Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / General Science and Teaching / Is your written feedback effective?

General Science and Teaching

Is your written feedback effective?

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Jasper Green Jasper Green 60 Points

Where does your feedback sit?

Samantha Coyle Samantha Coyle 2255 Points

Very interesting. Thank you for sharing. I guess the bottom right corner isn't great because they weren't told specifically what titles to underline? I think that is fine, and that it is effective feedback - that's just me though.

Kelly O'Connor Kelly O'Connor 2740 Points

Helpful and timely. Thank you!

Brendan Trache Brendan Trache 1395 Points

I think this is super important. If we want kids to move forward as improved writers, thinkers and scientists, we need to be providing thorough written feedback.

Richard Peterson Richard Peterson 30 Points

One need not make any broad studies of diverse media to give proof to this disappointment. It is sufficient to perceive how games has figured out how to acquire scope in different media in the course of the most recent couple of decades versus science. One may contend that this is so on the grounds that there are constantly a few games occasions happening everywhere throughout the world which actually draw the consideration of media.

Richard Peterson Richard Peterson 30 Points

Look like it is written by the skilled writer, so much charm and creativity in one post. Sci-fi has risen as adequate in the artistic gun with the consideration of a wide choice of sci-fi essayists as deserving of examining. In any event this was one of the realities I learned of a kind which I had for since quite a while ago connected with well known thrillers when we examined Contemporary American Literature in the US a year or somewhere in the vicinity back. Sci-fi is an expansive classification of fiction frequently including hypotheses on present or future science or innovation for the most part in books, craftsmanship, TV, movies, diversions, theater, and other media. In the time of TV, PCs and other innovation, the interest of contemporary fiction authors with innovation...

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