Vernier Science Education - August 2024 p2


Forums / Evaluation and Assessment / Getting students to go above and beyond

Evaluation and Assessment

Getting students to go above and beyond

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Kaitlyn Czernicki Kaitlyn Czernicki 320 Points

[table][tr][td]How do you get students to do more work to learn and explore at a higher level than others when they grasp the content faster than other students? I get push back because students know that slower students don't have the extra projects. I can't really assign a grade for something that could hurt them if they don't do it since the rest of the class doesn't have to do it. [/td] [/tr] [/table]

Betty Paulsell Betty Paulsell 48560 Points

Have the advanced students help the students who are still working on the assignment. Kids (all ages) love to help others!

Pamela Dupre Pamela Dupre 92369 Points

For the higher level students, I ask them what interested them about the current unit of study and what would they like to know more about. I make them a teacher's assistant and allow them to choose if they want to work with someone else or on their own to find out more information about the topic. They then get to present a 5-10 minute lesson to the class. No grading is involved and it gives them a choice. I ask for daily updates and help them learn how to present information.

Alex Fox Alex Fox 4042 Points

Having resources for you higher level students to work on when they've finished the required work. Also just making sure you make modifications for you higher level learners for each lesson you teach. Don't just make your higher level learners do more work. You need to try an challenge them, If you just give them more work they'll start doing in-class work slower than usual so they get out of doing extra work.

Giselle Aguayo Giselle Aguayo 20 Points

One key way of challenging students is by encouraging them to support their peers with the material. Explain to them that if they truly have the greatest understanding of the material that they should be able to teach their peers. Students love helping their peers since not only do they feel satisfied with the fact they helped someone, but also because they can really say they know the material. Another option to encourage students to go onto higher levels is by making fun projects! In my education course, we constantly had fun questions that were tricky but enjoyable. When I presented a similar question to my students, they seemed to have the same reaction. Giving questions that build off one another is also essential when making these fun questions.

Emily Faulconer Emily Faulconer 5765 Points

When I taught at the high school level, I would design a 10-question assessment to test their prior knowledge. If they got an A on that, they could work through a 'self-instruction' of the material and then complete a special project. Special projects varied: teach a 10-minute segment of the unit, serve as a lab assistant for a day to guide other students through the work, prepare the science bulletin board with something engaging on the topic, etc. 

I teach college-level science online now, so units typically take just one week, making this approach not ideal. 

Carole Moreno Carole Moreno 8288 Points

For my higher level and early finishers i have then do a reflection on their learning and when that is complete they have choices. Stem bins, station activities or enhance their notebooks

Jessalyn Primrose Jessalyn Primrose 4465 Points

Pamela, I really like your ideas for providing gifted students the chance to enhance their learning. I think a lot of kids are more likely to feel a personal connection to their units when they get the chance to choose what they would like to do! It would also be interesting to see them present to the class. This helps them explain their thinking and gives the other students a chance to hear further explanation. Thank you for the ideas!

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