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Here are a few more resources on near earth objects.
1. WISE (Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer) is currently part of a NASA project to look for NEO's.
2. http:/ has information about NEO's near the bottom of the page.
Thanks for starting this thread Adah.
I think, in the Chicagoland area anyway, that I am more apt to get hit with some 'green ice' coming down from a toilet on a passing jet as it is taking off or landing, Adah. But I am always interested in outer space issues. Thanks for the links :-)
Are you serious about "green ice"?
It is definitely worthy to address NEOs in our curriculum. I have my high school astronomy students perform a cratering lab activity (see attachment), and I also have them perform impact simulations using this website: (I've also included an attachment for this activity). I also discuss asteroid/comet impacts in my physics classes when discussing momentum, and I have my physics students analyze the scenario discussed in the movie Armageddon (I've also attached that activity).
"It happened will happen again. It's just a question of when." - opening credits of Armageddon
Most certainly more will hit Earth. One did on January 2nd...
...and it was only ~ 22 hours after it was discovered. Thankfully, it was small and impacted with the atmosphere over the Atlantic, far from any landmass. It was so small it is doubtful that any of it made it to the ocean.