I created a heat energy lesson plan for my Science for Children College Class. I will have students outdoors exploring what happens to ice when we put it between our hands. I already did this lesson and noticed that I had trouble managing their behaivor as well as extending their knowledge. What are some ways I can manage their behavior outdoors as well as extending their knowledge during their explore state?
Lesley, I love this activity for students! The best advice I have is to give students a purpose for this activity. If students do not know how is applies to their lives, they are going to lose interest in what they are learning. Once students know the purpose, the more engaged they get and the less behavioral issues you will have as a teacher. Students could be assigned one specific role for this activity that they have to focus on when they are outside. It is their job to be the expert and then as a class you will discuss ideas and expand on everyone’s roles. I also might add in more activities to do with the ice outside. For example, what do students notice about the rate of the ice melting when it sits on the ground compared to when they rub their hands together? You could also have some students wear gloves when they rub their hands together. How do the gloves affect how fast the ice melts? Abby Staebell Pre-Service Teacher
Hi Lesley,
First this activity sounds to be really fun and helpful for the students. When you first go outside to do the activity I would set some rules and some consequences for not following the rules. I also would make sure that the students know the purpose of the activity and what you are hoping they would get out of this activity. When students are in groups it is important to equally distribute the tasks so it can help students stay on tasks. Maybe even have students discuss at the end what they have discovered from the activity to make sure students were engaged. I wish you the best of luck with this lesson and hope this can help!
Connor Neuroth
Wartburg College '20
Pre-Service Teacher
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