told what to do. I think this is a very effective way to teach science and get students more curious about the world around them. 


Raelyn Davis Raelyn Davis 190 Points

Great question! Make sure to give confidence to the students while they are doing their science lesson. Encourgement can go a long way for students. If you notice them struggling, ask them questions to help clarify their confusion. Make them exicted for science! Prepare lessons in advance that will make them want to fully participate in the lesson. Group work is also a great way to build confidence for students. The ability of group collaboration can help students scaffold knowledge by talking with their peers. 

Kaitlyn Janni Kaitlyn Janni 170 Points

I remember being in my science classes and my teacher would always walk around to make sure we were doing it correctly. The constant watch always stressed me out and did not allow me to fully engage in the science area. I wish that my teachers allowed me to be more independent because that would have allowed me to build confidence in myself.

Julie Alexander Julie Alexander 280 Points

  • Use science notebooks- rather than lots of worksheets- they foster independent thinking and create ownership.
  • Allow time for kids to explore- write their own questions- again creates ownership and excitement.
  • It can be done- if you scaffold carefully- give the kids a purpose for the day- ( not just an I can statement) a real purpose- for example- Purpose: Measuring in centimeters  - here are the materials we are using today- what questions can you ask that you can answer using these materials? Ask your question, plan your steps and let me see it. Then you can do it!! Kids will ask- can I do more than one? Yes of course you can. 
  • Can you always do it this way? 9/10 times you can- sometimes no- then you provide the materials. Purpose and question- if they can, let them figure out on paper how they are going to find the anwer and then let them go. 
  • Giving up that control is hard- but it is so much better for the kids. 


Sydney Schieffler Sydney Schieffler 190 Points

This is a good question, it makes me think back on my elementary and middle school days in science class and even my college science classes. The way my teachers helped build my confidence in the science classroom is that they gave the basic instructions for the assignment and then let us students find the answers ourselves. If we were wrong in the beginning with our predicitons, they did not correct us, they allowed us to further work on the assignment and come to the correct answer on our own. The teacher was their as a guide if we absolutely needed help but they did not over step and interject. This method allowed me to feel more confident when I did finally get the correct answer or come to the correct conclusion. 

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