
Forums / Elementary Science / Classroom Management and Science Activities

Elementary Science

Classroom Management and Science Activities

Author Post
Alejandra Corona Alejandra Corona 210 Points

As a future educators, I would like to know how teacher maintain good classroom managment during a science activity/science experiment.

Thanks in advance. 

Carolyn Mohr Carolyn Mohr 92536 Points

Hi Alejandra,

It doesn't matter what subject one teachers, maintaining good classroom management is a necessity.  You are right to be concerned about science activities/experiments in particular.  We teachers need to ensure the safety of our students every minute they are in our classrooms. I put together a collection of resources a while back that addresses some of the things we need to consider.  You can access it here:!plus!IcE5Dd4r8o_E

It is called, 'Constructing My Science Classroom: Classroom Management Ideas for k-12 Teachers to Consider'.

Let me know if you found this helpful, and if you have any specific concerns in mind, please do let us know.  


Carolyn Mohr

Senior Online Advisor and Adjunct Science Methods Professor





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