Carolina Kits 3D Bundles – January 2025


Forums / Early Childhood / Future Educator

Early Childhood

Future Educator

Author Post
Jeanette Saenz Jeanette Saenz 435 Points

Hi everyone! My name is Jeanette Saenz and I am currently working on my Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies Focusing in bilingual education. I am taking a  course which teaches us how to teach science in the classroom. Due to this pandemic, teachers and students need to adjust to the online classes instead of the traditonal way of meeting up face to face . How are teachers keeping the students engaged? Is it challenging? What kind of activities are the students given to keep them active and hands on?

Maria Blanco Maria Blanco 440 Points

Hello, I'm also taking EDCI 3333. Personally I've seen that my brothers teachers is relating the cotent to the students. Some challenge I noticed the teacher has been having it getting the students to working and learning mode. For science class the teacher has fun, easy and no dangerous science activities to keep them engage.

Anne Lowry Anne Lowry 9413 Points

There are so many different ways teachers keep students engaged.  In fact, the more ideas you have, the more additional ideas you generate.  So much depends upon the age taught; things that are approrpriate and fun in a Prek science story and activity would not necesarily keep an older sudent engaged.


If you are going to be working with preK or above, I highly recommend the NSTA webinar series on sensemaking:  Web Seminar Series • Distance-Learning Strategies that Support Student Sensemaking.  It's tech heavy, but also talks about creating the community norms; the relationship piece that keeps it all together.




Joseph Bellina Joseph Bellina 170 Points

One of the things we often forget when engaging students doing science is that science is much more than just hands on, it is also minds on.  Science is about ideas, how we think about the world.  So perhaps in a remote environment where it is more difficult to do hands on simply because the students may not have the appropriate materials, it might be a better idea to great demonstrations that engage the students and then have conversations among the students about the demonstration.

It is important however to structure the demonstration so the student is focussed on what aspect you want them to experience.  One way would be to describe what will be done and then ask the students what they think will happen and why.  Then do it, and then discuss what they observed, was it what they expected and if not begin to explore new ideas to help them understand what happened, but asking leading questions.



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