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Forums / Elementary Science / Types of Questions

Elementary Science

Types of Questions

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Madison Reasoner Madison Reasoner 235 Points

Hello! I am a preservice teacher and am wondering how to smootly organize a family science night in the future? Where do I begin? What kinds of activities should I include?

Katlynn Duck Katlynn Duck 1773 Points

Hi Madison! I am in the education program right now and this sounds like such an awesome idea! I don't have much help for you, but would like to say good for you for going the extra mile! So many times I feel like science is something that get minimum attention, and this affects student's outlook on it. Things like family science night are what will make you a great teacher and change student's ways of thinking about science. 

Rebecca Yeager Rebecca Yeager 180 Points

Hi Madison! I would begin by making sure you advertize the event well in advance so all familiies can come. Also, if you make it a family event, you will prevent parents from needing babysitters. Finally, I would make sure the point of your night is to model and explain to parents how to ask questions. Teaching parents how to facilitate science will help it occur outside of the classroom as well.

Kathyren White Kathyren White 2133 Points

I think these are great suggestions for a succesful family night! I like the idea of making it a family event and agree that having advertisement in advance will have the most family attendance. 

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